Mindset Training in Entrepreneurship at Pondok Pesantren Darul Mutaqien 1 (original) (raw)
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Implementation of Entrepreneurship at Wali Salatiga Islamic Boarding School
Annual International COnference on Islamic Education for Students, 2022
The majority of Islamic boarding schools in Indonesia are only oriented to religious knowledge. Integration in the scientific realm between religious science and general science always does not have a balance. They even tend to prioritize just one of them. The WALI Islamic Boarding School has succeeded in combining the modern cottage system and the traditional cottage system. Not only that, the Wali Islamic Boarding School also applies an entrepreneurship system where the system has not been widely adopted by other Islamic boarding schools. This research includes field research. Researchers collect data using interviews and documentation. While the analysis used is a qualitative descriptive analysis technique. This research was conducted at the Wali Islamic Boarding School Candirejo Salatiga. The results of this study indicate that 1) Wali Islamic Boarding School implements an independent curriculum system. 2) The implementation of entrepreneurship education is effective. This can be seen from the programs held.
Jurnal As-Salam, 2023
Islamic boarding schools began to transform into entrepreneurship activities, including the Ummul Ayman Islamic boarding school located in Samalanga, Bireuen district, which began to promote economic independence through the pesantrenpreneur. This initiative was motivated by the high percentage of students whose costs were borne by the foundation and the council of dayah teachers who were not yet financially independent and did not have specific skills to support the economy. This study aims to describe the business unit model developed based on a pesantrenpreneur, strategies for developing an interest in becoming an entrepreneur, and any obstacles experienced by the Ummul Ayman Islamic boarding school in applying entrepreneurship. The method used is a case study by collecting data through in-depth interviews, which are analyzed using a qualitative approach. The study found four clusters: agriculture, fisheries and animal husbandry, cooperatives, and printing. Meanwhile, the strategy for developing interest is carried out through entrepreneurship education for students starting in junior high school through a training program created at the Islamic boarding school itself. Then, the students are included in programs and seminars in the form of FGDs and TOTs organized by various parties. The recruitment of Islamic boarding school teachers is also one of the strategies for producing students who are interested in entrepreneurship. The constraints are influenced by the narrow space for product marketing, lack of product reliability, and lack of cooperation with various parties, including government assistance.
JIE (Journal of Islamic Education), 2021
Pasuruan Indonesia S-PEAM Islamic Boarding School was established on August 18, 2015. The establishment plan was originated from the ideals of the Chairman of the Regional Government of Muhammadiyah Pasuruan City to have Islamic Boarding School as one of the cadre of Muhammadiyah's successor generation, with the hope that pesantren pioneered have a clear positioning on a national scale. Exploring the potential, skills and talents as a provision of life that is progressive, modern and entrepreneurial. While the label entrepreneur is a strategy to instill the values of entrepreneurial spirit in order to become a person who is empowered with creativity, positive thinking, high spirited, not quick to complain, not easily give up on the situation, have constructive productivity, and always think innovative to get something useful for himself and others. This research uses an action approach that aims to develop new skills for teachers by trying to find new approaches that can be appl...
The Analysis of Entrepreneurship Trend of Islamic Boarding School Students
The paradigm of graduates applying for jobs in the industrial era 4.0 is no longer relevant to the current employment situation. This paradigm needs to be changed from applying for jobs to becoming entrepreneurial graduates, including graduates from Islamic boarding schools. The objectives of this study were to reveal: (1) the entrepreneurial tendencies of students who were also œsantri (student) in Islamic boarding schools; (2) the factors driving the entrepreneurial desire of œsantri; (3) the influence of entrepreneurial motivation of œsantri on learning achievement in Entrepreneurship course. The research targets were Islamic boarding school students studying in the Study Program of History Education and Citizenship Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Ivet University, Semarang City, as many as 36 people. Data collection was carried out using questionnaires and interviews. Data processing was performed using descriptive analysis and simple linear regression stati...
