The Historical Evolutions of the Persian Language Phonemes Dialects, Vocabulary and Etymology (original) (raw)
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ماهیت زبان در اندیشه سوسور و فارابی
جستارهایی در فلسفه و کلام, 2019
With the critique of the historical-comparative trends surrounding language, Saussure sets intralingual elements as his point of departure. In his view, the realized and dynamic nature of language does not reflect its true nature. Therefore, it is necessary to consider the static aspect of language or the synchronic approach to language. Saussure, under the influence of Kant's epistemology, separates the domains of language into langage, langue and parole, and restricts the concrete object, or in some way language principles, to the langue. Farabi has explored linguistic reflections in the tradition of Islamic philosophy in a close relation with Saussure. He begins his linguistic studies with a fresh and new reading of the associations between language and logic. By arguing that speech (notgh) and logic (mantegh) are derived from the same root, he traces back the origin of logic to language. In the idea of Farabi, speech is the fundamental and general aspect of language. He summarized three realms of language into rational soul (Nafse Nateghe), inner word and outer word, where the inner word is home to linguistic elements. Irrespective of this issue, in semiotics, the relationship between the signifier and the signified is arbitrary in a way that is comparable to that of speech and logic. The present paper, by delving into three domain of language proposed by Saussure, seeks to exhibit that this structuralist conception is not new. For centuries, in the tradition of Islamic philosophy, Farabi has elaborated on such reflections. Farabi's notion of dividing linguistic signs into two parts of speech and logic and the tripartite division of language offers a new conception of linguistics, which marks the beginning of a new trend of studies in Islamic linguistics.
The interaction of achievement verbs and grammatical aspect in Persian
Alzahra University, 2021
Aspect refers to "different ways of viewing the internal temporal constituency of a situation" (Comrie, 1976, p.3) and consists of lexical and grammatical types. Grammatical aspect is represented by inflection or some auxiliary verbs while lexical aspect is denoted by the inherent meaning of the verbs (Rezai, 2012). The aspectual classification of Vedler (1957), has been one of the most influential theories in lexical aspect studies (Tenny, 1987, p.29; Peck et al., 2013, p. 664; Kanijo, 2019, p.73). Vendler (1957) has classified verbs into four classes named states, activities, achievements, and accomplishments based on their stativity, duration, and telicity. Achievements describe the change of state that occurs instantaneously and creates a new situation (Pavey, 2010, p.97), they have inherent endpoint and are usually regarded as not being used progressively. Two sub-classes of achievements are "culminations" and "happenings". Culminations need some time to occur, for example, to "reach a summit", we have to walk a distance. Happenings lack this preparatory phase and occur instantly, for example, "explode" occurs in a very short time. In previous studies, Persian verbs have been classified to two classes, "achievement" verbs that occur in a short time and have endpoint and "durative" verbs that entails some time to occur (Jahan Panah Tehrani, 1984). Vahidiyan Kamyar (1992) added the third class, named "achievement-durative" verbs that occur in a short time but don't end and extend through time. Abolhassani (2011) has also classified achievements to three sub-classes. Other studies have mostly investigated lexical or grammatical aspect in Persian or in a specific dialect
Alzahra University, 2023
Semiotic-semantic discourse analysis, as a suitable model for religious text analysis, particularly Nahj al-Balagha, utilizes the tensive semiotics model introduced by Jacques Fontanille and Claude Zilberberg. This model delves into the intricate interplay between intensive (emotional, internal) and expansive (cognitive, external) valencies, offering valuable insights into the dynamic structure of the text, emphasizing the tensive-active and sensory-perceptive relationships. This article explores how meaning is intricately woven in the enunciation, bridging the gap between quantitative and qualitative dimensions, thus shedding light on the production of meaning in the discourse processes within the Imam's letters to Mu’awiyah. The study transcends a mere analysis of the fixed letter structure, focusing on the fluid and adaptable nature of the letters' production process and the interactive dimension between the agent and the actor in the enunciation space.
The Journal of University of Duhok, 2023
This study seeks to examine literature written by Kurdish writers in the diaspora, particularly the genre of the novel. The study attempts to reveal the influence of foreign culture on Kurdish novelists in the diaspora and the extent to which this is reflected in their novels. One of the most serious consequences of this influence is the loss of self. To conduct the study, psychological perspectives have been employed, in particular Alfred Adler’s insights into the loss of self.Two novels from diaspora literature have been chosen for the study; Xeca Berlînî(Khaje from Berlin) by Hessen Ibrahim and Pêlên Bêrîkirnê (Waves of Longing) by Mustafa Aydogan. The study demonstrates that the main characters in both novels experience culturalshock in the diaspora, which in turn leads to their suffering from psychological problems, most notably the loss of self. KEYWORDs: Novel, diaspora, Foreign Culture, Adler and the loss of self.
The Holy Quran, due to its unique style, eloquence and brevity has many distinctive miraculous features. These peculiarities can not be explained and elaborated without the skill and expertise in classical Arabic language. But it has to be kept in mind that though very important, language has a secondary rank in the deduction of commandments from Quran. The negative aspects related to deduction of meaning based on only language aspects and not the considering the other factors inappropriately neglects the following: 1. Fixation of meaning while considering the particular contexts. 2. Consideration and regard to the meanings of the words which were in use at the occasion of divine revelation of Quran (use of those words can possibly change over the centuries and what is important is referring to the classical Arabic). 3. Consideration towards understadnig the distinction between the actual meaning and the metaphorical meaning. 4. Prefering the rational meaning of the words which can have various different meanings. 5. Understanding the meaning in the light of interpretation provided by the Prophet ﷺ himself and his blessed companions We see that these prime pattersn of driving the correct meaning of Quranic verses are missing in the Qadyani methodology of Quranic exegesis and in their other books. This paper elaborates these and other relevant aspects in detail while providing detailed evidences and examples.