Melampaui Hak Asasi Manusia: Agama, Kekerasan, dan Kegagalan Keadilan Transisional Indonesia (original) (raw)
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ISLAM DAN HAK ASASI MANUSIA: Penegakan dan Problem HAM di Indonesia
Abstrak: Tulisan ini menjelaskan kompatibilitas Islam dan HAM serta upaya-upaya penegakan dan perlindungan HAM di Indonesia sebagai salah satu negara Muslim. Tulisan ini dengan demikian menolak anggapan sejumlah pengamat tentang ketidaksesuai-an atau pertentangan antara Islam dengan HAM, terutama karena sebagian besar negara-negara Muslim kini belum sepenuhnya melindungi dan menegakkan HAM. Sejak awal Islam telah mengakui perlindungan hak asasi manusia (HAM), yang kemudian dirumuskan oleh para ulama dengan konsep maqâshid al-syarî'ah (tujuan syari'ah). Sebagai salah satu negara Muslim, Indonesia di era Reformasi ini telah berkomitmen untuk melakukan perlindungan dan penegakan HAM sejalan dengan penerapan sistem demokrasi secara substantif. Hanya saja, kini masih ada sejumlah masalah atau kendala dalam perlindungan HAM ini, baik yang bersifat substantif, struktural maupun kultural. Pemerintah, DPR serta civil society dan organisasi-organisasi keagamaan telah melakukan upaya-upaya untuk mengatasi persoalan dan kendala itu. Abstract: Islam and Human Right: Its Application and Problems in Indonesia. This paper explains the compatibility of Islam and human rights as well as efforts to protect human rights in Indonesia as a Muslim country. This paper thus rejects the opinion of a number of observers about the incompatibility or conflict between Islam and human rights just because of the fact that the majority of Muslim countries does not fully protect and enforce human rights. Since the beginning, Islam has recognized the protection of human rights, which were then formulated by the ulama with the concept of maqâsid al-sharî'ah (objectives of shari'ah). As a Muslim country, Indonesia in the Reform era has committed to the protection and enforcement of human rights in line with the implementation of substantive democracy. Yet there remain a number of problems or obstacles in the protection of human rights caused by several factors, be they substantive, structural or cultural. The government, parliament as well as civil society and religious organizations have conducted efforts to solve the problems and obstacles. Kata Kunci: hak asasi manusia, Islam, tanggung jawab manusia, maqâsid al-sharî'ah, kebebasan
Jurnal Hukum to-ra : Hukum Untuk Mengatur dan Melindungi Masyarakat
Immigration is a matter of traffic of people entering or leaving the territory of Indonesia and its supervision in order to maintain the upholding of state sovereignty (Article 1 number 1 of Law No. 6 of 2011). At present the total population of the world in 2019 is 7,714,576,923 and continues to increase of course. It grew 1.07 percent compared to 2018 or increased by 81,757,598 residents. The total age of the world's population according to worldometers is 29.9 years. This is a condition where the cycle of density and traffic in the world is growing and increasing. The largest population is still dominated by China. The Bamboo Curtain country recorded 1,417,930,226 inhabitants. China's total population is five times more than Indonesia's population. In second place, the most population in the world is occupied by India. The population of India is 1,362,483,286 since this article was created and continues to grow. India pursues China, which is only about 50 million peop...
Esai ini mendedah, lewat perspektif René Girard, tautan erat antara "agama" dengan "kekerasan". Saya juga meletakkannya di dalam ranah perjumpaan dialog antar-iman
Interseksi Hak Asasi Manusia dan Sharī‘ah di Indonesia
ISLAMICA: Jurnal Studi Keislaman, 2018
This article attempts to uncover the point of encounter of human rights and sharī‘ah in Indonesia which often contradict with each other in light of differences in its development base, both as a concept and, furthermore, as an instrument, which ultimately leads to the human dimension. The basis of the development in question is that human rights derived from human rationality, while sharī‘ah comes from revelation. Therefore, this article seeks to explore the compatibility between the two. Human rights and sharī‘ah always have a point of encounter because in principle they are both fighting for humanity. The intersection between the two is often the case—and it becomes common, because the basis for the development of the law originates from different sources. Human rights comes from human rationality, while sharī‘ah departs from Allah’s revelation. Thus, it is only natural that various debates arise as in general a discourse of knowledge. It’s just that it needs to be understood tha...
LGBT DI Indonesia: Dilema Hak Asasi Manusia Dan Urgensitas Pembaharuan Pemidanaan
LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender) is one of the symptoms-even now it is a massive movement supported by the United Nations-which is getting more and more discussed, especially in Indonesia. Armed with human rights, the LGBT group wants to be recognized as good citizens like other citizens. They campaign that their deviant sexual orientation is a nature that society must accept. Not only in the social aspect, but also from a legal point of view, deviant sexual orientation is unacceptable in Indonesian society. So far, the Criminal Code is considered unable to provide repressive measures in terms of threats of strict sanctions against LGBT perpetrators so as to make same-sex enthusiasts feel free to channel their actions. their deviant sexual orientation. Article 292 of the Criminal Code cannot be used as a basis for ensnaring LBGT perpetrators, but Article 4 paragraph 1 letter a of Law Number 44 of 2008 can be used as a reference for ensnaring LGBT perpetrators, whose criminal sanctions are contained in Article 29 of Law Number 44 of 2008. With Indonesia who uphold religion and morals, then LGBT perpetrators should be punished. This research was conducted using the library review method to produce a research analysis on the urgency of criminal reform for LGBT people.