Understanding the Quran Holistically: Interdisciplinary Study of the Language and Linguistics of the Quran (original) (raw)

Exploring Methodological Aspects of Linguistic in the Quran and Its Tafsir


Tulisan ini menelaah makna bahasa dan teks yang digunakan dalam Al-Qur'an. Dalam mengajarkan Islam, pada dasarnya berdasarkan dua sumber fundamental, yaitu Al-Qur'an dan tradisi Nabi. Bagi muslim, Al-Qur'an adalah Wahyu Ilahi. Al-Qur'an merupakan perkataan dari Tuhan dan kehadiran Ilahi pada ruang dan waktu sejarah. Melalui penyelidikan terhadap interpretasi sejarah berdasarkan aspek linguistik dalam Al-Qur'an, sebuah usaha dilakukan untuk meningkatkan definisi yang jelas mengenai tafsir dan bagaimana Al-Qur'an itu diinterpretasikan dalam sejarah Islam. Berdasarkan pada contoh-contoh tersebut, tulisan ini membahas tentang pendefinisian kembali tafsir dilihat dari bentuk khusus yang berhubungan dengan interpretasi Sarjana Muslim sebagai penterjemah dan aturan mendefinisikan karakteristik budaya berdasarkan tafsir dan termasuk penekanan dalam memahami aspek linguistik dan kemanusiaan, serta tahapan interpretasi yang harus dilakukan. Tulisan ini juga bertujuan untuk mendiskusikan metode interpretif dan hubungan dialektika terhadap teks Al-Qur'an dan konteks linguistik Al-Qur'an. This paper explores the meanings of language and text used in the Holy Scripture (the Quran). In Islam, its teachings are based essentially on two fundamental sources, the Qur'an and the prophetic tradition. For Muslims, the Qur'an is Divine Revelation. It is the very word of God and the presence of the Divine in space and time of the history. Through an examination

Text Linguistics of Qur'anic Discourse: An Analysis


Means of presenting the Qur'anic text enjoy everlasting efforts to develop and meet the greatness and high status the holy Qur'an maintains. Consequently, this study aims at shedding light on the virtual relationship between the general concept of the Qur'anic mapping techniques and the resulting theories of linguistics. The concept of the Qur'anic mapping is to facilitate meaning conveyance, embody concepts, and represent the Qur'anic discourse in an understandable and comprehensible manner. Therefore, thinking of how the Qur'anic reader will absorb the new representation of the Qur'anic discourse, was the main issue in the Qur'anic mapping process. The resulting linguistic phenomena were discussed in a detailed manner. Qur'anic maps take a hybrid design of concept maps and mind maps with the original Arabic Qur'anic text and the English translation of its meanings manipulated. The current paper introduces itself as a foundation for a newer domain of research based on a decent association between Qur'anic exegesis and its topical classification, concept mapping, and the various theories of linguistics. There is also an opportunity for other studies to explore more linguistic theories not mentioned in this study.

Linguistic Analysis: the distinctiveness Text of the Qur'an

Saudi Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 2016

The study investigates the literary form of the Holy book-The Qur'an. The book is explaining the principles of Islam-a religion of Muslim Umah. In the era and since the Prophet Muhammad's time, it was questioned that it is a book written by a poet. It has been under the keen study to know the language used in the Holy Qur'an. The study explains the language of the Holy Qur'an. The Qur'an is not prose and that it is not verse either. It is rather Qur'an, and it cannot be called by any other name. The Holy Quran is the reference book for more than 1.6 billion of Muslims all around the world. Extracting information and knowledge from the Holy Quran is of high benefit for both specialized people in Islamic studies as well as none specialized people. The word Qur'an has never been used for any other book since long in the history of the universe. It has its unique form[1]. This study helps to introduce the reader to the language of the Holy Qur'an.

A Discourse Analysis of Surah Al-Duha in the Holy Quran: Implications for Contemporary Discourse

This study employs a discourse analysis (DA) framework to explore the linguistic and textual features of Surah Al-Duha in the Holy Quran and its implications for contemporary discourse. The study aims to gain a deeper understanding of the discursive elements and patterns of the Surah and its context to explain how language is used to shape meaning and construct social structures and ideologies. The study used a qualitative research design that draws on the principles of DA to analyze the Surah's grammar, syntax, lexicon, and metaphorical language. The study also explaind the historical, social, and cultural context of the Surah to explore its relevance and implications for contemporary discourse. The findings of the study showed that several discursive strategies and patterns were employed in the text, including the use of metaphorical language, intertextual references, and repetition of certain words and phrases. These strategies and patterns contribute to the overall meaning and interpretation of the text and highlight how power, identity, and ideology are constructed and negotiated in religious discourse. The study presents an original and valuable contribution to the field of discourse analysis and the understanding of the Quran as a religious text.

