The concept of «native language training» in the context of medical education (original) (raw)
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Patient-oriented linguo-professional training of medical students
Perspectives of Science & Education, 2023
Introduction. Patient-oriented communicative interaction in medicine is studied in various sciences, however, teaching appropriate communication in a medical university is impossible without taking into account its verbal specifics due to the high linguistic activity of the medical profession. Patient-oriented communication skills should be systematically formed in linguo-professional training, which disciplines and topics require clarification. The purpose of the study: to determine a set of disciplines and topics for patient-oriented linguo-professional training of medical students and to identify their demand among students and teachers of higher medical education (HME). Research methods: study of scientific and educational literature, reflecting the communicative aspects of the professional activities of physicians; questionnaire survey (174 teachers and 766 students of the Siberian State Medical University (Russia, Tomsk), ranking the subjects of patient-oriented linguoprofessional training according to their demand among students and teachers of the HME, summarizing the results of the study Research results. It is substantiated that the patient-oriented linguo-professional training of physicians should: 1) act as a significant component of their university training; 2) promote the development of professional and communicative (linguo-professional) competence for the implementation of effective verbal communication in professional activities in the dyad “doctor – patient”; 3) be based on the principles of the anthropological approach, the ideology of patient-orientation in medicine. The 16 most relevant topics for this training were identified, among which the topics related to speech etiquette in the communication of a doctor, his communication tasks, rules and techniques of conflict-free communication are especially in demand among students and teachers of the HME. Priority methods and technologies for teaching communication with patients have been identified: conversations, situational tasks, active listening, dialogue communication, giving examples, simulation technologies. Conclusion. The achievements of linguistic research in medical communication and the principles of a patient-oriented approach should be taken into account in the linguo-professional training of physicians. Its implementation is possible through the complementarity of the content of linguistic and non-linguistic disciplines or a single discipline for teaching patient-oriented communication.
Worldview potential of professional language training: future medical specialists’ opinion survey
Perspectives of Science & Education, 2024
Introduction. The aggravation of interethnic contradictions in the world, the growth of natural disasters, as well as the strengthening of military confrontation, force the medical education system to ensure the formation of a professional worldview of future medical specialists capable of performing professional tasks at a high level. The professional language training of medical students is one of the areas of this work. The purpose of the study is to identify the opinion of medical university students about the worldview potential of professional language training. Materials and methods. The empirical base of the study includes the group surveys results of students of the Ryazan State Medical University named after academician I.P. Pavlov, in which 140 people took part, 70 of whom were the first-year students and 70 – the third-year students. The analysis of the study results was provided with the application of Statistica 12.0 and Microsoft Excel 2016. Methods of descriptive and comparative statistics were used as well. The data are presented in the form of frequencies (%), medians, lower (Q1) and upper (Q3) quartiles, average values with the calculation of standart deviation. The Mann–Whitney U test was used to identify differences between groups. The results of the study revealed that the first-year students had a relatively average level of assessment of a foreign language as a potential resource for the formation of a professional worldview. While the third-year students demonstrated a higher level of understanding of the worldview potential of language training. There were statistically significant differences between the answers of the groups of the first and third-year students in four provided questions (p < 0.001). An important aspect identified in the study is the need for regular curriculum updates, and the development of methods that contribute to the formation of a professional worldview of future physicians. The scientific novelty of the study is based on determining and analyzing the opinions and assessments of students, characterizing the medical students’ understanding of the worldview potential of professional language training. Practical significance lies in the possibility of using the obtained data to timely identify the worldview characteristics of students. Conclusion. As a direction of further research, the development of technologies for the formation of students' worldview in the process of professional language training can be proposed.
Залучення засад Second Language Acquisition у викладання латинської мови у медичних закладах освіти
51. Литовська О. Залучення засад Second Language Acquisition у викладання латинської мови у медичних закладах освіти. Modern Trends in Foreign Languages Research and Teaching: Proceedings of the 2nd International Scientific and Practical Online Conference (Poltava, 18-19 May 2023). Poltava: Astraya, 2023
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Scientific Bulletin of Uzhhorod University. Series: «Pedagogy. Social Work», 2020
інтеграція України у міжнародний освітній простір зумовила формування полікультурного середовища (а саме-полінаціональних груп студентів) на базі вітчизняних ЗВО. Нові реалії вищої освіти вимагають внесення якісно нових змін до методик і підходів навчання, відмінних від тих, що традиційно застосовуються під час роботи з мононаціональними академічними групами. Одним з початкових етапів розробки новітніх методик є відбір та організація навчального матеріалу для формування англомовної професійно орієнтованої компетентності, позаяк англійська мова є провідною мовою фахового міжнаціонального спілкування. Увага до спеціальності «Медицина» опосередкована найбільшою популярністю лікарського фаху серед зарубіжних студентів. Метою дослідження є визначити, охарактеризувати та класифікувати принципи відбору та організації навчального матеріалу, важливі для ефективного формування англомовної професійно орієнтованої компетентності у говорінні майбутніх лікарів з урахуванням специфіки полікультурного академічного середовища. Указана мета зумовила вибір взаємопов'язаних методів дослідження, а саме структурно-логічний та функціональний аналіз, а також системно-структурний та компаративний аналіз. У статті виокремлені та описані три категорії принципів, зокрема принципи відбору навчального матеріалу, принципи організації навчального матеріалу, а також сукупні принципи відбору та організації навчального матеріалу. Обґрунтовано доцільність використання зазначених принципів для формування англомовної професійно орієнтованої компетентності в говорінні майбутніх лікарів у полікультурному середовищі. Ключові слова: англомовна професійно орієнтована компетентність; англомовне професійно орієнтоване говоріння; полікультурне середовище; полінаціональна група; принципи відбору навчального матеріалу; принципи організації навчального матеріалу.
