Testament – a source of family relations research. The case of Manuc Bey (original) (raw)
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Cihannüma: Tarih ve Coğrafya Araştırmaları Dergisi / Cihannuma: Journal of History and Geography Studies, 2017
The life and political career of Manuk Mirzayan (d. 1817), the Armenian moneylender and acolyte of Mustapha Pasha Bairaktar, the ayan of Ruscuk, presents a good case of study of a Ottoman-Russian middleman of the early 19th century Balkans. As a product of the complicated internal and international problems of the Ottoman Balkans, he aptly managed to survive amongst the conflict between two empires and even benefited from the international conflicts as a middleman. By tracing his activities from Ruscuk to Bessarabia, this paper argues that Manuk's decisions can be considered as strategies to improve his status and secure his life in an environment about which he could only speculate but which clearly favored agents who could cater to the competing interests of different empires and political factions.
Sosyal Tari̇h Açisindan Kadin Olgusu XVII. Yüzyilda Ankara Kadininin Ki̇mli̇k Tespi̇ti̇
Selçuk Üniversitesi Türkiyat Araştırmaları Dergisi, 2019
The history gained a place in the social sciences in the beginning of the 20th century and opened doors to major transformations in terms of revealing the historicity of mankind. In this period, the history was trying to be recognised as a science and its predominantly narrative writing technique started to change and an understanding of social history was developed, which includes individuals in the field of history. Even micro-fields such as gender historiography and women's historiography were added to the history arena. This transformation was called social history and it opened doors to clearer view of social reality. The women is an important factor of the history, and her status is one of the significant elements of the social history. When we look at from this point of view, the historicity of the women of Ankara had significant importance and comprise one of the main data to understand the period (17th century). Our study aims to determine the identity of women of Ankara in the 17th century with the view of historical sociology and reveal her status in the society and her presence in public places. In our study, we have examined Ankara Islamıc Judicial records (Şer'iyye Sicilleri) of the period together with the copyrighted studies and academic theses related to the period, and our interpretation was presented accordingly.
The thesis is devoted to study the social and political structure of the Ottoman Empire in the 16th century according to the sultan's legislative acts – kanunname. These acts were the result of the secular tradition of the ottoman lawmaking. The analysis of the texts of the kanunname gives author grounds to assert that their introduction by Fatih Sultan Mehmed II in the second half of the 15th century opened in the XVIth century a new page in the legislation of the Ottoman Empire. The act of the kanun of Selim I (1512-1520), Suleiman I (1520-1566), the regional kanunname during the reign of Murad III (1574-1595) extended to all spheres of governance of the multinational state. Kanunname also regulated the rights and responsibilities of various social groups, the sizes and terms of punishment for criminal proceedings, the economic, social and legal status of askeri and reaya; the size, forms and methods of collecting taxes from people etc. The official status of the kanunname, which were created by the orders of the sultans, opened an opportunity for the formation and the organization of central and provincial government, the proper functioning of the administrative apparatus and the social and political institutions of the Ottoman empire. Despite that most decisions of state importance were taken in different central bodies, the governance of large territory, control over the execution of orders, establishment of relations between different groups of multi-ethnic population of the empire, which lived mostly not in the metropolitan area, but in the provinces, needed the constant functioning of local authorities. The author notes that the system of local authorities was formed by representatives of the military-administrative (sipahi-timarli, sanjakbey, beylerbey, the Grand Vizier), judicial (qadis (judges), kazaskers, sheikh-ul-Islam) and financial (defterdars) lines of the Ottoman government, whose main task was to organize and strengthen the communications between the province and the center. Much attention in the thesis is given to the description of the place and role, rights and duties of beylerbey, sanjakbey, qadi (judge), defterdar and other local managers at the system of the ottoman provincial administration. Together with the establishment of a system of public administration ottoman rulers paid much attention to the social system of the empire. At the top of the ottoman society was the sultan, whose most important task was to support the existing social system. Ottoman society was divided into two main social groups: an askeri – a group of administrators and a reaya – a tax-paying lower group. The division in society was based on a hierarchical order, where the existence of privileges and limited access to power played a big role. The askeri is a privileged upper group, they had power and money. With the permission of the sultan they were given the right to manage the reaya, ensure the process of production and create a culture. The askeri divided into "kalemiye" – officials, "seyfiye" – the military and "ilmiye" – spiritual persons and judges. The reaya is a group of subjects. It was group of producers – peasants and townspeople, which provided the state materially by work and payment of taxes. The author notes that putting the sultan's legislative acts into the scientific circulation of the national ottoman studies gives an opportunity to significantly expand the level of understanding of the processes of the social and political evolution of the Ottoman Empire at the turning point of the transition from the late Middle Ages to the Early Modern.