The Composition of the Qur’an: Rhetorical Analysis

Composition-of-the-Qur-an.pdf, 2011

By Michel Cuypers Translation by Jerry Ryan Bloomsbury Academic An imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Even though this book deals with literary traits of the Qur’an that are still not generally recognized, it does not pretend to off er some sort of secret code or esoteric deciphering technique to the public – something that appeals to certain people nowadays. More simply, it tries to systematically describe a certain number of literary procedures which assure the coherence of a Book that seems incoherent to many. In other words, our book will explain the diff erent rhetorical principles that enter into play in the composition of the Qur’anic text. It will be a ‘treatise of Qur’anic rhetoric’ but diff erent from treatises of rhetoric handed down by Arab (as well as by Western) literary traditions.

A Rhetorical Study of Selected Verses in the Glorious Quran

This paper is a rhetorical study of some selected Quranic texts. It is an attempt to shed light on some of the rhetorical devices. It also aims to reveal the expressional and imaginative function of various rhetorical aspects that are basic in the structure of religious texts. The study hypothesizes that in such texts, the meanings are plain and disposed to affect the minds and hearts of listeners/ readers together due to the rhetorical style such language has. It starts with a brief idea about Rhetoric; its relationship with pragmatics. The paper also deals with figures of speech and Tropes, especially those used in religious texts. The paper ends with an analysis of some selected Quranic verses taken as representatives.

Qurʾan: A Qualitative and Quantitative Assessment

Marked, unconventional word order is one of the most pertinent stylistic features of the Qurʾan, and is employed to realise certain discursive functions. This article identifies the verses which foreground a lexical item to (or towards) sentence-initial position, resulting in a marked word order, as well as the functions realised thereby, drawing on classical commentaries on the Qurʾan. Two of the most important English translations of the Qurʾan by Abdel Haleem (2004/2005) and Arberry (1955/1998) are selected for closer examination of the strategies they use to deal with the corpus of verses. The discussion is carried out against the backdrop of the translators' stated aims and reviews of their output. Furthermore, the potential influences of the translators' motivations, target readers' expectations, and the historical context of their work on their respective output are also discussed.

Revisiting What is Termed 'Anomalous Formulaic Expressions in the Qur'anic Discourse': A Cognitive Study from a Pragma-stylistic Perspective

Middle East Research Journal of Linguistics and Literature, 2021

This cognitive, small-scale study reviews the formulaic expressions used in the Quranic discourse. From a pragma-stylistic view, it examines the extent to which the Quranic expressions identified by Arab linguists as "odd" words are used as discourse markers. Based on more recent denotational theories, the paper claims that these expressions are unlikely to be anomalous. It theorizes that these phrases are verbal clues that work on the discourse level. The study utilizes corpus linguistics for data collection. Theoretically, it builds on discourse analysis (DA) as a main approach to data categorization and analysis. Thus, it models on Fairclough (2013) and Van Dijk's (1998) analytical framework to describe, interpret and explain the senses of these expressions in the various processes of meaning production, consumption and realization. A systematic, linguistic analysis is carried out on the syntactic, semantic and schematic levels. It has been found that these expressions fit into some formulaic sequences in which the components refer either directly to the discourse or indirectly to the context in which the embolic term is used. The contexts in which the formulaic patterns are selected and used are mainly characterized by hypersensitivity to sex and abstractedness of comprehension. The linguistic features of the expressions suggest that the Quranic discourse uses them for language politeness to keep face, for more linguistic interactions to clarify meaning and for hedging to sustain other potential senses. Finally, the study implicates for research on pragmatic and translation studies.

Logistics of Language Change in the Qur'anic Discourse: A pragma-linguistic perspective

American Journal of Humanities and Social Science (AJHSS), 2020

This small-scale study explores language change in the Qur"anic Discourse. It aims to describe some semi-identical verses with minor changes at the structural level, interpret the meanings depicted in these verses, and explain the factors that facilitated the linguist variation depicted in theses verses. The study utilizes corpus linguistics for data collection. It also applies a critical as well as an analytical approach to the data collected. Thus, it builds on Fairclough"s (1998) critical model of discourse analysis. It has been found that the holy Script of Islam tends to apply language change in a few semi-identical verses. The variation, perceived by a native speaker"s intuition, is structurally carried out through lexicalization, grammaticalization, or lexico-grammaticalization. It has been concluded that the sociolinguistic variation, realized in the Qur"anic discourse, is regulated by the status, gender, and interaction social factors.