Teologi Agama Seyyed Hossein Nasr (original) (raw)
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This article examines Seyyed Hossein Nasr's thought on metaphysics and its relation to spiritual education. Nasr's paradigm is based on the universality and absolute dimension of Islam. Nasr utilizes Islamic intellectual tradition such as kalam, philosophy and mysticism as a tool to explain Islamic teachings. As a disciple of Shuhrawardi's philosophy of illumination, Nasr proposes a concept called scientia sacra as an authentic knowledge because it is derived from the Quran and human intellect. Scientia sacra appears in the form of "al-'ilm al-hudluri". As regard crises faced by modern human beings, the forgotten tradition derived from Islamic sufism should be included in the current Islamic education model as an answer to the thirst for spirituality among modern humankinds.
Konsepsi Tuhan dalam Kesemestaan Menurut Seyyed Hossein Nasr
Persoalan ke-Tuhan-an dalam tradisi keagamaan monoteis selalu mendapat perhatian utama dan menempati posisi teratas dari berbagai persoalan keagamaan lainnya. Tuhan merupakan sentral sekaligus inti dari semua yang ada. Karena konsepsi tentang Tuhan akan membawa kepada bagaimana cara memahami dan menyikapi apa yang ada selain Tuhan, seperti tradisi kenabian dan kewahyuan. Kondisi ini kemudian bermuara kepada cara pandang tentang kesemestaan dan pola hubungan di antara berbagai dimensi yang ada
Filsafat Perenial dan Dialog Agama: Studi Pemikiran Seyyed Hossein Nasr
Social conflict as something that no longer only stems from the issue of economic inequality and political interests. However, differences in conceptions between religions and religious prejudice against other religious communities are the causes of social conflicts. The important thing that urgently needs to be done is to create and expand religious dialogue. However, the religious dialogue that has been initiated and practiced over the last few decades still needs to be taken more seriously. This study aims to complete a literature review related to how perennial philosophy can be an alternative approach to a more serious religious dialogue. This study focuses on the thoughts of Seyyed Hossein Nasr several of his works that are relevant to discussions related to perennial philosophy and religious dialogue. The research method was carried out by collecting data using library research techniques. After the data has been collected, then data analysis is carried out using historical d...
Islam Dan Filsafat Perenial: Respon Seyyed Hossein Nasr Terhadap Nestapa Manusia Modern
Fathin Fauhatun, 2020
This paper examines Seyyed Hossein Nasr's thoughts on Islam and perennial philosophy in dealing with the problems of modern humans. The purpose of this article is to explain the plight of modern humans and to explain how to overcome this problem through a study of the thoughts of a contemporary Muslim figure, namely Seyyed Hossein Nasr. In Nasr's perspective, perennial philosophy is a philosophy of eternity which is also interpreted as traditional wisdom. This thought about Nasr's perennial philosophy emerged as a critical reaction to what he saw as a crisis in modern humans. Modern civilization in the West which also flourished in the Islamic world, according to Nasr, has failed to achieve its goals because it has caused a variety of existentialism and spiritual crises experienced by modern humans. Through perennial philosophy, Nasr explained that to deal with the problems currently faced by modern humans is to get closer to God through Sufism as has been done by ancien...
Konsep Seni Islam Sayyid Husein Nasr
Sayyid Husein Nasr divided art into three parts: pure art, traditional art and religious art. Islamic art included on pure art, relates to the principle of cosmos unity and principle of individual life unity and society. Because of that, according to Nasr, thinking about Islamic art is not based on material and social political experience that scope on inner reality of al Quran. In other hand, Islamic art also based on wisdom or knowledge that inspired of spiritual values, therefore Islamic art can be made as a result of khazain al ghaib. Because of that, Islamic art always reflected on religious values and explained of spiritual qualities. Actually, there are four functions which carry out by Islamic art. (1) Aims a blessed as cause of spiritual relation with Islamic spiritual dimension; (2) Remembering presence of the God in everywhere peoples are; (3) As criteria to evaluate social movement, cultural or politic that really Islamic or not; (4) to determined step of intellectual relation and religious of society.
Kontribusi Filsafat Perenial Sayyed Hossein Nasr terhadap Sains Modern
Prosiding Konferensi Integrasi Interkoneksi Islam dan Sains, 2020
Kehadiran sains modern berawal dari perkembangan antara zaman ke zaman atau bisa disebut juga dengan bentuk renaisans. Kehadiran sains modern sebagai modernisme ini banyak mendapatkan kritikan dari beberapa filosof post-modern bahkan filosof tradisionalis, salah satunya yaitu Sayyed Hossein Nasr. Menurutnya, sains modern telah membawa dampak dekadensi serta mengalami desakralisasi, dan berfokus pada materialitas serta menimbulkan krisis spiritual dalam kehidupan. Menurut pandangan Nasr, yang menjadi akar dari seluruh krisis pada dunia modern, ialah kesalahan dalam mengkonsepsikan manusia, dimana dunia modern ini memisahkan antara sains dan agama. Nasr menawarkan sains sakral yang merupakan pengejawantahan dari filsafat perenial sebagai solusi dari permasalahan sains modern. Filsafat perenial ialah model pemikiran secara Holistik. Filsafat perenial dibagi menjadi dua bagian, yaitu rasio (nalar) dan intelek. Penelitian ini mencoba untuk menerapkan pemikiran solutif terhadap problem sains modern melalui pemikiran filsafat perenial Sayyed Hossein Nasr. Metode yang dilakukan untuk mengetahuinya yaitu dengan cara kita bisa memperoleh data-data atau informasi-informasi tentang problem sains modern. Dengan ini, tesis yang kami ajukan yaitu kontribusi filsafat perennial terhadap sains modern dapat menyadarkan diri bahwa mengetahui aspek spiritual itu sangat penting dan fundamental dalam perkembangan sains.
