Пріоритетні напрями оптимізації фінансової архітектури корпорації в умовах нестабільного економічного середовища (original) (raw)

Пріоритетні напрями оптимізації фінансової архітектури корпорації в умовах нестабільного економічного середовища

2020, Вісник Херсонського національного технічного університету

PRIORITY DIRECTIONS OF OPTIMIZATION OF FINANCIAL ARCHITECTURE OF CORPORATION IN CONDITIONS OF UNSTABLE ECONOMIC ENVIRONMENT Current challenges in Ukraine and the world, such as the economic crisis, socio-political instability, pandemic, etc. significantly complicate the activities of corporations. The market is developing and changing dynamically and intensively, and corporations that do not keep up with new trends and challenges are losing market position and going bankrupt. Under unstable economic conditions, in order to maintain a stable financial potential in the long run, corporations need to find ways to optimize their financial architecture. The article systematizes theoretical approaches to the definition of "financial architecture", describes this concept, analyzes and systematizes the factors influencing the financial architecture of the corporation and identifies priority areas for its optimization. Influence factors are generally divided into internal and external, among the internal main are: the strategy of development and management of the corporation, its investment attractiveness, financial stability, capital structure, the relationship between the structural elements of the corporation; external include: changes in exchange rates, inflation, changes in the market environment, the emergence of new competitors, STP, changes in the industry and more. It is determined that in order to maintain financial positions in the market, corporations need to optimize their financial architecture in the following areas: systematic monitoring of financial condition, analysis of corporate balance, restructuring of receivables and its minimization, introduction of innovative methods of corporate governance, increasing investment attractiveness.