Using Administrative Data to Improve Social Protection in Indonesia (original) (raw)

Social Safety Nets in Indonesia: Analysis and Prospects

Social Safety Nets in Indonesia, 2004

Year Urban & Percentage Urban & Absolute Urban Rural Urban Rural rural points Urban Rural rural change change (millions) 1976 4 522 2 849 38.8 (rupiah/capita/month) URBAN RURAL Lowest Middle Highest Lowest Middle Highest 40 per 40 per 20 per All 40 per 40 per 20 per All cent cent cent cent cent cent

UNSDI Gazetteer Framework for Social Protection in Indonesia

The Gazetteer Framework Project aims to improve integration of, access to and use of data held in different government systems- through the development of a framework to manage gazetteers (directories of place names or identifiers with associated location information). The Gazetteer Framework is envisaged to provide a mechanism to link spatial data to support a range of development, humanitarian and environmental activities at different scales. The disparate systems which require integration to support operational outcomes typically employ different approaches to the use of gazetteers. Consequently, it is time-consuming and expensive to discover, access, interpret, transform and integrate information from different sources referenced using different gazetteers. Furthermore, when data changes the process must be repeated. A particular challenge in this process is the interpretation and matching of spatial identifiers across multiple datasets i.e. determining whether different data sources are using the same or different place names and associated locations/boundaries to reference information. Therefore, to enable multi-sector analysis and the development of coherent, complimentary, multi-sectoral responses, it is critical that the spatial dimension of information held by agencies working in different sectors can be easily understood. This project aims to re-engineer gazetteer data management, publishing and access mechanisms through the use of “game changers” in computing and networking (ICT) infrastructure. These include the use of LinkedData mechanisms and “cloud computing” to provide a ubiquitous, Web accessible and flexible infrastructure for to enable the resolving of spatial location identifiers providing links to definitions, spatial representations and related data. The project is being funded by the Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID) and the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO)and is initially focused on supporting Social Protection outcomes in Indonesia. The project has been jointly developed by CSIRO and the Office of the Assistant Secretary-General and Chief Information Technology Officer (ASG/CITO) of the UN Secretariat and is a deliverable of the Centre of Excellence for UN Spatial Data Infrastructure (CoE4UNSDI). The CoE4UNSDIaims to support development of standards and best practice methodologies for provisioning core datasets used within the UN System by strengthening capacities to create, maintain and publish spatial information. Within this context the UN Gazetteer Framework aims to provide standardised and easily exploitable means to reference geographic locations to support applications of the UNSDI. As part of the UNSDI Standards and Best Practices activity the project intends to collaborate with relevant expert groups including UNGEGN. UNGEGN members are encourage to actively participate in this project and plan to avail themselves of the infrastructure being developed to support their ongoing activities. Demonstrations of the Gazetteer Framework will be provided during the UNCSGN and UNGEGN members are invited to discuss collaboration potentials with the project team members.

Indonesia?s Single Registry for Social Protection Programmes


Indonesia began to implement targeted social assistance programmes for both households and individuals in the aftermath of the 1997 Asian financial crisis. The crisis had halted Indonesias economic growth and caused a sharp rise in domestic prices?particularly for food items, which led to a rapid and significant increase in poverty. The massive economic and social impacts of the crisis required a rapid roll-out of large-scale social assistance programmes, collectively termed the Social Safety Net (JPS), to protect households and communities that were most affected and to prevent the further spread of poverty. Such programmes relied on locally validated data from the National Family Planning Coordination Board and were largely pro-poor, although several targeting issues emerged. (?)

