In the past, a large area of the south wall of Lake Nemi (Rome, Italy) collapsed, settling down and towards the lake mirror, where rock structures built in Roman times and forming part of a quay were positioned ships could be docked. The purpose of this study was to document the extent of this landslide, especially below the landslide, to try to understand if the landslide itself could have incorporated other constructs made by man and present at ground level at the time. preceding the collapse.


Lake Nemi and “commune” of Nemi, situated approx. 30 km southeast of Rome, offer vast possibilities for leisure activities. The area is also part of the Castelli Romani Regional Park located in the Alban Hills. The main aim of this study was to identify possibilities for the soft tourism development in the Nemi area. We conducted SWOT analysis together with field inventories of wooden species along the rim of the crater lake. The SWOT analyses revealed the well-known local strawberry festival and local scenery as the main strengths of the area. Greenery is of high significance due to its positive influence on micro-climate. Using the thermal imaging we identified differences up to 15 oC in average between shaded places with woody vegetation and areas exposed to direct sunlight. As for weaknesses, the difficult access to lake and poor water condition with visual signs of algae, cyanobacteria and macrophytes are of higher concern. In general, the area might meet the interests of all age categories with benefits from presence of water and greenery in and around the town.

Study of a New Archaeological Discovery -Roman Cistern at Albano Lake in

This study is the result of the joint work between the archaeological superintendency of Rome and the research and investigation work of the Arco di Diana APS Association concerning the discovery of a Roman cistern, located at Lake Albano, Rome, Italy, in the municipality of Castel Gandolfo, Rome, Italy. Officials of the Superintendency for the metropolitan area of Rome carried out the first inspections at this cistern located near the Doric Nymphaeum at

Study of a New Archaeological Discovery - Roman Cistern at Albano Lake in Castel Gandolfo, Rome, Italy

iJournals: International Journal of Social Relevance & Concern (IJSRC), 2022

This study is the result of the joint work between the archaeological superintendency of Rome and the esearch and investigation work of the Arco di Diana APS Association concerning the discovery of a Roman cistern, located at Lake Albano, Rome, Italy, in the municipality of Castel Gandolfo, Rome, Italy. Officials of the Superintendency for the metropolitan area of Rome carried out the first inspections at this cistern located near the Doric Nymphaeum at Lake Albano, in Castel Gandolfo, Rome, Italy. Reported by volunteers from the Arco di Diana APS Association, (Marco Tudini, Daniele Cataldi, Giancarlo Valle, Riccardo Bellucci, Settimio Tersigni, Roberto Pennacchi and Gaspare Russo).

An Interdisciplinary Approach to the Preservation of the Gaiola Archaeological Underwater Park and the Posillipo Coastline, Bay of Naples (Southern Italy)

International Journal of Heritage in the Digital Era, 2012

The aim of this paper is to present ten years of underwater archaeology investigations in the Marine Protected Area "Gaiola Underwater Park" in Naples, Southern Italy since its institution in 2002. These results are at the basis of a development plan that is now the starting point for new research aimed to create a model of enhancement for the underwater archaeological heritage in the Mediterranean context. The project is developed by an interdisciplinary group of young researchers so that all the issues correlated with the marine environment can be taken into account.

Archeological findings of ancient harbor in the pilot site of Interreg Adrion APPRODI project in Ortona (Ch, Abruzzo), central Adriatic Sea

Proceedings e report, 2020

The Interreg Adrion 'APPRODI' project aims at a qualitative change in the nature of tourism demand with a transnational approach and at increasing visibility of the valorized new destinations. The geological and archaeological investigations, both at sea and on the coast, aim to broaden the territory's knowledge by realization of a geo-archaeological map, even underwater, with the indication of archaeological finds and a reconstruction of the marine traffics of the Ortonese navy within the main routes in the Mediterranean Sea. Moreover, the project will allow to create the conditions for development of cultural tourism, even underwater, increasing and enhancing the historical and archaeological resources. In the sea in front of Ferruccio Cape, except the presence of rocks with various size due to landslides for a length of about eighty / one hundred meters from the current coastline, was found a set of wooden planks lying between the rocks, at a distance that varies from four to ten meters from the coastline, to belong to the plating of a boat or to a warf collapsed into the water. In front of the Ortona promontory was found a glazed ceramic tube of the type of those inserted in the walls and used to channel rainwater. The Interreg Adrion APPRODI project results will allow to increase visibility and to valorize new destinations enhancing the maritime and coastal heritage.

M. Stefanile, M. Silani, M.L. Tardugno, The submerged Nabataean temple in Puteoli at Pozzuoli, Italy: first campaign of underwater research, Antiquity, Project Gallery, 98, 400, 2024


In 2023, during the underwater archaeological documentation of the port of Puteoli, a submerged Nabataean temple was located and partially investigated. The authors present the first results of these new research activities, including a reconstruction of part of the building and details of two altars and some inscribed slabs.

The WAS Project-Waterscape Archaeology in Sicily at Isola delle Femmine (PA, Italy): Submerged and Emerged Heritage

Heritage. Heritage 2022, 5, 2773–2803., 2022

The WAS—Waterscape Archaeology in Sicily—project is dedicated to underwater cultural heritage mapping, knowledge and awareness of the cultural heritage, dissemination, and analysis of the submerged environment concerning the coast. The prototype investigation site presented here is Isola delle Femmine (PA, Italy). This paper highlights the archaeological discovery with a de-scription of the main finds, across a multidisciplinary approach, carried out with low-cost tech-nology, increasing sustainable diving, and underlining the relationship between submerged and open-air historical evidence. Our studies address the realization of new underwater archaeological itineraries connected to local history. This text provides a historical-archaeological introduction to understanding the context of the site and, with some geological notes, illustrates the phases of the research with a presentation of the main artifacts, with a focus on the methodology and the techniques of the surveys and the usefulness of underwater photogrammetry and 3D modeling with a particular focus on the tourism application in the diving centers. Our work has allowed for the creation of two new underwater archaeological itineraries of Sicily. The innovative aspects of our project are linked to a new holistic approach in the context of the scientific synergy between multiple disciplines.

Curriculum Vitae PERSONAL INFORMATIONS Laurea triennale (BA) in Beni Archeologici – Curriculum Estremo Oriente Master Degree in Maritime Archaeology

Egyptian archaeology and history of art, Roman History, History of Archaeology, Metodology and practice of archaeological excavation and research  Excavations at Pontecagnano (Etruscan city) and Cuma (Greek/Roman city), Laboratories on Schythian art  Thesis: The evolution of methodologies and instruments for underwater archaeology, through the example of the shipwreck of Tektas Burnu 11/2013  Underwater archaeology, Problems and perspectives in Roman archaeology, Ancient Mediterranean seafaring, Heritage conservation and management, Maritime aspects of culture, The archaeology of ceramics and lithics  Participation in the MMARP Project, Underwater prospections and excavation, Bar -Montenegro  Dissertation title: New survey of the Roman port of Punta Fuenti (Vietri sul mare, Salerno, Italy): an interpretative hypothesis