"Insights into Jewish Epigraphical Idioms from the CIIP" (original) (raw)

Core-periphery – an old theory in new times

The subject of this study was an attempt to discover whether and to what extent core-periphery theory can be used to describe international economic relations in the process of creating a global knowledge-based economy. To this aim the most important core-periphery theory theses were selected and tested empirically. The following results were obtained: (1) Over time the profitability of leading products falls and their pro

The core-periphery relations and connections in social geography: historiography, concepts, theories


To determine the relationship: the center–peripheries is an important issue among others in the social geography. The issue of the impact of the central site on the space in which it is located has been the subject of many discussions, on the basis of which the new theories were created. The article concerns the proposals of delimitation of geographical space, serving the designation of areas of the central and peripheral areas.

Core and periphery

The international politics of the Middle East, 2018

The Middle East has been profoundly shaped by the international system, or more precisely, the great powers, which dominate its developed 'core'. The nineteenth-century expansion of capitalism and imperialism into the region reflected a combination of superior Western technological, market, and military power which penetrated and eventually reduced the Middle East to an economic periphery of the core and imposed a very flawed Western state system on it. Even after independence, Western capitalism continued to penetrate the Middle East: the region's strategic transit routes, oil resources, the creation of Israel, a Western bridgehead, and the relative power vacuum issuing from regional fragmentation-all continued to draw in external powers. Leon Carl Brown (1984: 3-5, 16-18) has argued that the Middle East became a penetrated system, one subject to exceptional influence and intervention from the outside but which could not be fully subordinated or absorbed. Fred Halliday (1988) observes that, from the time of the Eastern question, great power competition over the Middle East has been more enduring than in any other Third World region. As Brown stresses, local players have always tried to manipulate such rivalry for their own agendas. But equally, imperialism's fragmentation of the region into rival states often harbouring irredentist grievances against each other, its implantation of client elites and new class structures against local resistance and the creation and military enforcement of the state of Israel, have kept the region divided and dependent on external powers. Moreover, when there has been a hegemon on the world scene, it has tended to dominate the region on behalf of a relatively united 'core'. The first of these hegemons, Great Britain, came near to imposing an imperial order

Complexities of Core-Periphery Relation: an Analysis of the Late Raul Prebisch

SSRN Electronic Journal, 2016

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Centres and Peripheries in the History of Philosophical Thought

Brepols, 2021

This volume is an homage to the great intellectual contribution made by Loris Sturlese in the field of the history of medieval philosophy. Its topic has been inspired by Sturlese’s methodological intuition, according to which in a historical and conceptual reconstruction of medieval philosophical thought the focus should not only be devoted to the classical, most famous centers for the transmission and elaboration of knowledge, but also to the so-called peripheries, where texts and ideas circulated as well. In this volume, the notions of ‘centre’ and ‘periphery’ are not understood in a merely geographical sense, but also in conceptual, linguistic, historical and literary terms. The richness of this approach is demonstrated by the broad spectrum of the contributions present in the volume, which range from Islamic philosophy to Italian Renaissance, including the reception of ancient philosophy as well as of Arabic scientifical works in the Latin world, and eighteenth-century French geography. A special attention is devoted to the philosophical thought developed the German area. This fruitful perspective is applied to important medieval figures, such as Dante, as well as to central philosophical notions, such as the concept of rationality. The volume explores connections, ruptures, relations and affinities through the analysis of paradigmatic figures, places and topics within the micro- and macro-histories of philosophy. Table of contents: Introduction, p. vii Nadia Bray, Diana Di Segni, Fiorella Retucci, Elisa Rubino Bibliography, p. xvii Loris Sturlese Ein nicht-existierender Gegenstand? Eine gelehrte und nichtsdestotrotz persönliche Geschichte der Bochumer Schule (1971-1995), p. 1 Ruedi Imbach Il Linguaggio di Adamo, la Caduta di Adamo. Walter Benjamin alla luce di un inedito testo arabo medievale, p. 21 Carmela Baffioni L’aristotelismo vernacolare nel Rinascimento italiano: un fenomeno ‘regionale’?, p. 47 Luca Bianchi Cleaning up the Latin Language in Mid-Sixteenth-Century Basel: Antonius Stuppa’s Purgation of Albohazen’s De iudiciis astrorum, p. 69 Charles Burnett “Est autem testis Melissus pro cunctis temporis sui Philosophis, sed et pro omni antiquitate”. Le metamorfosi di Melisso, p. 83 Stefano Caroti Dante dal centro al cerchio, p. 103 Giulio D’Onofrio Per l’edizione critica delle opere di Pietro Aureoli, p. 141 Onorato Grassi Nicholas of Cusa’s marginalia to Plato’s dialogue Phaedrus as one of the forgotten sources of the supposed Cusanian Platonism, p. 157 Mikhail Khorkov Centri, periferie, luoghi e percorsi. Jules Michelet versus Victor Cousin, p. 179 Catherine König-Pralong On the Margin. Some Notes on Meister Eckhart, p. 199 Freimut Löser Una periferia o un centro? Filosofia e teologia allo Studium di Napoli in Età sveva e angioina, p. 223 Pasquale Porro Per una microstoria dell’umanesimo rinascimentale. Agostino Nifo e la cultura napoletana del Cinquecento, p. 247 Valeria Sorge Die Universalität der Vernunft und die Vielheit ihrer Sprachen, p. 263 Andreas Speer The Self-Location of Meister Eckhart, p. 293 Markus Vinzent Indexes, p. 303