Issues in Transnational Policing (review) (original) (raw)

Transnational Policing. London


Two decades ago in a fine article about the state of police research, Maureen Cain (1979) remarked on the lack of an adequate conceptualisation of policing, on the narrow institutional focus of research, and on the absence of any substantive theorisation of the police-state relationship. The article became a useful point of reference since it forged some conceptual order in what was often a diffuse field of sociological inquiry. Afterwards, in the 1980s, there was a profusion of scholarly writing (largely Anglo-Saxon) both on the police and on social control more broadly. By the 1990s policing studies had, as it were, lost its innocence. It soon became clear that pro-police naiveté, ideological romanticism and theoretical dogmatism simply could not succeed in capturing the complexity of the modern police persona. Policing too turned out to be subject to the long march of history. Privatisation and globalisation in particular were now shaping its fortunes at the local level in ways w...

Transnational Policing

A critique of the current balance of attention with regard to the idea of 'transnationalism' in policing. I propose an alternative conceptual framework within which we can consider the history and the present of what I call today supra-national policing. I offer relevant examples to illustrate this framework, and speculate wildly about what more research on them might tell us about the timing of globalisation.


Our first task is to contextualise our subject with regard to theories of policing, globalisation, social order and governance. We examine the role of the police within the classic nation-state system and how this has become problematic. We explore the idea of the 'social contract' and how this has been reshaped by an emerging transnational-state-system. The chapter also sets out two typolo-gies of policing that mark the conceptual boundaries of the field. The first explores the distinctions between policing that aims to secure territory and that which aims to maintain surveillance over suspect populations. It distinguishes between high policing (seeking to maintain particular interests of state and social elites) and low policing (seeking to maintain the interests of the social order more generally) and between public and private forms. A second typology suggests four geographical spheres of policing – glocal, national, regional and global. These typologies create the conceptual space within which the various forms of trans-national policing explored in later chapters are theorised and understood. The groundwork covered here provides the basis for making global policing visible as a theoretical object.

Introduction -Critical Reflections in Policing Studies Transforming Societies and the New Face of Policing

A Critical Approach to Police Science: New Perspectives in Post-Transitional Policing Studies, 2020

We have come to another era of law enforcement studies, where policing, security and governance need new forms of understanding from an interdisciplinary critical perspective. Policing studies on institutional and political transitions require fresh ideas in theoretical objectives to be able to explore and contextualize the transformations caused by the social, economic and technological developments of the late modern society. The global geopolitical dynamics, the digitization of information and communication and the industrialization of security services have radically changed policing approaches at both national and supranational levels. Research such as historical analyses of police practices or the institutional role of security and national intelligence services cannot provide a complementary understanding of the current challenges that professionals and experts are facing within this domain. While the previous era resulted in numerous publications on different aspects of the current crisis of policing studies, most of them are still framed in the traditional theoretical positivist frameworks established by the Anglo-Saxon literature and suffer methodological nationalism without reflections on contextual specificities. In order to open a discussion about the limitations of these objectives and trigger a vivid theoretical and methodological debate on the possibilities of new research objectives, this volume aims to encourage a diverse, globally outreaching examination on the limitations of current epistemic schools in policing studies and also a reflective qualitative research-based approach on security and policing practices, including social justice. This book is therefore meant for teaching and educational purposes and to challenge the mainstream approaches on policing in the global era. While the social relevance of the ethnographic policing approach is generally justified by the current

The irreplaceable role of the state in policing

The question that this dissertation attempts to answer can be formulated as follows: Is there any irreplaceable role of the state in the deployment of policing? If the answer to that question is affirmative, how can this role best be characterised? The route to answering this, however, is not straightforward. Before analysing what the role of the state in policing should be, it is necessary to shed light on why this question is pertinent. In other words, before inquiry about the role of the state (if any), the current scenario of policing should be described. In order to produce a description, I have chosen the case of England and Wales, for reasons that I explain below. Two caveats, nonetheless, must be made here. First, this is not an empirical work. It is, essentially, a normative work, that is, one whose main concern is how things ought to be, not how they are. In this sense, the arguments sustained in this work are based on a normative position about the role of the state. Second, this normative approach does not mean that empirical data is dismissed. I follow the warning done by sociologist Otwin Marenin, who has advertised that within 'the theoretical structure of critical thought', the actions should be concretely specified (Marenin, 1982, p. 242). The rigorous use of England and Wales case pretends to function as pertinent evidence for the normative statements made in this work. This dissertation is divided into two large sections. The first has a predominantly empirical character. The second is essentially normative. The first section is, in turn, divided in three subsections. The first is dedicated to examine how the establishment of professional police in 1829 in England is best understood if the trajectory of the concept of police power itself is looked at. In the case of the police as institution, it represents a narrowing in the meaning of the broader concept of police power, marking a path from a science concerned with prosperity and happiness to the establishment of a 'technique of security' (Neocleous, 1998). The adoption of this historical approach is convenient, among other reasons, because the 'institutional concept' of police as 'uniformed police' is a remnant of 'the broad 'practical concept of Polizei' (Kenymeyer, 1980, p. 173), or, more briefly, because 'police officers are the police power incarnate' (Sklansky, 2006, p. 110). The second subsection analyses the historical path from 'police' to 'policing', which has been described as a reflection of the historical path from modernity to post modernity (Reiner, 1992, quoted by Newburn, 2001, p. 835).

