Cystic hydatidosis simulating an invasive hepatic neoplasia (original) (raw)
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[Retroperitoneal hydatidosis secondary to hepatic hydatid cyst]
Revista Argentina de microbiología
Hydatid disease is a worldwide zoonosis. It is caused by a parasitic platyhelminth of the genus Echinococcus. We present a patient with a fluctuating lumbar tumor in the retroperitoneal space, secondary to a hepatic cyst. the initial diagnosis was made by identification of rostellar hooks from protoscoleces in the fluid aspirated from the abscess. We herein describe the clinical manifestations, diagnosis and medical and surgical treatment of this unusual case and conclude that the development of an accurate diagnosis requires a proper analysis of the patient's epidemiological history, clinical manifestations, imaging studies and laboratory tests. a multidisciplinary approach and differential diagnosis is paramount to be able to establish a cause of the disease to deliver appropriate treatment.
Complications after surgery for hepatic hydatidosis. Experience in 116 patients
Revista Chilena de Cirugia
Background: Surgery for hepatic hydatidosis is common in Southern Chile and it is important to know the rates of complications of the procedure. Aim: To report the rates of postoperative complications in patients operated for uncomplicated hepatic hydatidosis. Material and Methods: Prospective study of patients operated for uncomplicated hepatic hydatidosis between 1997 and 2008. The surgical techniques employed were total or partial peri cystectomies, or hepatic resection. Results: One hundred sixteen patients aged 43 ± 17 years, 60% females, were included in the series. Median cyst diameter was 15 cm. Ten patients (8.6%) had complications. Three patients had an atelectasis, two had an acute bronchitis, one had a urinary tract infection, two had surgical wound infections, one developed a residual cavity and one had an eventration. During a median follow up of 95 months, no patient died and one had a recurrence of the disease. Conclusions: Surgery for uncomplicated hydatidosis has a low rate of complications.
Liver abscess of hydatid origin as a risk factor for postoperative complications in hydatidosis
Revista Chilena De Cirugia, 2009
Background: Cyst infection and subsequent abscess formation is considered a complication of hepatic echinococcosis (HE). Aim: To determine whether liver abscess of hydatid origin (LAHO) is a risk factor for the development of postoperative complications (POC) in patients operated by HE. Material and Methods: Prospective cohort study. Patients consecutively operated by HE between 2000 and 2007 were studied. LAHO was considered as exposure and POC as outcome. Results: Fifty two patients with LAHO, aged 50 ± 21 years (52% females) and 126 without LAHO, aged 48 ± 20 years (56% females) were studied. Patients with LAHO had a higher frequency of coexistent cyst lesions and a lower frequency of biliary communications. The frequency of complications was 28.9 and 11.1% among patients with and without LAHO, respectively (p < 0.01, crude risk ratio of 2.6, 95% confidence intervals 1.4-5.0). Logistic regression showed a significant interaction of alkaline phosphatases with risk calculation. The risk ratio, adjusting by this variable, changed to 2.45 (95% confidence intervals 1.3-5.0). Conclusions: LAHO is a risk factor for the development of POC in patients operated by HE.
Hydatidosis in the Medical Clinic and Surgery rooms of the Hospital de Clinicas from 2006 to 2013
Revista Virtual de la Sociedad Paraguaya de Medicina Interna, 2017
La hidatidosis es una zoonosis parasitaria que afecta al ser humano de manera accidental produciendo quistes en cualquier localización anatómica, durante su lento crecimiento se mantiene asintomático, con los meses se manifestará como tumor local, dolor o reacción de hipersensibilidad. Se presenta descripción de 12 casos cuyo perfil es: mujer de 49 años, dedicada a los quehaceres domésticos, procedente del área urbana, quien presenta quiste hepático y recibe tratamiento combinado quirúrgico y farmacológico, con resolución de la patología. En el Hospital de Clínicas consultan en promedio 1,7 pacientes con hidatidosis por año.
Eosinophilic Pleural Effusion by Hepatic Hydatidosis: Case Report and Literature Review
Revista Med, 2008
La hidatidosis, producida por estados larvales del género Echinococcus es una entidad infrecuente en nuestro medio y la información local corresponde a reportes y a series de casos, sin que se tenga una información precisa acerca de su epidemiología y manejo, en especial para los casos complicados. A continuación se presenta un caso de hidatidosis hepática que se manifestó como un derrame pleural eosinofílico comprobado por serología y manejado con terapia combinada con albendazol y con la técnica de PAIR (punción, aspiración, instilación, reaspiración), reportada por primera vez en Colombia con un resultado exitoso. También se hace una revisión de la literatura acerca del compromiso toráxico en esta condición, defi niendo los aspectos más relevantes a tener en cuenta en su etiología, fi siopatología, manifestaciones clínicas y manejo.
Aspectos clínico-quirúrgicos de la hidatidosis hepática, una zoonosis de creciente preocupación
Revista chilena de cirugía, 2011
Clinical and surgical aspects of hydatidosis Hydatidosis is common in Southern Chile and it is usually located in the liver. The complications of surgical procedures for liver hydatidosis, which fl uctuate from 11 to 86%, are superposed to the own complications of the disease. The frequency of surgical complications is associated with evolutionary complications of the cysts, the need to perform additional procedures to treat the disease in other simultaneous locations and previous surgical interventions for the disease. Operative mortality is lower than 5%. The surgical treatment of hydatidosis is divided in four phases: isolation of the surgical zone, cyst evacuation, treatment of cyst complications and treatment of residual cavity. The conservative surgical procedures are marsupialization, cystostomy, Posadas intervention and cystojejunostomy. Surgical procedures involving resection are pericystectomy, subtotal cystectomy and liver resections. The role of laparoscopic surgery is still under evaluation