F. Doelger, Sechs byzantinische Praktika des 14. Jahrhunderts fur das Athoskloster Iberon (original) (raw)

Karin Riedhammer, Was Sie schon immer über 14C wissen wollten... Methodische Erkenntnisse aus 600 mitteleuropäischen Daten zur ersten Hälfte des 5. Jahrtausends

In: V. Becker u. a. (Hrsg.), Varia neolithica IX - Beiträge der gemeinsamen Sitzung der Arbeitsgemeinschaften „Neolithikum“ und „Boden und Archäologie“ 2016 in Münster & Aktuelles aus der Neolithforschung. Beiträge zur zur Ur- und Frühgeschichte Mitteleuropas 90., 2019

To use radiocarbon dating with success, archaeologists need to deal with all the aspects of this method. The achieved improvement in measurement up to current AMS-dating is well known. But archaeologists are often not aware of the history of sample preparation. Dates taken some years ago are not strictly comparable to more recent measurements and later measurements are not always the best ones. Despite of all the efforts by laboratories for international standards, there are still differences in processes and results. Because of this, dating projects should work together with several laboratories. One has to be aware of the drawbacks and opportunities of different kinds of sample materials. In the past the formation of bone collagen was not payed adequate attention to. Also the rehabilitation of charcoal dates is imminent: Cases of old wood effect can be estimated more accurately than a bone collagen contamination. There are many known examples that organic materials are more often displaced in a settlement than potsherds. This is the reason why radiocarbon series always should be correlated to the whole time span of an archaeological site. Finally the choice of a calibration program – with or without ‘state of the art Bayesian modeling’ – is less important than a critical engagement with all aspects mentioned here.

Assos in der Spätantike und in frühbyzantinischer Zeit

Veränderungen von Stadtbild und urbaner Lebenswelt in spätantiker und frühbyzantinischer Zeit Assos im Spiegel städtischer Zentren Westkleinasiens, 2021

Transformation of the cityscape and urban living environment: Assos in Late Antiquity and the Early Byzantine Period This article gives an overview of the structural changes and everyday life in the Late Antique and Early Byzantine city of Assos. In the 4th century, the urban buildings were gradually converted and used for other purposes, until they were finally abandoned altogether in the advanced 5th and 6th centuries. At this time, Assos was apparently hit by an earthquake, the destruction of which made it necessary to rebuild the city. The city, which was rebuilt from the late 5th century onwards, uses only a few of the remaining ancient structures. The ancient infrastructure was apparently no longer intact. Of the five newly built churches, only two were built into ancient buildings, and even in these cases, the previous buildings were substantially altered. Apart from the churches, the buildings are not designed for outward representation, even though the house inventory shows that the inhabitants of Assos cultivated a certain prosperity.