Urgensi dan Kedudukan Shodaq (Mahar) dalam Pernikahan (original) (raw)

Urgensi Fiqih Nadzar Dalam Proses Pernikahan

YUDISIA : Jurnal Pemikiran Hukum dan Hukum Islam, 2018

The least knowledge of fiqh in Islam resulted in many people who violate it. such as marriage issues. many people do not know about fiqh in the marriage process. So many who do wrong before marriage with courtship or free sex that is prohibited in Islamic law is prohibited.in Islamic law one of the processes in marriage is to see (nadzar) the prospective wife or husband. Seeing a potential wife or husband to be one cause to achieve happiness in the family. Prophet Muhammad advised his followers to see his future wife, so do not regret after married.

Tinjauan Perspektif Fikih Terhadap Pelaksanaan Mahar Dalam Pernikahan

Familia: Jurnal Hukum Keluarga

The process of marriage in Islam starting from the engagement stage to the reception is very much considered in every process. One part that is quite interesting in Islam is the dowry. Dowry is a form of gift that must be held in marriage issued by a man to a woman. Another definition of dowry is a full right that must be given to women as a form of respect for women in Islam as well as a form of responsibility and seriousness of a man to marry. From this description, this study chose library research as the research method and character analysis as the approach. Furthermore, as a result of this scientific study, in the perspective of fiqh, the views of the jurists differed in opinion, for example, the jurists, especially the jurists from the four schools of thought, had different opinions about the amount of the dowry and the payment and giving of the dowry. However, from the differences of each cleric, of course, his thoughts direct the benefits of applying dowry in Islamic law. A...

Urgensi Hakam dalam Pelestarian Perkawinan Menurut Pandangan Ulama Tafsir

An-Nawa : Jurnal Studi Islam

Hakam adalah salah satu unsur yang penting dalam penyelesaian permasalahan perceraian, karena hakam adalah pihak ketiga yang berusaha menyelesaikan permasalahan dengan bijaksana. Dan ini sesuai dengan perintah Allah untuk mengutus hakam jika dikhawatirkan akan terjadi percekcokan antar suami istri. Adanya petunjuk Qur’ani ini sudah menjelaskan akan pentingnya hakam dalam membantu menyelesaikan permasalahan keluarga baik yang berpendapat bahwa perintah itu lil wujub atau hanya sunat. Dari beberapa kitab tafsir yang membahas pendapat para ulama tafsir adalah tafsir al-Qurtubi. Oleh karena itu objek penelitian ini ditumpukan pada tafsir al-Qurtubi, selain kitab-kitab lain sebagai tambahan referensi. Dalam tulisan ini ditemukan bahwa Peran hakam begitu penting dalam proses pelestarian perkawinan. Adanya perintah mengutus hakam dari pihak suami dan pihak istri ketika kondisi keluarga sudah mencapai puncak pertengkaran dan perselisihan menjadi bukti akan pentingnya hakam.

Kau Berikan Mahar dalam Sebuah Pernikahan sebagai


ABSTRACK Every marriage or the bond of secred promises between men and women must be called dowry. A marriage will be more perfect and valid if there is a dowry in marriage, a prospective wife has the right to ask dowry to the prospective husband, even in a bond of sacred dowry promises is an obligation a husband gives to his wife. No matter how small the dowry. Giving dowry is something that must be done for a man who will marry the women he lovers. Although when the consent and dowry is not spoken it is still mandatory in a marriage. The mahar has its own meaning for a woman ,as a sign that a women does have to be be respected and glorified by a man, the size of the dowry, as long as it has been agreed by both parties and is given sincerely and not burdensome from one party , the marriage and gift of the marriage and gift of the bride price is valid. Abstrak Setiap pernikahan atau ikatan janji suci antara laki-laki dan perempuan pasti ada yang dinamakan dengan Mahar , sebuah pernikahan akan lebih sempurna dan sah apabila adanya Mahar dalam pernikahan , seorang calon istri berhak untuk memintak mahar kepada sang calon suami , bahkan didalam sebuah ikatan janji suci Mahar ialah sebuah kewajiban seorang suami memberikan kepada istri sekecil apapun mahar tersebut. Pemberian mahar itu ialah suatu hal yang wajib dilaksanakan bagi seorang laki-laki yang akan menikahi wanita yang dicintainya. Walaupu di saat ijab dan qobul mahar tersebut tidak diucapkan itu masih

Maqoshid Al Syari’Ah Dalam Hukum Mahar Perkawinan

ALADALAH: Jurnal Politik, Sosial, Hukum dan Humaniora

Abstrak: Mahar in the Koran is referred to by various terms. This varied term of dowry contains specific aims and objectives (maqashid syari'ah). To find out the maqasid syari'ah dowry, it is necessary to carry out a comprehensive study of the verses of the Koran that explain dowry. Among the verses of the Koran that explain dowries include QS. Annisa 4 and 20 and QS. Al Baqarah 237. Maqasid al Sharia as a conception in understanding the aims and objectives of Islamic shari'ah needs to be used as a basis for analysis in conducting a comprehensive study. In Ibn Asyur's maqashid al syari'ah, there are three steps that can be taken in conducting maqashid analysis, first, istiqra' (observation) of the syar'I arguments. Second, a comprehensive assessment of the arguments that have the same topic. Third, the use of mutawatir hadiths as support in conducting analysis. The results of applying Ibn Asyur's maqashid al syari'ah to the arguments regarding dow...

