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Condition Monitoring of Internal Combustion Engine Using Oil Analysis Program
Engine oil analysis is a process that involves a sample of engine oil, whether unused or used, and analyzing it for various properties and wear metal particle in order to monitor wear metals, TAN, TBN, Viscosity, Water Content and contamination. Engine oil sample have been analysed by Spectrometric oil analysis program and oil test center (kittiwake), determine the wear rate, and overall service condition of an engine, along with spotting potential problems and catastrophic failure before it happens. After experiment work have been done, results show information of petrol engine car has max wear of component as compare to diesel engine car. Both petrol and diesel engine car oil samples have been contaminated by water and acid at same level. Due to increased water and acid content present in oil, corrosion increased.
Condition Monitoring of I.C Engines by using Oil Analysis
Engine is the main part of the automobile vehicle. Diesel and petrol engines can be used for the automobile vehicle. Performance of the engine depends upon the good condition of the components like cylinder, cylinder head, piston, piston ring, valves, connecting rod, crank shaft, cam shaft etc. The failures of engine component can be reduced by condition monitoring techniques. There are many types of condition monitoring techniques are available vibration analysis, infrared thermography, engine oil analysis, as non-destructive tests. The aim of this paper is to reduce the failures of engine components by analyzing the used oil. In these paper engine oil analysis techniques is used. Engine oil is the life-blood of machinery. Much like doctors assess our health through urine analysis, engine components must be monitored in much the same manner. Engine oil analysis mean testing a sample of engine oil in unused and used condition. Analysis done for various properties like viscosity, volatile matters, total base number, total acid number, ash content, flash point and wear metals particles like Iron, aluminum, copper, chromium, lead, zinc in order to monitor the wear of the engine components. The properties of the oil will be changed based on the distance travelled. The used oil can be collected from the engine after various running kilometer and analyzed.
Diesel engines are generally used for the automobile vehicles. These engine are the heart of the all the vehicles. Maintenance is the most important aspect for increasing Engine life which in turn increases the life of vehicle. Engine performances are directly depends upon the health of its components like piston, cylinder, cylinder head, crankshaft, cam shaft, connecting rod etc. Engines performances are also depend upon its lubricating oil. In this study, main aim is to the heath monitoring of the diesel engine components through the study of engine oil. In this paper the quality of engine oil which was changed, after different kilometers are measured. For this purpose Viscosity Test, Flash Point and Fire Point and Sulpher Test are used for the analysis of wear debris particles which is suspended in engine oil. These methods are very useful in engine oil analysis and provide important information about the condition of engine and whether it is needed to replace or maintain and it will also helpful for cost control. If the rates of these wear debris particles are high then it will indicate that engine is not in good condition and will require maintenance work. The aim of this paper is the condition monitoring of engine by preventing it to the upcoming failure through the study and analysis of the wear particles suspended in the engine oil since engine made through different particles such as engine block made from cast iron, piston made from the Aluminum alloy, crankshaft made from Cast iron etc. allow to determine where the chances of failure occur in the engine as the life of vehicle increases in term of Kilometers.
All engines must be lubricated in order to preserve the integrity of the system for its designated lifetime. The extreme temperatures in internal combustion engines make lubrication complex. The lubricants that are suitable for use in these engines are expected to reduce friction, dissipate heat from internal parts, minimize deposit formation, and prevent corrosion and wear. Its main function is to reduce friction by forming a film between two moving surfaces. The strength and durability of this film is related to the viscosity of the lubrication and to the speed and load experienced by the moving surfaces. Analyzing the lubricant of an internal combustion engine one can foresee what is happening inside it. For instance, wear between the valve and seat is thought to occur primarily due to relative motion when the valve is seated, due to cylinder pressure that forces the valve into the seat, causing slight deflections of both valve and seat. In order to study the predictive maintenance in an internal combustion engine, through wear particle oil analysis, it was constructed two tests rig composed by an engine coupled to a reducer. This work presents some results in the test rigs working with different lubricant. For analysis it was used analytical ferrography, viscosity measurement, TBN, spectrometry and magnetic particle quantifier. The result showed good agreement with the observed after disassembling the motors.