Who Gains from Social Assistances? Rastra, Pip, and PKH Programs in Indonesia

Jurnal BPPK (Badan Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Keuangan), 2019

Bantuan sosial menjadi salah satu strategi pemerintah dalam mengentaskan kemiskinan dan mengurangi ketimpangan. Artikel ini menganalisis dampak dan efektivitas berbagai alternatif kebijakan bansos terhadap pengentasan kemiskinan dan pengurangnan ketimpangan di Indonesia serta menganalisis distribusi manfaat masing-masing kebijakan bansos di Indonesia. Analisis dampak dilakukan dengan metode benefit incidence analysis menggunakan data Susenas Maret 2017, sedangkan masalah-masalah di lapangan diketahui dari analisis literatur dan media masa. Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan bantuan sosial di Indonesia berdampak terhadap pengentasan kemiskinan dan pengurangan ketimpangan serta bersifat progresif absolut. Rastra merupakan program yang paling mampu mengurangi angka kemiskinan dan ketimpangan dibandingkan PKH dan PIP. Meskipun demikian, dibutuhkan perbaikan lebih lanjut untuk mengatasi kebocoran dalam penyaluran bantuan sosial. Review atas literatur dan media masa menunjukkan masalah atas data penerima bantuan yang belum mutakhir dan penyaluran bantuan yang tidak sesuai ketentuan yang berlaku. Social assistance is one of the government's strategies in alleviating poverty and reducing inequality. This article analyses the impact and effectiveness of social assistance policies type on poverty alleviation and inequality reduction in Indonesia. besides, we analyzed the distribution of each social assistance policy benefit in Indonesia. The impact analysis was carried out using the benefit incidence analysis by using household surveys (Susenas) data in March 2017, while problems in the fields were collected from literature and mass media analyses. The results indicate that social assistance in Indonesia impacted on alleviating poverty and reducing inequality, as well as absolute progressive in nature. Rastra is the ablest to reduce poverty and inequality compared to Paket Keluarga Harapan (PKH) and Program Indonesia Pintar (PIP). However, further improvements are needed to overcome the leakage in the distribution of social assistance. Literature and mass media reviews showed that data on recipients of social assistance were not up to date and disbursement of assistance violated existing regulations.

Social Protection Programs for Poverty Reduction in Indonesia (1999 - 2005)


After several golden years of development that significantly reduced poverty in Indonesia, the 1997/1998 crisis had made poverty a major issue again in Indonesia's national development agenda. Some studies indicated that a significant number of people lived just around the poverty line so that any shock to their livelihood might slip them into poverty or deepen their poverty status (Suryahadi and Sumarto: 2003; Pritchett at al., 2000). In order to solve the problem, the government of Indonesia makes poverty reduction as one of its main targets, with one of its pillars relies on the provision of social protection especially for the poor. Unlike programs the previous era, in which the poor were never specifically targeted except in that of IDT (Inpres Desa Tertinggal-Presidential Aid for Disadvantageous Areas) program introduced by Soeharto administration in 1994/1995, many post-crisis programs were created to directly target the poor. Started with the introduction of social safety nets (SSNs) during the crisis period, the government of Indonesia (GoI) continues to maintain and improve its poverty reduction programs as also required by the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). In terms of budget, for instance, national spending for poverty related programs increased significantly from around Rp 15 trillion in 2001 to more than Rp 50 trillion in 2007. Nevertheless, it is important to look more deeply at how these programs have been implemented so far. How effective had the programs been so far at reaching the targeted poor and helping them move out of poverty? Thus, lessons can be learned for better preparation of social protection programs to respond to the current crisis. 2005 No Activities Target (num. of students) Unit Cost Total Cost 1 BKM (January-June

The Integrated Social Protection for the Poor in an Autonomous Regency of West Java Indonesia

International Journal of Social Science and Human Research, 2021

Poverty in Bandung regency experienced a significant decline with figures reaching 1.01% from 2016 to 2018, where this decrease is in line with the implementation of the Integrated Social Protection System called “Sistem Layanan Rujukan Terpadu (SLRT)” and “Pusat Kesejahteraan Sosial (Puskesos)”. Through this system the Bandung regency government seeks to be able to provide integrated social protection to the community by improving the quality of life of the poor. This article aims to explain integrated social protection for the poor in Bandung Regency, West Java through the SLRT and Puskesos. This study used a qualitative method that uses to describe the process of implementing social protection in an integrated manner. The results showed that social protection efforts for the poor were through integrated social protection system carried out by implementing five aspects of services, such as one stop service, partnerships, service mechanisms programs, case management, and informatio...

