The Third Age Universities in Russian Higher Education: Problem Area (original) (raw)
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Мелентьев Ф.И. Российские университеты эпохи Великих реформ в восприятии цесаревича Николая Александровича // Вестник Московского университета. Серия 8. История. 2017. № 3. С. 17–33.
Статья посвящена взглядам старшего сына Александра II, цесаревича Николая Александровича, на университетский вопрос. Особое внимание уделяется образованию наследника престола, его общению с университетскими преподавателями, визитам в университеты во время путешествий по России и отношению к студенческим волнениям. Автор приходит к выводу, что искренний интерес цесаревича к университетам – уникальное явление в контексте истории взаимоотношений самодержавия и системы высшего образования в Российской империи. The article covers the views of the eldest son of Alexander II, tsesarevich Nicholas Alexandrovich, on the university issue. Special attention is paid to education of the heir to the throne, his contacts with university professors, his visits to universities during his travels through Russia and his attitude to student unrests. The author concludes that tsesarevich Nicholas Alexandrovich’s sincere interest to universities was a unique phenomenon in the context of the history of relations between the autocracy and the higher education system in the Russian Empire.
The First University of the Russian Empire
Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. History
Статья посвящена двум юбилеям Санкт-Петербургского университета-295-летию со дня основания (по указу императора Петра Великого) и 200-летию со дня официального возобновления (по указу императора Александра I). В фокусе статьи-противоречивый путь, который пришлось пройти университетской корпорации от «академического» университета XVIII в. к массовому университету начала ХХ столетия. В статье показано единство традиции университетского образования в Санкт-Петербурге, реконструирована логика трансформаций институтов университетского образования Николай Михайлович Кропачев-д-р юрид. наук, проф., ректор, Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет, Российская Федерация,
Modern trends for higher education in Ukraine
Modern trends for higher education in Ukraine, 2018
The current global trends are analyzed on paper in education with order to identify the main trends of higher education in Ukraine. There are known that fast-changing information society one of its main features is uncertainty today's. There are taking into account the current trends in the educational development and information technologies in planning the work of higher education institutions will determine the development directions of higher education in Ukraine. The analysis of foreign scientific articles and studies allowed to highlight the key trends in the higher education development, which should lead to transformations in Ukraine: the impact of information and communication technology leads to further improvement of material and technical, and educational, and methodological provision of HEI and transformation of approaches for teaching and learning; attention to the quality of education prompts to the search for certification mechanisms and the integration of national quality assurance schemes at the international level; coordinating the universities role as institutions of culture and the commercialization needs of higher education requires coordinating local needs and priorities, taking into account standards, practices and expectations at the national and international levels; the era of the information society and increasing the role of relevant data lead to a constant analysis of the work to the law enforcement in conditions of uncertainty and rapid change in order to make managerial and strategic decisions; necessary to increase human resource capacities urges the introduction of policies to encourage and promote an interdisciplinary approach in higher education, mainly in the area of research, training and implementation of educational programs; it is important to pay attention for accelerating the implementation of educational technologies in higher education, in particular new solutions for mixed learning, a cultureof innovation, study spaces redevelopment, immersed teaching methods, a collective approach for learning, open educational resources, cooperation between institutions of higher education; international practice of the educational services concept encourages the implementation and the diversification for educational programs to formal and informal education.