Perspectives of Science & Education, 2022
Introduction. The relevance of research subject is defined by qualitative changes concerning methodical retraining of teachers at the postgraduate level in the light of requirements of UNESKO, WHO and statements of conception development relating to conditions improvement for attracting students from abroad. The practice of teaching academic disciplines shows the absence of bilingual education programs. Materials and methods. The research was conducted on the basis of Altai State Medical University during one academic year, the time-volume was 252 h, the total number of listeners – 40. The lectures and practical classes were performed in online and distant forms by means of educational virtual platform «Moodle». The main statistic calculation was conducted by means of element analysis of the data obtained. The calculation was performed to assess individual achievements concerning the completeness of task – suggested performance. The results of the study. A high level of quality related to the conduction of tasks using English and Russian languages were presented: 15 instructors – excellent, 15 – good, 10 – satisfactory. Diagnostic values allow to conclude that the implementation of the program and 2 teaching aids results in qualitative improvement of the training results in methods of teaching in relation to the concrete scientific domain as well as to the changing in language and speech skills used for organization and management of learning-teaching process under the circumstances of bilingual approach. Conclusions. The authors came to the conclusion that the program based on the interdisciplinary integration and the training aids (theoretical and practical ones) developed according to the principle of bilinguism allow to improve simultaneously the level of mastering foreign competence under the circumstances related to real situations. The authors proved the effectivity of technique directed to the improvement of «essay» writing by which the skills of problem decision, the choice of adequate graphic aids, the formulation of tasks for students by means of English language, critical analyzing the issues have been developed.
Development of Communicative Abilities of Bilingual Students in the Conditions of Medical Education
Современные проблемы науки и образования (Modern Problems of Science and Education)
Цель статьи-определить приемы развития коммуникативных способностей студентов-билингвов в условиях медицинского образования. В исследовании использовались методы психолингвистического анализа текста-методы анализа межфразовой связи, структурно-смысловой организации, логической организации высказывания. Процедурный анализ строился на методологии W.U. Dressler, S.J. Schmidt (Германия), T.A. Dijk van, T.A. Dijk (США), С.И. Гиндина (Россия). При анализе высказываний студентовбилингвов медицинских отделений Казанского федерального университета было установлено, что их русскую речь на семинарах, практикумах характеризуют недостатки, затрудняющие понимание того, что они хотят сказать или написать. Эти недостатки обусловлены неумением струдентов-билингвов строить связную речь на русском языке: неумением строить цепную (последовательную) связь предложений; неспособностью конструировать смысловые единицы в форме абзацев или сложных синтаксических целых; неумением соблюдать в речи логику изложения-неумением строить рассуждения или умозаключения. Исследовательский замысел заключался в том, чтобы научить студентов анализировать учебный медицинский текст с точки зрения межфразовой связи, структурно-смысловой организации, логической структуры высказывания; сформировать у студентов приемы построения текста на русском языке. Педагогические эксперименты в Казанском федеральном университете по обучению преподавателей-экспериментаторов и студентов-билингвов медицинских отделений аналитической работе с учебным текстом (2020-2022 гг.) позволили сделать выводы о том, что: 1) такая работа повышает уровень понимания иноязычного текста; 2) овладением приемами аналитической работы с текстом положительно влияет на степень его осмысления и воспроизведения на втором (русском) языке; 3) работа над смысловой структурой учебного текста при освоении студентами-билингвами дисциплин общекультурного и профессионального блоков должна носить системный характер. Ключевые слова: медицинское образование, коммуникативные способности, студенты, межфразовая связь, структурно-смысловая организация, логическая структура, текст, приемы обучения.
Perspectives of Science & Education, 2024
Introduction. The integrated approach, being one of the innovative approaches in teaching a foreign language for professional communication, contributes to the parallel development of both students’ foreign language communication skills and their professional competencies within a single academic course. To attain effective outcomes in the dual objective of training, it is crucial not only to meticulously choose the integrated course content, considering its subject-thematic focus, but also to devise a practical training method that mirrors the specifics of future medical specialists' professional activities. The aim of this research is to develop a method of teaching trainee doctors foreign language professional communication based on an integrated approach. Materials and methods. First year trainee doctors of the Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics specialty of Derzhavin Tambov State University (Russian Federation) were the participants of the experimental study. In the control group (N = 20), students studied the language for special purposes, and in the experimental group (N = 20) students studied using an integrated approach. Evaluation of students’ progress was based on seven criteria. The Student's statistical t-test method was used for the results process. Results. The integrated approach effectiveness was confirmed during experimental study, which reflected the mastery of the professional thesaurus by trainee doctors (t=3.19 at p≤0.05), in the development of writing (t=4.8 at p≤0.05), speaking skills (t=4.8 at p≤0.05) and solving professional cases on the studied language (t=2.17 at p≤0.05). However, the study did not confirm the integrated approach advantages in the grammatical speech skills formation of trainee doctors (t=1.45 at p>0.05), in the development of listening skills (t=1 at p>0.05) and reading skills (t=1.45 at p>0.05). The results obtained can be explained by the fact that by the beginning of experimental work, students had already developed the following language and speech skills at a high level (B1-B2). Conclusion. The novelty of the study is in the development of a method for teaching trainee doctors professional foreign language during an integrated course. The prospects for the work are to further study the potential of the integrated approach in teaching students who speak the language at level A2-B1. It is anticipated that the effectiveness of the integrated learning method will be evaluated on a group of students with a foreign language communicative competence level of A2-B1. Additionally, the methodology is of research interest as it aims to identify the speech skills of foreign language interaction, categorized by types of speech activity, in a specific professional field of communication.