NORDSCI. International Conference on Social Sciences, Conference Proceedings, 2019
This research has as a main theme the study of a segment of the social and political elite from Moldavia the great boyar families separated from the rest of the boyars on the criterion of power and the ability to ensure continuity of their presence in the central institutions of the country as princely officials. Our theme focuses on the study of interference between the high rank dignitary (on one hand and) belonging to a prestigious local boyar family (on the other hand), in order to clarify, through a new historical analysis, as many issues as possible regarding the structure of the Moldavian political elite in line with historical sources and the historiography of this aspect, proposing new interpretations and hypotheses. This topic is placed at the intersection of two major romanian historiographical trends. The first one, formulated from the first half of the 19th considered the 18th century, internally speaking, as a period of phanariotes political domination and Graecization of the boyars, illustrated by an alleged majority of the so-called phanariotes boyars in the Divan. This thesis was invariably reiterated by a lot of historians, both researchers of the period and authors of historical syntheses. The second one was first sketched in A. D. opposed the phanariot domination after the treaty from Kuciuk Kainardji (1774), interpretation was continued by Radu Rosetti, Ioan C. Filitti, Paul Cernovodeanu, Sturdza and a number of genealogists. It identifies a series of great boyar families Conachi, etc.) who kept their local status, playing an important political role in the 18 th century and constantly occupying dignitaries in the Divan, some authors eans an extended family (parents, offsprings, in-laws, cousins, etc.) both on male and female lineage (without any precise typology), who benefits from a political and lineage prestige (genealogic identity) as well as certain heritage that made it stand out from the rest of the boyars. The methodological fundamentals of our research are inspired by the “new political history”, attentive to political practices investigated as manifestations of power, by the “new social history”, a history of social identities and prosopography, a science auxiliary to history studying parentage and the career of the characters, a research method that is more than a mere biographical reconstitution, because it involves, first, the analysis of individuals within a group that have something in common, and then, based on the information obtained, the analysis of the group of individuals in the same historical context. Our research having the power issue as its main focus, we mention that we understand the notion of power according to the definition given by Max Weber, “the ability of part of stakeholders to influence the others, despite their resistance,” or by Michel Foucault - the result of “the interaction of unequal and mobile relationships” between people in society, providing a crucial role to the discourses of power.
The article describes the historical development of the Uzbek family in the Middle Ages, economy, lifestyle and culture, the specific functions of the family, the system of governance, economic relations. It analyzes the peculiarities of the large medieval Uzbek family and its patriarchal traditions, familyneighborhood traditions, based on historical sources and field ethnographic data. The activities of family members of the Uzbek family related to daily life, relations based on kinship and mutual assistance are described on the basis of common interests and obligations.The main basis of the article is the information that the Uzbek family has long had its own deep traditions, in particular, the traditions of mutual assistance, goodneighborliness are the basis for joint resolution of issues affecting the fate of the family and society. It reveals the historical traditions of this structure and the socio-spiritual functions that have been formed over many years and have become an integral part of the lifestyle of the population.