Islamic Boarding School Sunan Drajat (PPSD) is a boarding school that has many business activities, in this institution there is also a Business Incubator as a support institution for economic empowerment of PPSD, especially in terms of training and business management. The purpose of this research is to find out how to cultivate the spirit of entrepreneurship rahmatan lil alamin in IBP PPSD students and how to design the proposed ERA model through IBP PPSD which can build independent character of students. This research uses action research method. The results showed that the formation of ERA in PPSD was formed through formal, informal educational institutions and IBP PPSD with light patterns. The proposed ERA model through the IBP PPSD produced in this study is a model that is built through the first three stages of the socialization of human resource recruitment input, the second is the incubation process through start-up, stability, total quality management, growth and development, and real business synergy. output, namely the results that will be obtained from the application of the model is the character of independence of students who have six indicators of taqwa, halalan thayyiban, not being extravagant, applying the nubuwwah nature of the prophet, uswatun hasanah kiyai, and promoting welfare
Government College Tripunithura Ernakulam, Kerala, India 682301 , 2021
Human beings are most precious resources of an economy. More of the youths drop off graduation for local jobs. Each student’s major aim is a great job. Entrepreneurship is not only way of business administration but also a successful career and life. Creation of entrepreneurial mindset in youth is a laudable goal to creating an entrepreneurship ecosystem in the world. Entrepreneurship is a skill which can escalate the intelligence; ethical power in quickly decision-making, successful planning, punctuality, confidence and mental ability .Education is utterly influenced in the creation. This a research studies on the creation of entrepreneurial mindset among youth of Malappuram district through education system in 2020. It also exposes the limitations and tragedies. Education is a good way to build changes by providing a practical education than bookish and carve out the various practically approachable methods for creation of entrepreneurial mindset in youth. Entrepreneurial mindset will improve human existence in terms of poverty alleviation, generating employment, wealth formation and economic development. It will step up to formations of creative ideas from youths and build up them as a responsible leader than an entrepreneur. Key words: Entrepreneurial mindset, Malappuram, education
Entrepreneurship Education in Pesantren: Strategies to Drive Students' Interest in Entrepreneurship
Cendekia: Jurnal Kependidikan dan Kemasyarakatan, 2020
Today, educational competitiveness is getting tougher. Viewing this condition, Pesantren strives to explore students’ potential in entrepreneurship because the educational world must capably play an active role in preparing educated and readyto-work human resources. This study sought to find a depiction of entrepreneurship education in Pesantren Darussalam of Kepahiang by applying a descriptive qualitative approach. This study revealed that first, students were fully directed and guided through courses based on their talents and interests, and they were taught to get working experiences directly. Second, the supporting factors encompassed full supports and appreciation from Pesantren Darussalam, available facilities for entrepreneurship, and full societal supports. Subsequently, the inhibiting factors included inadequate external organizations that could broadly cover students to participate in entrepreneurial activities in a more prolonged way, and some students still had less enth...
KnE Social Sciences, 2019
Pesantren as the oldest educational institutions in Indonesia have an authentic method to foster the entrepreneurial spirit inside of his students. To know the implementation of entrepreneurial education, this study successfully capture to an effective system of entrepreneurship education. By using a qualitative method that uses interviews as a data collection techniques, unearthed accurate information from relevant actors in order to provide similar benefits to practitioners elsewhere. Triangulation technique has also been done so that the results of this study are robust.
Model of Forming a Sharia Entrepreneurial Spirit In Islamic Boarding Schools
Devotion Journal of Community Service
Orphanages as places of learning and Islamic character building, have empowerment programs to help improve the quality of foster children's skills through formal education, religious education and entrepreneurship training. The purpose of this study was to analyze the strategies for encouraging entrepreneurial spirit in Islamic boarding schools and the factors that form the entrepreneurial spirit of students at Islamic boarding schools, especially in the Kubu Raya district, West Kalimantan province. The method used is behavioral observation, direct interviews with students and managers and caretakers at Islamic boarding schools. Then the results of the answers will be processed using triangulation data and to be concluded. The research was conducted at Mu'inul Islam and Darul Fikri Islamic boarding schools, Kubu Raya district, West Kalimantan province. The results of this study indicate that the main strategies and factors in building an entrepreneurial spirit are faith and ...
Internalizing Local Wisdom-Based Entrepreneurial Spirit in Islamic Elementary School
Madrasah: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran Dasar
The importance of implementing educational entrepreneurship from an early age is a new choice that must be driven by policymakers in the world of education, as was done at the SD Islam Muhammadiyah 1 Menganti Gresik, which provides a space for entrepreneurship learning for students based on local wisdom (chicken pieces). The purposes of this research are, first, how is the entrepreneurial spirit internalized in students based on local wisdom (chicken pieces)? Second, what are the obstacles that occur in the process of producing entrepreneurial spirit based on local wisdom in broiler students? The research method used is a qualitative case study approach. Primary data sources include class teachers, curriculum representatives, and students. Besides that, the analysis used by the researcher is condensation data, display, and conclusion drawing. The results of the study show that in the process of cultivating local wisdom-based entrepreneurial spirit in line with the educational entrep...