De-Stijl: Facilitating Graphics Design with Interactive 2D Color Palette Recommendation (original) (raw)

Cicero: A Declarative Grammar for Responsive Visualization

CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems

Figure desktop and mobile versions, respectively. The mobile versions of the Oil Spills case are from (1) the original article and (2) the version suggested by Hofswell et al. [13]. Full size images are included in the Supplemental Material ( 1: Thirteen responsive visualization use cases reproduced using Cicero. The blue-and gray-bordered views are the


Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces

draw a pizza in the middle make the pizza smaller put the pizza on a table move the helicopter towards the top draw a helicopter in the middle there is a sun on the right and a cloud on the left User Scones Figure 1: Example interaction between Scones and a human user. Scones can iteratively generate and refne sketched scenes given users' text instructions.

InfoColorizer: Interactive Recommendation of Color Palettes for Infographics

IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics, 2021

When designing infographics, general users usually struggle with getting desired color palettes using existing infographic authoring tools, which sometimes sacrifice customizability, require design expertise, or neglect the influence of elements? spatial arrangement. We propose a data-driven method that provides flexibility by considering users? preferences, lowers the expertise barrier via automation, and tailors suggested palettes to the spatial layout of elements. We build a recommendation engine by utilizing deep learning techniques to characterize good color design practices from data, and further develop InfoColorizer, a tool that allows users to obtain color palettes for their infographics in an interactive and dynamic manner. To validate our method, we conducted a comprehensive four-part evaluation, including case studies, a controlled user study, a survey study, and an interview study. The results indicate that InfoColorizer can provide compelling palette recommendations wi...

Daedalus in the Dark: Designing for Non-Visual Accessible Construction of Laser-Cut Architecture

The 34th Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology

Figure 1: Daedalus: generator of BLV-friendly tactile aids for laser-cut assembly. (a) Daedalus software interface elements. (b) The user builds a laser-cut model via built-in function Joint Assembly in Fusion 360. (c) Upon receiving the input of joints, Daedalus can provide entry component candidates to generate BLV-accessible layout (d). (e) A BLV user assembles a laser-cut chair (bottom-left) using a Daedalus-produced layout, in which: (f) Tactile arrows guide joint connections; (g) Slots act as stabilizers; (h) A hollowed circle linked to a component marks the assembly entry point.


Proceedings of the 2019 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems

Figure 1: Overview of Swire. Swire encodes 1) a sketch query drawn by the user into 2) the sketch-screenshot embedding space using its deep neural-network. Swire then performs a 3) nearest neighbor search in the embedding space and retrieves 4) design examples that have similar neural-network outputs as the user's sketch query.

The tactile dimension: a method for physicalizing touch behaviors

Proceedings of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems

Figure 1: A physical model is covered with a tracer substance that is invisible under normal lighting conditions (left), but reveals the traces of touch under UV light (middle). Traces are then extracted from the photograph and remapped onto a 3D model (right).

Varv: Reprogrammable Interactive Software as a Declarative Data Structure

CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems

Figure 1: Varv Examples: (a) A todo list web application that is inherently extensible. Here, a basic todo list is extended with the ability to complete and delete todos by adding two new concept defnitions and new modifed template defnitions. (b) A board game toolkit that defnes abstractions for board game logic. The games "Checkers" and "Othello" were implemented with the toolkit and then merged into a new "Checkers-O-Thello" game with the addition of a short concept defnition. As Varv applications are represented as data structures, higher-level tooling can be developed including a block-based editor (right), an inspector to go from an element in the view to the corresponding template or data (context menu to the left), and a data inspector for live editing application state (middle).

Probabilistic color-by-numbers

ACM Transactions on Graphics, 2013

Sampled colorings Random colorings : Given the uncolored pattern templates shown on the left, we use a probabilistic factor graph model to generate the pattern colorings shown in the middle. The factor graph is trained on example patterns colored by human artists. For comparison, on the right we show randomized colorings of each template. The lightness information shown to visualize the input pattern is not used.

Personalized Font Recommendations: Combining ML and Typographic Guidelines to Optimize Readability

Designing Interactive Systems Conference

The amount of text people need to read and understand grows daily. Software defaults, designers, or publishers often choose the fonts people read in. However, matching individuals with a faster font could help them cope with information overload. We collaborated with typographers to (1) select eight fonts designed for digital reading to systematically compare their efectiveness and to (2) understand how font and reader characteristics afect reading speed. We collected font preferences, reading speeds, and characteristics from 252 crowdsourced participants in a remote readability study. We use font and reader characteristics to train FontMART, a learning to rank model that automatically orders a set of eight fonts per participant by predicted reading speed. FontMART's fastest font prediction shows an average increase of 14-25 WPM compared to other font defaults, without hindering comprehension. This encouraging evidence provides motivation for adding our personalized font recommendation to future interactive systems. CCS CONCEPTS • Human-centered computing → Empirical studies in HCI; • Information systems → Personalization.