Call for Book Chapters: New perspectives in post-transitional policing studies

Call for Chapters: New perspectives in post-transitional policing studies The social, economic and technological developments of the late modern society have radically changed policing approaches both at national and supranational levels. The anti-terrorism discourse has placed the security needs of citizens at the pinnacle of government priorities, but at the same time traditional law enforcement have faced an epistemological crisis through the privatization of security. On the one hand, governments, and especially the police, are expected to either prevent or respond to security threats, and if necessary, to ensure order through rigorous measures. On the other hand, the traditional means of policing have increasing difficulties to sustain their legitimacy both in the national and in the supranational setting. Proposals Submission Deadline: 30 December 2017 Full Chapters Due: 20 April 2018 Submission Date: 30 September 2018 Regarding the subject of public security, five political and police changes can be identified as a reaction to these new developments: 1. The changes in the relationship between organizational and management rules between the state and other governing bodies, 2. The system of out-of-court measures, 3. The emphasis on a victim-centred approach, 4. The use of new technologies, and 5. The fusion of different security units, such as intelligence services, the military, and the police. These changes together with the existing security concerns indicate new tensions in policing practices and urge the adaptation of new theoretical approaches. Although several conceptual differentiations are made between policing practices, hardly any theoretical studies discuss the implication of contextual differences between traditional welfare states and new democratic governments. Therefore, the publication focuses on creating a critical interdisciplinary approach through contextualised thematic analyses of policing practices after the digital turn. All topics will be discussed from a theoretical perspective, and will assess questions of how digitalisation, ultra-state policing and privatisation have changed traditional policing approaches. The editors will seek chapters that address different aspects of policing in post-transitional contexts such as the privatisation of policing tasks, the changing power-relations between police, the state, and society, communication between police institutions and militarised policing practices in different countries. While challenging existing theoretical approaches in Anglo-Saxon policing studies, the book aims to promote critical law enforcement studies and the need for new conceptual approaches. Objective This comprehensive, relevant and timely publication aims to be an essential reference source, building on the available literature in the field of security studies and law enforcement in public and private policing approaches, while simultaneously providing a critical conceptual framework for further research opportunities in this dynamic field. The text shall serve as an essential basis in academic education of policing scholars and other students, for international and national security organizations and for academics alike. Target Audience Advanced-level students, academics, researchers, international and national organizations, and government officials will find this text useful in furthering their research exposure to pertinent topics in policing studies, social and cultural practices in police units, and surveillance studies. Recommended Topics Contributors are welcome to submit abstracts on the following topics related (but not limited) to policing theories: • Historical changes in policing theories • Policing research • Investigative practice • Policing ethnography • Police diversity • Policing theories • Police socialisation and the police subculture • Community-based policing • Solidarity and the ‘Code of Silence’ • Professional development • Police culture • Policing protests • Policing in transition • Policing borders • Policing and mental health • Sensitive issues • Surveillance • Digital media and policing. • Reflection of cultural values in police units • Gender and police stress • Sustainability and trust • Use of force • Interrelations of secret intelligence and state policing • Public-private cooperation • Guarding the guardians • Digitalisation and policing • The future of policing Submission Procedure Contributors are invited to submit by 30 December 2017, a proposal of 1000 to 1,500 words clearly identifying the topic and structure of the chapter. Proposals should be submitted through an email ( ), and authors will be notified of the status of their proposal not later than 30 January 2018. All submitted chapters chosen for publication will be original, of high quality, and approximately 10,000 words in length at the publication stage. All submissions will be refereed through a double-blind review process. Author(s) of the accepted proposal are required to submit their full chapter no later than 20 April 2018 to facilitate the review process. Submitted chapters should not have been previously published nor be currently under review for publication at other venues. Submissions should follow the manuscript format guidelines from Bristol Policy press. All authors are encouraged to visit the publishers site below before beginning the writing process: Note: There are no submission or acceptance fees for manuscripts submitted to this book publication. All manuscripts are accepted based on a double-blind peer review editorial process. The book is planned to be published at the end of 2018. Editors: Prof. Dr. Kerezsi Klára DSc Doctor of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences Senior Advisor, National Institute of Criminology National University of Public Service, Faculty of Law Enforcement E-mail:\_ID=204&lang=EN Dr. Veronika Nagy Assistant Professor Utrecht University Willem Pompe Institute for Criminal Law and Criminology Boothstraat 6 3512 BW Utrecht | +31 30 253 7125 (secretariaat)