This thesis is an exercise on Seyyid Hasan Nûrî Efendi’s diary, the sâlnâmes kept between 1661-1665 and recognized as the Sohbetnâme in the secondary literature. Under the influence of recent German/Swiss scholarship on the study of self-narratives, especially the studies of such scholars as Kaspar von Greyerz and Gabriele Jancke, this thesis maintains that early modern diaries differ from the diaries written in the modern era in terms of their reflection on the individual characters of their authors, arguing that they are testimonies of culture and ethos of the social groups in which they were produced. Inserting this argument into an empirical study of Hasan Efendi’s diary, the first chapter attempts to make a technical and contextual analysis of the document, following a biography of Hasan Efendi. Based on the idea that early modern diaries can provide insight into prosopographical studies, the second chapter investigates the social relationships of the author Hasan Efendi in three expanding realms: (1) His family, (2) his everyday encounters such as his companions and people from his lodge, (3) his high-ranking acquaintances and people from rarely-encountered lines. Finally, the third chapter deals with the theme of death, which is frequently encountered in the diary as part of Hasan Efendi’s social world. Investigating the theme from social, folkloric, and historical anthropological perspectives, this chapter seeks to understand the responses to death in the sâlnâmes around the concepts of bereavement, ritual, and rivalry. Türkçe Özet: Bu tez Osmanlı edebiyatındaki ilk günlük olarak kabul edilen ve Seyyid Hasan Nûrî Efendi (ö.1688) tarafından 1661-1665 yılları arasında kaleme alınmış olan, müellifin kendi tabiriyle sâlnâme, literatürde bilinegelen ismiyle Sohbetnâme adlı metin üzerine bir egzersizdir. Bir edebî tür olarak günlüğün tarihsel devamlılık arz ettiği kabulüne şüphe ile yaklaşan bu çalışma, aralarında Kaspar von Kreyerz ve Gabriele Jancke gibi araştırmacıların da bulunduğu bir grup Alman ve İsviçreli tarihçinin iddialarından etkilenerek modern-öncesi dönemlerde yazılmış ‘günlüklüklerin’ modern dönemdeki benzerlerinden farklı olarak yazarın iç dünyasından ya da bireyselliğinden çok ait olduğu sosyal zümreyi ve kültürel altyapısını açığa vuran metinler olduğunu ileri sürecek ve bu iddiayı sâlnâme(ler) özelinde inceleyecektir. Bu amaç doğrultusunda tezin birinci bölümünde öncelikle yazarın biyografisi incelenecek ve metnin teknik ve bağlamsal bir analizi yapılacaktır. Tezin ikinci bölümünde, erken modern günlüklerin prosopografik kaynaklar olduğu fikrine binaen, Seyyid Hasan Nûrî Efendi’nin günlüğünde yansıttığı sosyal çevresinin üç katmanlı bir analizine kalkışılacaktır. Birinci katman yazarın ailesini, ikinci katman gündelik hayatını şekillendiren tekke çevresini, dostlarını ve mahalle eşrafını, üçüncü katman ise sıradışı eksenleri ve yazarın üst-tabakadan tanıdıklarını ele alacaktır. Üçüncü ve son kısımda ise günlükte bu sosyal dünyanın güçlü bir parçası olarak karşımıza çıkan ölüm teması üzerine yoğunlaşılacaktır. Bu temayı sosyal, folklorik ve antropolojik bir olgu olarak irdeleyecek olan bu kısım, metnin verdiği bazı bilgiler ışığında, Osmanlıların ölüme ve ölülerine karşı tavırlarını, yine metnin kendi terminolojisi vasıtasıyla teessür, ayin ve rekabet kavramları üzerinden sorgulamaya çalışacaktır.
Ottoman Documents from the Holdings of “Prof. Alexander Fol” Historical Museum, Malko Tarnovo Town. Assoc. Prof. Hristian Atanassov PhD, Compiler, Introduction and Annotation, “Za Bukvite – O Pismeneh” Academic Publishing House, ISBN 978-619-185-332-8, Sofia, 2018, 100 p., 2018
The documents presented in the annotated collection of Ottoman documents are part of the holdings of “Prof. Alexander Fol” Historical Museum, Malko Tarnovo, Bulgaria. They contain extremely diverse information about the past of Bulgarians from Strandzha region and are more than indicative of their lifestyle, marital and property status at that time. The popularization of these unpublished documents will allow all those interested in the subject to get acquainted with the history and culture of Bulgarians from the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century.
Reconceiving the House of the Father: Royal Women at Ugarit
Every father is the son of a mother. While this would appear to be a commonplace, studies of patrimonialism as a political system in the ancient Near East have rarely considered its implications. Royal women, as objects of exchange and as agents of political action, played a central role in negotiations between Late Bronze Age states and in dynastic struggles within these states. The relative positions of royal men were shaped by their relationships to royal women. In three case studies of texts from Ugarit, this dissertation elucidates the instrumentality and agency of women in the reproduction of royal households and in the formation of interdynastic alliances. The first case study considers Ugaritic letters from kings to their mothers. The letters reveal that royal women could maintain their positions as queens from the reigns of their husbands into the reigns of their sons. Furthermore, the forms of address and self-identification the king used in relationship to his mother sugg...