Implementation Processes of Social Protection Policy in Indonesia: Study of Prakerja Card Program

Journal of Governance and Public Policy, 2020

In recent decades, in Indonesia, there have been many social protection policies as social and political agendas that are not public knowledge in the form of "Kartu Sakti". One of the magic cards that are very popular during the COVID-19 pandemic is the Prakerja card. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the process of implementing the Grindle theory (2017) involving interest actors. The research method was carried out qualitatively by using secondary data which was analyzed in depth. The results show that the grindle theory includes Content of Policy and Content of Implementation in the social protection policy implementation process of the Prakerja card program, there are problems and are difficult to implement properly by the implementers, this causes the real purpose of social protection policies has not shown the impact on community welfare during the COVID-19 pandemic compared to other social protection policy programs on target. also, the actors of the Prakerja card program have different interests and goals from both the implementor and the recipient side. The Indonesian government is obliged to evaluate and take strategic and regulatory action in the form of pra Kerja program innovation as a long-term priority scale to avoid any gap in the process of implementing social protection policies that adversely affect the welfare of the Indonesian community. Abstrak: Dalam beberapa dekade ini, Di indonesia banyak sekali kebijakan perlindungan sosial sebagai agenda sosial dan politik yang tidak menjadi rahasia umum dalam bentuk "kartu sakti". Salah satu kartu sakti yang sangat populer dalam masa pendemi COVID-19 yaitu kartu prakerja. Tujuan tulisan untuk menganalisis proses implementasi teori grindle (2017) yang melibatkan aktor kepentingan. Metode penelitian dilakukan secara kualitatif dengan mengunakan data sekunder yang di analisis secara mendalam. Hasil menunjukan teori grindle meliputi Content of Policy dan Content of Implementation pada proses implementasi kebijakan perlindungan sosial program kartu prakerja terdapat permasalahan dan sulit di implementasi dengan baik oleh para implementornya, hal ini menyebabkan tujuan sesungguhnya kebijakan perlindungan sosial belum memperlihatkan dampak kesejahteraan masyarakat pada masa pandemi COVID-19 dibandingkan program kebijakan perlindungan sosial lainnya tepat sasaran. Selain itu aktoraktor program kartu prakerja memiliki kepentingan serta tujuan yang berbedabeda baik dari sisi implementor dan sisi penerima. Pemerintah indonesia wajib melakukan dievaluasi serta mengambil tindakan secara strategi pada teknis dan regulasi berupa inovasi program kartu Prakerja sebagai skala prioritas jangka panjang agar tidak terjadinya kesenjangan proses implementasi kebijakan perlindungan sosial yang berdampak buruk kesejahteraan masyarakat indonesia.

Too many Stages, Too Little Time: Bureaucratization and Potential Impasse in the Social Safety Net Program in Indonesia

Jurnal Studi Pemerintahan, 2020

Since its first announcement in March 2020, the number of positive confirmed patients as well as patients under surveillance has increased exponentially. Recognizing the impact of Covid-19 on the poor, the government reallocated expenditure budget by increasing the amount of aid to the community. This paper focuses on social safety net policies, mainly in Sembako Program as noncash social aid. This aid is actually not any new programs, as it have been around since 2017, but the Covid-19 pandemic is adding to the economic burden of the household so the aid is increased in amount. This paper puts the emphasis on how the actual social safety net policy must be implemented, not only look at how policies are carried out, but also look at how policies should be carried out, as well as predict their impact when they are done. It is undeniable that the problem of bureaucratization always comes up in every policy, with no exception for social aid policy. By mapping out obstacles, this paper provide a number of key solutions for resolving the problem