Rekontekstualisasi Pemikiran Seyyed Hossein Nasr tentang Pendidikan
This article discusses the conception of science and its significance for the reconstruction of Islamic education , by analyzing and contextualizing the thoughts of Seyyed Hossein Nasr. Nasr is considered a figure who has competence in history of science and philosophy with special emphasis on Islamic science and philosophy. In the earlier phase of his life, he acquainted himself with the thoughts of prominent thinkers both from East and West, and with the very issue of the encounter between East and West. This position makes the thoughts of Nasr on science having their distinctive character. The first part of this paper investigates the construct and characteristics of Islamic science as well as the hierarchy and the idea of unity in Islamic science. The second part of this paper is dealing with the reformulation of philosophical basis of Islamic education, most specifically in the domain of ontology, epistemology and axiology. The third is dealing with the attempts of reconstructing the system of Islamic education, most notably pertaining to the aim of education, educator, student, means of education, and milieu of education.
Environmental theology is the science that discusses relationship between religion and nature is primarily concerned with environmental issues. Theology environment is a way to bring God into the ecological aspect. This conception appears as a response to the issue of environmental crises that occurred since the Middle Ages. In the theology perspective, environmental crisis that is currently going on can't be separated from human behavior is conscious or not have damaged the ecosystem of the earth so that a balance is threatened. This article seeks it by borrowing a concept of Seyyed Hossein Nasr poured in some of his magnum opus. Search of authors for works Nasr, in general the environmental crisis caused by modern human error of viewing the world. Modern humans are greedy and view the world solely as an object of scientific development also caused the loss of esoteric dimension. Nasr then give a solution that is appropriate nature is seen as a theophany; God's power mirrors and a haven for humans. Kata Kunci: Teologi Lingkungan, Seyyed Hossein Nasr, Modern PENDAHULUAN Dunia modern ibarat dua mata pisau: di satu sisi ia menawarkan " warna baru " yang menakjubkan, namun di sisi lain ia juga memberikan imbas kerusakan. Manusia modern—kata Budi Hardiman—adalah 'makhluk' yang tersentak dari keterpukauannya terhadap alam sehingga
Wahyu Dalam Pandangan Nasr Hamid Abu Zaid
Al-Bayan: Jurnal Studi Ilmu Al- Qur'an dan Tafsir
Wahyu is a matter that is very important in the Islamic religion and even becomes the principle of the realization of Islam itself. Likewise the theme of revelation in the treasure "ulu> m al-Qur'a> n. Therefore, many studies of revelation are carried out by Muslim thinkers, he has always been targeted by enemies of Islam to weaken Islam and its people. Nasr Hamid Abu Zaid is a big name in the world of Islamic Thought trying to offer new ideas about the revelation. In reviewing tradition (turath) in the field of thought, especially in the study of "up" al-Qur'a> n Nasr Hamid Abu Zaid is different from his predecessors. If his predecessors were more inclined to follow or taqli> d with existing ideas, Nasr Hamid Abu Zaid would prefer to criticize these thoughts. Even further, he doesn't just criticize but doesn't hesitate to reject it. Abu Zaid's critical attitude was realized by leading, "ulu> m al-Qur'a> n, as the object of his study towards a rational scientific level. Because this study is still considered a way in place, which is still in the theological-mythological realm. So there have been no efforts to go to a higher level, namely the scientific-rational level. This study aims to find out Nasr Hamid Abu Zaid's view of revelation. The method used in writing is descriptive analysis. the first step taken is to collect primary and secondary data then classify, describe and then analyze. The results of this study indicate that Abu Zaid studied the revelation by analyzing cultural elements so that what distinguishes them from other interpreters is between revelation and culture. social culture plays an important role and influences the emergence of a text. Abu Zaid explained the process of the revelation of the Koran by borrowing the Roman Jakobson communication model theory, although it was not exactly the same. "The revelation process according to him is an act of communication which naturally consists of speakers, namely God, a recipient, namely the Prophet Muhammad, a communication code, namely Arabic, and a canel, the Holy Spirit (Gabriel). Nasr Hamid Abu Zaid was also influenced by Toshihiko Izutsu and al-Jurjani.