Film Dokumenter Anjing Bali Tuan Rumah Sejuta Kisah (original) (raw)

Film Dokumenter Tradisi Aci Keburan DI Pura Hyang Api Desa Kelusa Gianyar Bali

Kumpulan Artikel Mahasiswa Pendidikan Teknik Informatika (KARMAPATI), 2019

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) menghasilkan rancangan dan mengimplementasikan hasil rancangan Film Dokumenter Tradisi Aci Keburan di Pura Hyang Api Desa Kelusa Gianyar Bali. (2) mengetahui respon masyarakat terhadap hasil akhir Film Dokumenter Tradisi Aci Keburan di Pura Hyang Api Desa Kelusa Gianyar Bali. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian dan pengembangan dengan model cyclic strategy. Metode cyclic strategy dimulai dari pengumpulan data dengan cara observasi, wawancara, studi literatur, kuesioner, dan dokumentasi. Film dokumenter ini diimplementasikan dengan menggunakan aplikasi Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2018 dalam proses video editing, Adobe After Effects CC 2018 untuk pembuatan video animasi, Adobe Audition CC 2018 dalam proses sound editing, serta Adobe Photoshop CC 2018 untuk pembuatan desain keperluan film dokumenter. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Film Dokumenter Tradisi Aci Keburan di Pura Hyang Api Desa Kelusa Gianyar Bali berdasarka...

Rumah Gadang Dalam Film Dokumenter Perkampungan Adat Nagari Sijunjung

Capture : Jurnal Seni Media Rekam

This documentary film entitled Perkampungan Adat Nagari Sijunjung (Traditional Village of Nagari Sijunjung) is trying to show the reality about the condition of the gadang house nowadays. This film was created with an expository documentary style, which uses the narrator as a single speaker. This documentary film describes one area that still maintains 'gadang' houses like their original functions, namely daily and customary functions. The daily function of the 'gadang' house is as a place to accommodate the daily activities of its inhabitants, as is usually the case with residential houses. While the traditional function of the 'gadang' house is the main house owned by a family belonging to a certain tribe. As the main house, the 'gadang' house is a place for traditional ceremonies and other important events from a large family of homeowners or fellow brothers of the same tribe.

Film Dokumenter “Ngantung Ari-Ari” Antara Nalar dan Naluri Dari Tradisi Bali Kuno

Kumpulan Artikel Mahasiswa Pendidikan Teknik Informatika (KARMAPATI), 2019

The purposes of the study were: 1) To develop a documentary film “Ngantung Ari-ari” antara Nalar dan Nalusi dari Tradisi Bali Kuno in Bayunggede village. 2) To find out the response of the people to the final results of the Documentary Film “Ngantung Ari-ari” antara Nalar dan Nalusi dari Tradisi Bali Kuno in Bayunggede VillageThis research was a research and development that used the Cyclic Strategy method, which is a method that uses a looping system at each stage if there are deficiency that determined by testing stage. Data collection techniques were carried out by observation, interviews, literature studies and documentation. This research was implemented using Adobe Premiere Pro CS6 as a video editing application and Adobe After Effect CS 6 as an application for adding effects and animations to videos and using Adobe Audition Pro CS6 as a sound editor.The test was did through several stages, there were the content expert test and media expert test in pre-production, content exp...

Film Dokumenter Sebagai Katalis Perubahan Sosial: Studi Kasus Ambon, Aceh, dan Bali

