Part-of-speech Tagging of Code-Mixed Social Media Text (original) (raw)
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Automatic processing of code-mixed social media content
Code-mixing or language-mixing is a linguistic phenomenon where multiple language mix together during conversation. Standard natural language processing (NLP) tools such as part-of-speech (POS) tagger and parsers perform poorly because such tools are generally trained with monolingual content. Thus there is a need for code-mixed NLP. This research focuses on creating a code-mixed corpus in English-Hindi-Bengali and using it to develop a world-level language identifier and a POS tagger for such code-mixed content. The first target of this research is word-level language identification. A data set of romanised and code-mixed content written in English, Hindi and Bengali was created and annotated. Word-level language identification (LID) was performed on this data using dictionaries and machine learn- ing techniques. We find that among a dictionary-based system, a character-n-gram based linear model, a character-n-gram based first order Conditional Random Fields (CRF) and a recurrent n...
Part-of-Speech Tagging for Code-Mixed English-Hindi Twitter and Facebook Chat Messages
The paper reports work on collecting and annotating code-mixed English-Hindi social media text (Twitter and Facebook messages), and experiments on automatic tagging of these corpora, using both a coarse-grained and a fine-grained part-ofspeech tag set. We compare the performance of a combination of language specific taggers to that of applying four machine learning algorithms to the task (Conditional Random Fields, Sequential Minimal Optimization, Naive Bayes and Random Forests), using a range of different features based on word context and wordinternal information.
Code-mixing (CM) is a frequently observed phenomenon that uses multiple languages in an utterance or sentence. There are no strict grammatical constraints observed in codemixing, and it consists of non-standard variations of spelling. The linguistic complexity resulting from the above factors made the computational analysis of the code-mixed language a challenging task. Language identification (LI) and part of speech (POS) tagging are the fundamental steps that help analyze the structure of the code-mixed text. Often, the LI and POS tagging tasks are interdependent in the code-mixing scenario. We project the problem of dealing with multilingualism and grammatical structure while analyzing the code-mixed sentence as a joint learning task. In this paper, we jointly train and optimize language detection and part of speech tagging models in the code-mixed scenario. We used a Transformer with convolutional neural network architecture. We train a joint learning method by combining POS tagging and LI models on code-mixed social media text obtained from the ICON shared task.
Part-of-Speech Tagging for Code Mixed English-Telugu Social Media Data
Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Text Processing
Part-of-Speech Tagging is a primary and an important step for many Natural Language Processing Applications. POS taggers have reported high accuracies on grammatically correct monolingual data. This paper reports work on annotating code mixed English-Telugu data collected from social media site Facebook and creating automatic POS Taggers for this corpus. POS tagging is considered as a classification problem and we use different classifiers like Linear SVMs, CRFs, Multinomial Bayes with different combinations of features which capture both context of the word and its internal structure. We also report our work on experimenting with combining monolingual POS taggers for POS tagging of this code mixed English-Telugu data.
Language Identification and Named Entity Recognition in Hinglish Code Mixed Tweets
Proceedings of ACL 2018, Student Research Workshop
While growing code-mixed content on Online Social Networks (OSNs) provides a fertile ground for studying various aspects of code-mixing, the lack of automated text analysis tools render such studies challenging. To meet this challenge, a family of tools for analyzing code-mixed data such as language identifiers, partsof-speech (POS) taggers, chunkers have been developed. Named Entity Recognition (NER) is an important text analysis task which is not only informative by itself, but is also needed for downstream NLP tasks such as semantic role labeling. In this work, we present an exploration of automatic NER of code-mixed data. We compare our method with existing off-theshelf NER tools for social media content, and find that our systems outperforms the best baseline by 33.18 % (F 1 score).
POS Tagging of Hindi-English Code Mixed Text from Social Media: Some Machine Learning Experiments
We discuss Part-of-Speech(POS) tagging of Hindi-English Code-Mixed(CM) text from social media content. We propose extensions to the existing approaches, we also present a new feature set which addresses the transliteration problem inherent in social media. We achieve an 84% accuracy with the new feature set. We show that the context and joint modelling of language detection and POS tag layers do not help in POS tagging.
POS Tagging of English-Hindi Code-Mixed Social Media Content
Code-mixing is frequently observed in user generated content on social media, especially from multilingual users. The linguistic complexity of such content is compounded by presence of spelling variations , transliteration and non-adherance to formal grammar. We describe our initial efforts to create a multi-level annotated corpus of Hindi-English code-mixed text collated from Facebook forums , and explore language identification , back-transliteration, normalization and POS tagging of this data. Our results show that language identification and transliteration for Hindi are two major challenges that impact POS tagging accuracy .
Code Mixing: A Challenge for Language Identification in the Language of Social Media
In social media communication, multilingual speakers often switch between languages , and, in such an environment, automatic language identification becomes both a necessary and challenging task. In this paper, we describe our work in progress on the problem of automatic language identification for the language of social media. We describe a new dataset that we are in the process of creating , which contains Facebook posts and comments that exhibit code mixing between Bengali, English and Hindi. We also present some preliminary word-level language identification experiments using this dataset. Different techniques are employed, including a simple unsuper-vised dictionary-based approach, supervised word-level classification with and without contextual clues, and sequence labelling using Conditional Random Fields. We find that the dictionary-based approach is surpassed by supervised classification and sequence labelling, and that it is important to take contextual clues into consideration .
Part-of-Speech Tagging for Code-mixed Indian Social Media Text at ICON 2015
ArXiv, 2016
This paper discusses the experiments carried out by us at Jadavpur University as part of the participation in ICON 2015 task: POS Tagging for Code-mixed Indian Social Media Text. The tool that we have developed for the task is based on Trigram Hidden Markov Model that utilizes information from dictionary as well as some other word level features to enhance the observation probabilities of the known tokens as well as unknown tokens. We submitted runs for Bengali-English, Hindi-English and Tamil-English Language pairs. Our system has been trained and tested on the datasets released for ICON 2015 shared task: POS Tagging For Code-mixed Indian Social Media Text. In constrained mode, our system obtains average overall accuracy (averaged over all three language pairs) of 75.60% which is very close to other participating two systems (76.79% for IIITH and 75.79% for AMRITA_CEN) ranked higher than our system. In unconstrained mode, our system obtains average overall accuracy of 70.65% which ...
Survey of part-of-speech tagger for mixed-code Indian and foreign language used in social media
International Journal of Advances in Applied Sciences (IJAAS) , 2019
A Part-Of-Speech Tagger (POS Tagger) is a tool that scans the text in specific language and allocates chunks of speech to individual word (and another token), such as verb, adjective, nown etc., as more fine-grained POS tags are used in computational applications like 'noun-plural'. Basically, the goal of a POS tagger is to allocate linguistic (mostly grammatical) information to sub-sentential units, called tokens as well as to words and symbols (e.g. punctuation). This paper presents a survey of POS Tagger used for code-Mixed Indian and Foreign languages. Various methods, procedures, and features required to device POS Tagger for code-mixed foreign languages especially for Indian are studied and observations related to it are reported.