1. Abstract: Monitoring the state of the engine through oil analysis will be helpful to get the information from their equipment and their lubricating oil. Engine lubricant condition reflects the state of health of engine. Analysis of the correlation between engine lubricant system based on the lubricant properties and engine performance plays crucial role to provide insight into engine conditions. Aim of the present paper is an investigation for prior failure of engine components through oil analysis. Engine performances are depend upon the health and strength of its parts/components like cylinder, chamber, cylinder head, crankshaft, cam shaft, connecting rod and so on. Metal particles in lubricating oil can originate from different sources example wear, added substances and contamination. Wear metals result from friction, and corrosion of the engine components; for example cylinders, bushing, bearing, piston ring and cylinder head, throughout operation. Contamination can come from residual metal particles, dirt or leaks. Added substances utilized as anti-oxidants, detergents and against-wear operators are included in order to diminish engine wear. Wear of a particular component is acclaimed by an increase in the concentration of a particular metal. Since different engine components are made out of different alloys, the increase of a specific metal concentration could be used to distinguish approaching failure of a particular component. An investigation of follow metals in engine oil has allowed the distinguishing proof of wearing components before catastrophic failure without disassemble of the engine. The determination of Zn, Sn, Ni, Mg, Fe, Cu, Cr, Cd and Al was done using atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS). The used engine oil samples were digested with HCL. 2. Introduction: The investigation of new and used oil for concentration pattern of wear metals and for preparation or consumption of added substance group metals by AAS and oil test centre. Wear metals, for example, copper (Cu) and iron (Fe) may demonstrate wear in a engine or any oil-wetted compartment. Boron (B), silicon (Si) or sodium (Na) may show contamination from dirt or antifreeze catalyst prompting a failure. Added substance components, for example, calcium (Ca), phosphorus (P) and zinc (Zn) are took apart for consumption which helps wear since these elements help certain key oil aspects. A sound maintenance program, which routinely measures metals in the engine oils, not just diminishes the cost of routinely disassembly of the components for visual examination, but can show wear particles before component failure. Engine component experience continuous wear under ordinary working conditions; this may be minimized by the use of appropriate lubricating oils. Lubricating engine oils from petroleum are fundamentally made out of paraffinic, naphthenic and to a lesser degree, aromatic hydrocarbons. A few added substances, including metallo-organic ones, are additionally a part of the last ingredients of engine lubricating oil. Wear particles have both physical (contact between metallic parts, high temperature and weight) and chemical sources. Chemical wear may create metallic particles as well as dissolvable metallo-organic species, though physical wear creates metallic particles of various sizes [1, 2]. That part of the metallic debris which is not held by filters, separators and collectors, staying in the engine lubricating oil and get transported through the entire engine [3]. Increasing
Tribology International, 2003
Wear has important, negative effects on the functioning of engine parts. Additionally, this situation is very difficult to evaluate accurately in oil analysis for engine condition monitoring. Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM), lubricant suppliers and oil analysis laboratories provide specific guidelines for wear metal concentrations. These limits provide good general guidelines for interpreting oil analysis data, but do not take into account common factors that influence the concentration of wear debris and contaminants in an oil sample. These factors involve oil consumption, fresh oil additions, etc., and particular features such as engine age, type of service, environmental conditions, etc.
