Barriers to stakeholder involvement in the planning of sustainable tourism: the case of the Thrace region in Turkey (original) (raw)

Purpose: Tourism is becoming increasingly more important in economic development. Aware of this potential, organizations, governments, professionals, and scholars that are involved in tourism development recognize the need and right for stakeholders to be included and involved in the tourism development process. The focus on more stakeholder participation emphasizes its ability to handles multiple perceived issues. The purpose of the paper is to identify stakeholders of Central Sumba who is responsible for the development of a tourism destination and how they have been applied in relation to sustainable tourism development. Design/methodology/approach: A qualitative research method was chosen. The data are based on the interviews of tourism stakeholders in Central Sumba. Data were collected via semi-structured, in-depth interviews with 25 representatives. In order to capture the widest variety of local, regional and national viewpoints on the implementation of sustainable tourism development situation, local residents, governmental, non-governmental and private sectors were included. Findings: The level of leadership among the stakeholders in Central Sumba varied, yet still depends on the public sectors which is local government. The public sectors seem to have a greater role and more responsibility in developing the destinations. Originality/value: The paper discusses the roles of tourism stakeholders.

The purpose of this study has to discover if differences in tourists’ perceptions of sustainable tourism development in Melaka existed between three stakeholder groups: government, local residents and private entrepreneurs. The paper analyzes based on the primary data which is collected through interviews among 735 respondents. The findings indicate that the government, private and local community has played a major role for satisfying the tourists’ in shaping the development of sustainable tourism in Melaka. The study emphasizes on scale methods in analyzing and reviewing the role of government, private and local communities. To the distinct stakeholders’ facilities, the majority of tourists’ generally were welcoming of sustainable tourism.

Tourism is a socio-economic activity and has evolved into one of the largest and fastest growing industries of the world. While the economic benefits of tourism are well known, the research evidence indicates that the benefits of tourism are rarely equitably distributed among the key stakeholders. In this context, sustainable tourism development (STD) as a long-term approach development aims to balance social and economic objectives with environmentally sound management. The sustainable development as a strategic tool requires a process of planning and management that brings together a series of interests and stakeholders ‘concerns in the form of planning and development. Therefore, keeping in view the importance and relevance of stakeholder cooperation for sustainable tourism development, and the residents being the key stakeholders, this research examines the rural residents’ attitudes towards the impacts of the Stakeholders and public private partnerships role in tourism management. The result of the research points out that the sustainable development is important for responding to the current problems caused by tourism development, as well as to address the needs of future generations.

Purpose-The aim of the study is to consider the extent to which the 17 sustainable development goals (SDGs) agreed by United Nations member states contribute to sustainable tourism and to relevant targets in North Cyprus. The study also investigates how tourism stakeholders in North Cyprus understand and implement the UN's SDGs. Design/methodology/approach-A qualitative study with structured questions was used to investigate awareness of the UN SDGs and collaboration between 19 tourism stakeholders from different sectors (tour guides, hotels, travel agencies, restaurants and government) in North Cyprus. Findings-The results of the study reveal that not all of the SDGs have been embraced in North Cyprus, and that there is lack of understanding about the goals and about the need for collaboration among the different tourism stakeholders in North Cyprus. Practical implications-This study reveals many shortcomings in implementing sustainable tourism in North Cyprus. It would seem that only issues that affect financial performance are prioritised. At present, tourism stakeholders in North Cyprus do not collaborate and do not believe that collaboration would, in any way, influence the sustainability of tourism in the region or benefit them financially. Given this finding, stakeholder collaboration needs to be enhanced in support of tourism sustainability in North Cyprus, and in this, the government needs to act as a catalyst. Originality/value-Many developing countries are trying to improve living conditions and, at the same time, protect the environment by implementing sustainable development initiatives. The most common initiatives include the creation of protected areas for tourism development. In this context, sustainable development targets for island economies such as North Cyprus are important.

A lot of studies recently considered the Sustainability as an effective tool to reach the best status a tourism destination can reach, and by taking a look onto the most important three elements of the sustainable tourism; Environment, Economy, and Society, and surely the last element is an effective element dealing with the multiple component of the society; “the stakeholders”. Multiple with so many different interests, authorities, responsibilities, and level of contribution. This review paper will look into the significance rule of the stakeholders in sustainable tourism destination and the main issues and challenges the faces the collaboration in-between these stakeholders, by inspecting the related literature review to enhance the significance relation between the stakeholders‟ collaboration and reaching the sustainability in tourism destination.

Res_por:A tentativa de integrar o turismo nas areas rurais baseia- -se na compreensao de que o mesmo pode contribuir para a sua viabilidade. O estabelecimento de condicoes para o desenvolvimento do turismo requer a mobilizacao da totalidade dos recursos disponiveis numa area, atraves de redes que privilegiem a oferta local e criem sinergias com base no planeamento local, com vista a sua sustentabilidade. O presente artigo explora a participacao dos parceiros interessados no desenvolvimento do turismo de um municipio grego, com base numa serie de entrevistas aos atores locais. A conclusao aponta para a falta de processos solidos de desenho do desenvolvimento local, visando acoes integradas para a utilizacao dos recursos locais, de espirito empreendedor e de trabalho em rede, bem como de colaboracao entre as partes interessadas que nao estao envolvidas nos negocios publicos, ou seja, de fatores criticos para o desenvolvimento do turismo sustentavel.

Tourism industry depends, more than any other sector, on interaction with other industries, environment and especially the human side- policy makers, communities, host visitors. Growth - development – sustainability - progress is the axis, and tourism is chasing close based on a human-economy-environment connections. This paper proposes to identify the main categories of stakeholders involved in sustainable tourism development and to highlight the role, functions and relations between them, finally bringing a solution - partnerships.