Kawistara: Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Humaniora, 2019

Since democratization (Reformasi) in 1998, documentary films gradually evolve with their locus of production spreading across the Indonesian archipelago. With the spirit of democratization brought about by digital technology, film communities and civil organizations in outer islands of Java utilize digital documentary film to capture several pertinent sociopolitical issues and raise public and government attention and responses. Those issues are commonly overlooked by the local media and were never a part of local government's policies. Based on our fieldwork conducted in three areas outside of the Java Island (Ambon, Aceh and Bali), where digital documentary filmmaking and civil organizations are active and vibrant, our study indicates that rather than simply producing documentaries, film communities or non-governmental organizations disseminated documentaries through public screenings to invite further engagement of audiences by discussing the film with authorities (policy makers) that were often invited in that event. In this article, we attempt to illuminate how documentary filmmaking allows the unseen and neglected issues to be articulated visually and sonically. Therefore, it would be compelling public or media attention and encouraging further government policy to resolve that matters. In other words, documentary films are a catalyst for social change by taking their roles as witness for the public and demanding responsibilities of the political authority. ABSTRAK Sejak bergulirnya demokratisasi (Reformasi) pada 1998, film dokumenter secara perlahan mengalami pertumbuhan yang lokus produksinya kian tersebar ke sejumlah wilayah di Indonesia. Dengan spirit demokratisasi yang diusung oleh teknologi digital, komunitas film dan organisasi masyarakat sipil di luar Jawa menggunakan dokumenter digital untuk merekam pelbagai masalah sosio-politik dan membangkitkan kesadaran publik maupun kepedulian serta respon pemerintah. Persoalan yang diangkat oleh film dokumenter tersebut lazimnya luput dari perhatian media massa dan tidak pernah menjadi prioritas kebijakan pemerintah daerah. Berangkat dari studi lapangan di tiga daerah luar Jawa (Ambon, Aceh dan Bali) di mana produksi film dokumenternya terbilang aktif dan hidup, studi kami mengindikasikan bahwa lebih dari sekadar memproduksi film, komunitas film dan organisasi non pemerintah mendiseminasikan film dokumenter lewat pemutaran publik. Tujuannya, mengundang keterlibatan penonton lebih jauh dengan mendiskusikan film tersebut dengan pihak yang berwenang (pengambil kebijakan) yang kadangkala diundang ke acara pemutaran. Artikel ini berikhtiar menjelaskan ISSN 2088-5415 (Print) ISSN 2355-5777 (Online) https://doi.

Penyusunan Alur Cerita Tematis Pada Dokumenter “Menjala Asa Nelayan Karangsong”


This Documentary Potrait works made showing a fishing village that existed in Indramayu, This documentary to provide information on shipbuilding and innovation that applied that could be useful for the other village fishermen who sell their goods existence and service in developing the low level of income fish. With this documentary work, creator want to give the impression and opinions that shipbuilding in Karangsong can promote his village. By the presence of Karangsong that the fishermen have made the sign of Indonesia can also be great as fishers outside the country. Karangsong can be an example positive to followed by other fishing village in the development of a boat and innovation to make up the village. Creator of arrange of the concept right in the manufacture of documentary this is by the method of arrangement of the story line thematic, The story line that divides into four parts in this documentary can ease understanding in the received the information from the work of this documentary. Information that is delivered in documentary this is a fact that was obtained from research conducted by the creator of, as to public got precise information and credible.

Film Animasi 2 Dimensi Cerita Rakyat Bali Berjudul I Ceker Cipak

Jurnal Bahasa Rupa

Many factors can lead to moral irregularities by children, one of which is the number of impressions that are less culturally appropriate and less educational for children. Impressions adapted from folklore often become a strategic alternative as educational media. In general, the message conveyed in folklore is a guideline of behavior in social life, good and bad teaching, joy, sadness, and heroism. Positive moral messages contained are expected to control turbulent in emotion and character development in the process of forming a…

Film Dokumenter :"Pelestarian Lingkungan Melalui Permainan Tradisional Mapoh - Pohan