Pandangan Mazhab Hanafi Dan Maliki Terhadap Jumlah Kadar Mahar Pada Akad Nikah


The general view of dowry in the form of valuables or money that has economic value, This makes the prospective bridegroom guess the minimum amount of dowry that will be given. However, lately many unique dowry-giving phenomena. Like, dowry by reading the surah in the Qur'an. This shows that there is no indicator that requires the prospective bridegroom to give dowry with a certain minimum and maximum. This library research tries to reveal the provisions of the dowry level using descriptive analytic. Data processing uses editing, classification and systematization. Furthermore, the data were analyzed qualitatively by the inductive thinking method. As a result, Mahar must have religious and philosophical values, dowry does not have certain minimum limits except in matters of customary law. While Imam Maliki believes that the bride price given by the prospective bridegroom is at least 3 dirhams or the equivalent of 8,925 grams of gold. While Imam Hanafi said the amount of dowry was at least 10 dirhams or the equivalent of 29.75 grams of gold. However, Islam advocates to facilitate dowry that has wisdom that for young people to hurry to get married so as not to fall prey to promiscuity that causes damage to him. The recommended amount of dowry is the dowry given in accordance with the

Fenomena Pernikahan dengan Mahar Surah Ar-Rahman

Getting marrieed is a prophet's command, in a marriage have a rukun, manny people nowadays, want dowry surah Ar-Rahman. What is the views of the ulama towards this? Is the marriage valid? Let's discuss them one by one.

Penetapan Mahar Terhadap Kelangsungan Pernikahan Ditinjau Menurut Hukum Islam

JURIS (Jurnal Ilmiah Syariah), 2016

In Islamic marriage system, mahar is one of the prior concern although it is not any of rules (rukun) of the marriage itself. Etymologically, mahar means dowry. Terminologically, it refers to something which is given by a husband to his wife as replacement or guarantee from him from what he takes from her. It can be either in form of things or sevices (such as setting slaves free, teaching, etc. Basically, mahar is genuinely the right of a wife. That means it is the wife that determines what and how many/much she wants it to be given to her. Even if she does not want anything for her mahar, a husband does not need to force to provide it. However, if his wife requires him to give her mahar, it should be whole and kind hearted gift to her. This reasonable since mahar symbolizes deep and true feeling of love and legal evidence of bond between a husband and a wife. However, in its implementation, mahar is not a simple as it may seem. Involving traditional and religious leaders in determining and approving mahar (as in Binabo Julu village) made few marriages postponed, unregistered (siri) or even cancelled. This also indicates that mahar potentially gives unexpected impacts toward the marriage it self Kata kunci: mahar, pernikahan, dan hukum Islam

Jasa sebagai Mahar Pernikahan dalam Perspektif Empat Mazhab

BUSTANUL FUQAHA: Jurnal Bidang Hukum Islam

This study aims to find out the views of the school's scholars about services as a marriage dowry by comparing opinions and expressing differences and similarities of opinion of the four schools of thought. The problems raised in this research; First, how is the concept of service as a marriage dowry in the view of the four schools of thought. Second, what are the similarities and differences in views on merit as a marriage dowry according to the four schools of thought. This study uses library research using the normative juridical approach and the comparative approach. The research results found are as follows; First, the Maliki, Syafii and Hambali scholars generally allow services as a dowry or as a result of wages from services. As for the Hanafi school of thought, the dowry must be in the form of property, while the law of origin of the benefits of services cannot be equated with wealth. Second, the four schools agreed to make the marriage contract valid even though the Han...

Seperangkat Alat Shalat Sebagai Mahar Pernikahan Perspektif Hadis

El Nubuwwah: Jurnal Studi Hadis

Mahar is a form of Islamic concern for a woman, so as a form of respecting her position, she is given the right to receive a dowry (dowry) when she wants to marry. Mahar is closely related to marriage. Even though it is not included in the pillars of marriage, the dowry remains the wife's right that must be fulfilled by the husband. It is common in society, especially in rural areas, to make a set of prayer tools as a wedding dowry, even though there are actually various types of dowry that can be submitted, such as a sum of money and jewelry. The purpose of this study is to describe the eligibility status of a set of prayer tools used as a wedding dowry today in a hadith review and differences of opinion regarding the criteria for dowry in marriage. Data collection in this study used a qualitative approach which included observations, interviews, and literature review which were then presented in the form of descriptive narratives based on hadiths and the opinions of several Im...