Feyerabend’Den Eleşti̇rel Tasarima Çoğulculuk İlkesi̇: Tüm Bi̇li̇mleri̇ Ve Bi̇li̇m Dişilari Açin! (original) (raw)
2021, Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi Dergisi
According to Feyerabend, science had a destructive role and became unquestionably hegemonic against religion, which had priorly an ideological dominance in the history of humanity until the 19 th century. However, science would later take the same throne with its quasi-new role and had divided all non-scientific fields into dualities with the abstractions it created; namely as 'subjective defects on the surface' and 'objective answers which can be interpreted as the real'. While the prevailing scientific methodology had precise responses and solutions to this duality, which also aimed to 'reduce abundance' in the world, Feyerabend, on the other hand, would suggest a counter-thesis concerning the relationship between what can be called as the 'perceived' and the 'real'. As a result, Feyerabend aims to shake the fixity of this monist approach, which he refers as 'the tyranny of science' and he has further developed procedures with new speculative insights in favor of 'the other nonscientific fields' in order to reach the 'projection of regaining abundance' within the principle of pluralism. Feyerabend's 'method as methodless' approach with its specific emphasis on the idea of pluralism has gone beyond his philosophical investigations and reached to the various non-scientific fields, providing multiple links in establishing the aforementioned notion of 'abundance'. This paper attempts to discuss the idea of 'critical design', which would constitute and understand the relationship between human and computer interactions as another powerful example of 'anti-methodology' by questioning, blurring, representing the designs it would create and carries the art beyond its 'aesthetic-improvement' levels. In this regard, this paper further claims that Feyerabend's notion of pluralism and the idea of critical design can be interpreted as complementary theoretical positions by being 'destructive' against any norm values and becoming 'constructive' for the formation of new paradigms. Finally, this study will contribute to the critical literature by arguing that the 'project for the acquisition of abundance', which can be developed with the cooperation of science and non-science, pinpoints the importance of this cooperation between the idea of critical design and Feyerabend's method as antimethod.