Kumpulan Artikel Mahasiswa Pendidikan Teknik Informatika (KARMAPATI), 2019

Penelitian ini bertujuan: (1) Untuk menghasilkan rancangan dan mengimplementasikan hasil rancangan film dokumenter: ”Pelestarian Lingkungan Melalui Permainan Tradisional Mapoh-pohan”, (2) Untuk mengetahui respon masyarakat terhadap hasil akhir film dokumenter: ”Pelestarian Lingkungan Melalui Permainan Mapoh-pohan”. Metode penelitian yang digunakan pada film dokumenter Mapoh-pohan adalah Research and Develompent dengan model cyclic strategy. Tradisi Mapoh-pohan yang dipilih sebagai subjek penelitian adalah Mapoh-pohan yang ada pada Banjar Ole, Desa Dauh Puri, Kecamatan Marga, Kabupaten Tabanan. Adapun tahap – tahap dari Cyclic Strategy diantaranya adalah brief, tahap 1, tahap 2, evaluasi 1, tahap 3, evaluasi 2, tahap 4 dan Outcome. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa film dokumenter: ”Pelestarian Lingkungan Melalui Permainan Tradisional Mapoh-pohan” dalam kriteria sangat baik. Hasil yang diperoleh dari uji ahli isi dan uji ahli media seluruhnya sudah sesuai. Sedangkan dari uji respon ...

Kisah Hidup Korban Bullying Dalam Dokumenter Performatif “Repost”

Sense: Journal of Film and Television Studies, 2021

ABSTRACTNegative side of bullying is the main theme of“REPOST” documentary. The making of “REPOST” aimed to deliver a story and perception of bullying by Vera (Nia’s sister) through the bullying case of Vera’s sister, Nia. This film appears under the performative mode. According to Bill Nichols, performative mode contains three aspect, subjective, related to memory and experience, and expressive.The performative mode of this film formed by putting Vera as the narrator owning a personal point of view to describe the phenomena of bullying through her sister case. Information and story are delivered by reconstruction, symbol, and expressively using cinematography elements. Performative documentary film brings personal and emotional intensities from the subject to deliver the case inside the film. The performative mode in “REPOST” documentary can deliver the emotion of Vera and her contradiction of her sister bullying case. Keyword: documentary, performative, bullying, reconstruction AB...

Produksi Film Dokumenter "Gejolak Daun Emas


Indonesia adalah penghasil tembakau dan cengkeh sekaligus. Dari pengolahan dan racikan tembakau dan cengkeh inilah yang melahirkan “rokok cengkeh”, atau lebih dikenal dengan sebutan kretek. Budaya kretek banyak diceratakan didalam sejarah – sejarah masyarakat Indonesia. Bahan utama yang digunakan untuk membuat kretek adalah tembakau.Tembakau dihasilkan dari berbagai daerah di Indonesia. mulai dari Deli, Lampung, Sumedang, Garut, Temanggung, Wonosobo, Magelang, Kedu, Muntilan, Boyolali, Madura, Kediri, Jember, Bojonegoro, Probolinggo, Besuki, Lombok. Tetapi dalam hal ini Penulis akan mengangkat realita dari petani Tembakau di Temanggung, Jawa Tengah. Temanggung dipilih karena saat era merupakan bagian dari Karisidenan Kedu di era Kolonial. Sejak dulu Kedu dikenal sebagai tempat yang cocok untuk budidaya tembakau. Tembakau dari kawasan Kedu khususnya daerah Temanggung, merajai pasar tembakau yang diserap industri. Ini tak lepas dari status tembakaunya sebagai tembakau lauk. Saat ini n...

Mengamati Kehidupan Owa Jawa Dalam Penyutradaraan Film Dokumenter “Habitat” Dengan Bentuk Penuturan Perbandingan

Sense: Journal of Film and Television Studies, 2021

ABSTRACTDocumentary is one among many ways to tell a fact and information from surroundings. One of it are endemic animals called Javan Gibbon.This thesis documentary tells about Javan Gibbon who lives in three different habitat which are wild life, rehabilitation center and zoo. Different environment influences the daily activiy of each Javan Gibbon. For Javan Gibbon, jungle is their natural habitat. Rehabilitaion center is a place for them to be rehabilitate before being release to wild life. While zoo is a place for preservation and education for people.This thesis, Observing the Life of Javan Gibbon in Directing Documentary “Habitat” with Narrative Form of Comparison, contains the comparison of Javan Gibbon on three different habitats. The comparison is delivered with sequences of footages between each habitat through activities of Javan Gibbon. The activity consists of the process of getting food, socialize between each Gibbon, interacting with humans and during rainy seasons. ...