Syarat Ijab Kabul Dalam Perkawinan: Ittihad Al-Majlis Dalam Akad Nikah Perspektif Ulama Empat Madzhab (original) (raw)
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Hukum Islam
As global civilization and technology advance, so do the problems that humanity as a whole must solve, especially by Muslims who follow certain lifestyle standards. Islam regulates marriage in sufficient detail, including the issue of ittihad al-majlis in the marriage contract, which becomes problematic due to technological advances and human elasticity. Using the library research method and based on information from library materials, the author will use it to identify relevant legal provisions and principles to address the problems found. The results of this study show that ittihad almajlis in the marriage contract has several meanings according to the views of the scholars of the four madhabs, some argue that ittihad al-majlis does not have to be united in one place, but rather the ijab and kabul are the ones who are in one place, meaning that the person who will perform the ijab and kabul does not have to be in one place as well as the witnesses.
Istinbath | Jurnal Penelitian Hukum Islam
Marriage is considered valid if it has fulfilled the terms and conditions of marriage. Among the pillars of marriage are the consent and kabul. Based on the law of origin, the ulama agreed that the consent came from the bride, while the Kabul came from the groom. However, in the matter of ittishal between the consent and the marriage contract, the scholars have different opinions. If there is no ittishal between the consent and the marriage ceremony, then the contract is still considered valid while it is still focused on the contract procession and not for a long time. The objectives of the research are, (1) knowing and analyzing the opinion of Shaykh Nizhamuddin Al-Balkhi about ittishal between consent and kabul in the marriage contract, (2) knowing the basis of the legal arguments used by Shaykh Nizhamuddin Al-Balkhi regarding ittishal between consent and kabul in the marriage contract, and (3) knowing the ijtihad method used in his istimbath al-hukminya. In this thesis research ...
Kedudukan dan Standarisasi Kafaah dalam Pernikahan Perspektif Ulama Madzhab Empat
Asy-Syari’ah : Jurnal Hukum Islam, 2021
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Makna Muttashil Dalam Ijab Dan Kabul Pernikahan Perspektif Mazhab Syafi’I
Jurnal Al-Wasith : jurnal studi hukum Islam, 2023
In marriage there are several pillars and conditions, where if one of the pillars or conditions is not fulfilled, it could make the marriage invalid according to Islamic religious law. There are four pillars of marriage, namely: bride and groom (male and female), guardian (of the bride), two witnesses, sighat (consent and acceptance). In the Ijab and Kabul contract, there are conditions that must be fulfilled in order for the marriage contract to be valid according to Sharia, namely the continuity of the Ijab and Kabul. The meaning of continuity is that there is no separation between consent and acceptance. This type of research is Library Research (Library Research). Based on the data sources that I have collected and studied, I have come up with the meaning of muttashil in the ijab and kabul perspective of the Shafi'i school which refers to the books of Al-Umm, Syarhu al-Shagir, Syarhu al-Shaghir, Buku al-Majmu'. In the book al-Majmu' by Imam Nawawi, it is explained that if the consent and acceptance are interrupted by many words and long silences, if it can indicate the groom's turning away from the consent, the marriage contract will certainly not be valid, because it is not muttashil (continued).
Konstruksi Sintaksis Kaifiatul Ikhbar Dalam Akad Ijab Kabul Pernikahan
TSAQOFIYA Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Arab IAIN Ponorogo, 2021
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Pernikahan Paksa Gadis Dibawah Umur oleh Wali Perspektif Ulama dan Keempat Madzhab
Perkawinan merupakan salah satu tema yang mendapat perhatian besar di dalam Islam karena menyangkut tujuan-tujuan dalam salah satu dari Al-Dharuriyyat Al-Khomsah di dalam Maqashid Al-Syari"ah, yaitu Hifzh Al-Nasl (menjaga keturunan). Untuk mendapatkan suatu data yang akurat dan relevan dengan permasalahan yang diteliti, maka penulis menggunakan metodologi penelitian hukum normatif dengan pendekatan studi kepustakaan (library research) yang menggunakan bahan pustaka. Hasil pembahasan menunjukkan bahwa Sebagian ulama berpendapat, anak gadis yang masih kecil dan belum dewasa sehingga ia belum bisa memberikan keputusan, maka dalam konteks kemaslahatan itu syariat memboehkan untuk mengawinkannya; bahwa anak gadis yang belum bisa memberikan keputusan maka para wali yang punya kuasa penuh mengawinkannya demi kemaslahatan dirinya berdasarkan aturan-aturan syariat supaya terhindar dari kerusakan. Pendapat kedua mengatakan tidak bolehnya memaksa anak gadis untuk menikah, tetapi menuggu sampai ia dewasa dan bisa dimintai izinnya untuk dikawinkan.
Private, 2022
Pada praktiknya sering muncul permasalahan yang biasa terjadi pada proses akad nikah, yakni ketika ijab dan qabul. Salah satunya adalah adanya istilah “GANTUNG”, dimana istilah ini muncul di masyakarat, khususnya masyarakat di Kabupaten Hulu Sungai Utara, apabila terdapat “jeda” antara ijab yang diucapkan wali atau wakil wali dan qabul yang diucapkan calon suami, yakni calon suami terlambat mengucapkan qabul setelah ijab berakhir. Sehingga dasar ini, tujuan penulisan makalah ini adalah untuk mengetahui makna “gantung” dalam ijab dan qabul pada proses akad nikah dan untuk mengetahui tinjauan hukum Islam terhadap istilah “gantung” dalam ijab dan qabul pada proses akad nikah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pertama, penggunaan kata “gantung” dalam proses ijab dan qabul lebih dikonotasikan oleh masyarakat Banjar, khususnya di Kabupaten Hulu Sungai Utara dengan kata “jeda” dan penggunaan kata “gantung” tidak begitu tepat untuk mengatakan “jeda”, karena apabila diterjemahkan ke dalam bahasa Arab, “gantung” bermakna ta’liq. Kedua, berdasarkan tinjauan hukuk Islam jeda (gantung) yang tidak diperbolehkan adalah jeda yang lama ataupun panjang, artinya kalau sekedar mengambil nafas tidaklah mengapa, tidak akan membatalkan syarat ijab dan qabul.
Jasa sebagai Mahar Pernikahan dalam Perspektif Empat Mazhab
BUSTANUL FUQAHA: Jurnal Bidang Hukum Islam
This study aims to find out the views of the school's scholars about services as a marriage dowry by comparing opinions and expressing differences and similarities of opinion of the four schools of thought. The problems raised in this research; First, how is the concept of service as a marriage dowry in the view of the four schools of thought. Second, what are the similarities and differences in views on merit as a marriage dowry according to the four schools of thought. This study uses library research using the normative juridical approach and the comparative approach. The research results found are as follows; First, the Maliki, Syafii and Hambali scholars generally allow services as a dowry or as a result of wages from services. As for the Hanafi school of thought, the dowry must be in the form of property, while the law of origin of the benefits of services cannot be equated with wealth. Second, the four schools agreed to make the marriage contract valid even though the Han...