Oil monitoring consists of measuring the condition and changes in the structure and characteristics of engine oil over time of exploration. The tests performed on the oil sample give three pieces of information: the condition of the lubricated system, the type of impurities present, and the condition of the oil itself. The state of the system is defined by the number and type of particles, as well as by the change of these parameters with time. The condition of the oil is mostly defined by changes in viscosity, decrement in additives amount, contamination, etc. Proper oil monitoring enables an optimization of the working life of the lubricated system. Namely, the main cause of failure in the lubricated system is the presence of abrasive particles in the oil, which are often products of wear. Therefore, an analysis of wear and contamination must be performed, and the damage and cause of failure must be determined. Considering that it is impossible to eliminate wear, it is necessary to define the critical values of wear for the operation of the system and find the main causes of wear. Intensive wear occurs with an increase in the number of large particles in the entire fluid volume, while in normal wear the particles are of small dimensions. The material from which the particles are made is also of great importance, through which we can determine the origin of the abrasive. Zn, Ca, Ba and Mg indicate the consumption of additives. Fe, Pb, Cu, Cr, Ag, Sn, Mn, and Al indicate wear. Penetration of the coolant into the lubricating oil is indicated with the appearance of Na and B, and the increased content of Ca and Si indicates the contact of the oil with air or malfunction of the air filter. Oil sampling must be carried out exactly in a certain way and on a certain part of the system through which the oil flows. Worn particles tend to settle to the bottom of the oil tank, larger particles settle faster and smaller ones more slowly. If we take a sample by simply draining the oil from the reservoir, we can get an unrealistic picture of the actual condition of the lubricated system.
Field Monitoring of Engine Oil
International Conference on Aerospace Sciences and Aviation Technology, 2011
Conditions of the elements of tribomechanical system are very complex and determinate great deal by the adequate characteristics of lubricants. Complexity of conditions is determinated by: temperature of elements in contact and temperature of lubricant, outer load (specific pressure in contact zone), dynamic character of making contact and power and motion transmission. In regard with primary role of lubricant to reduce the negative effects of tribological processes related to friction, wear and increase of temperature in the tribomehanical systems, all types of maintenance include lubrication as a very important part of the whole procedure. On the other hand, lubricant is, as the contact element of the system, carrier of information about the state of the whole system, from the aspect of tribological and other ageing processes. Due to that, analysis of oils, based on properly defined program, represents a very effective metod for monitoring the state of tehnical systems, which ensures early warning signals of potential problems that could lead to failure and break down of the tehnical systems. In the systems structure, besides the mechanical components, the state is also changed of the lubricant itself, what leads to loss of lubricating properties. Investigation procedure of physico-chemical and tribological characteristics of lubricant during exploitation consists of following: oil sampling from real tribomechanical system; measuring physico-chemical characteristics of oil; establishing of wear products participation in oil and measuring tribological characteristics of tribomechanical system in model conditions using sampled oil as lubricant. Analysis of oil samples which contain particles, created as results of wear, enable evaluation of system tribology condition in different phases of system exploatation. In this project, it will be presented results of experimental research physico-chemical and tribological characteristics oil was sampled from engines of vehicles, Mercedes O 345, that were exploited. The research was conducted through periodic sampling oil from engine vehicles listed above. Apart from the fresh oil (,,zero" sample), samples are taken after 10.000 km, 20.000 km and 30.000 km. During the sampling of oil choice of the sampling were conducted carefully according to the actual oil usage, which enabled each sample as representative one.
Survey of lubrication oil condition monitoring, diagnostics, prognostics techniques and systems
Recently, an increasing demand for performance assessment of lubrication oil has been noticed. Considerable techniques and systems in lubrication oil condition monitoring have been developed and successfully utilized in many applications such as gasoline/diesel engines, gearboxes, etc. This paper provides a comprehensive review of the existing lubrication oil condition monitoring solutions and their characteristics along with the classification and evaluation of each technique. The reviewed techniques are analyzed and classified into four categories: electrical (magnetic), physical, chemical, and optical techniques. The characteristic of each solution and its sensing technique is evaluated with a set of properties which are crucial for oil health monitoring, diagnostics and prognostics. A comprehensive comparison among a wide range of different lubrication oil condition monitoring solutions is conducted.
Determination of engine oil characteristics
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2020
The given introduced paper deals with determination of contamination, content of elements, change of composition and stability against the oxidation of motor oils. This work is aimed at chaining the individual properties of engine oil in dependence on the use of oil in traffic. Results show, that properties of engine oils do not depend only on the time of use but they also depend on other factors, such as state of the vehicle, the way of driving the vehicle, and the condition of maitenance.