Constitutional Amendment for the Protection of the Environment in Italy in the light of Current National and International Legislative Tendencies (original) (raw)
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The articles in this monograph are written in the following language All of them contain summaries in both languages and have been grouped into three sections. The first section deals with the challenges of the euro area and overcoming the current crisis. The reader will find the results of research on the institutionalisation of the euro area, as well as economic protectionism and the labour market in the member states of the euro area. The first part of the book is also devoted to the analysis of the euro area in the light of the assumptions of the theory of an optimal currency area, its subject is also a series of considerations on mechanisms and actions aimed at exiting the crisis and ensuring the stability of the area - among others, the issues of the uniform monetary policy of the European Central Bank in the context of heterogeneity of the member states, uniform supervision over banks are discussed. and regulatory discipline in the euro area. The second section is entitled "Competitiveness of the European Union and its Member States" and contains twelve studies on various pervasive aspects of the development and competitiveness of the European Union. These include studies on macroeconomic imbalances, the banking and financial sector, convergence of income levels in member countries, as well as international exchange and EU competitiveness in a global context. Some articles deal with the issue of Poland's competitiveness in the EU, among others in terms of export and absorption of EU funds. The last part of the book titled "Poland's export and absorption of EU funds" is devoted to the issue of Poland's competitiveness in the EU, among others in terms of export and absorption of EU funds. The last part of the book "Perspectives and challenges of European integration" concentrates texts whose authors pose and attempt to answer important questions about the future of the European Union, in many dimensions of its functioning, including non-economic ones. The authors consider demographic problems, social and cultural diversity, the issue of consumption, economic freedom and economic education. Also in this section, the reader will find another portion of knowledge about the financial crisis and regulations in the EU and the euro area in relation to the crisis. ************ Artykuły zamieszczone w tym opracowaniu monograficznym zostały napisane w języku polskim bądź angielskim, przy czym wszystkie zawierają streszczenia w obu językach i zostały pogrupowane w trzy sekcje. Pierwsza z nich podejmuje problematykę wyzwań strefy euro oraz przezwyciężania obecnego kryzysu. Czytelnik odnajdzie w niej wyniki badań na temat instytucjonalizacji strefy euro, a także protekcjonizmu gospodarczego i rynku pracy w krajach członkowskich strefy. Pierwsza część książki poświęcona jest również analizom strefy euro w świetle założeń teorii optymalnego obszaru walutowego, jej przedmiotem jest także szereg rozważań na temat mechanizmów i działań służących wychodzeniu z kryzysu i zapewnieniu stabilności strefy – podejmowane są zagadnienia jednolitej polityki pieniężnej Europejskiego Banku Centralnego w kontekście heterogeniczności krajów członkowskich, jednolitego nadzoru nad bankami oraz dyscypliny regulacyjnej w strefie euro. Druga sekcja została zatytułowana „konkurencyjność Unii Europejskiej i krajów członkowskich”i znajduje się w niej dwanaście opracowań poświęconych różnorodnym, przenikającym się aspektom rozwoju i konkurencyjności Unii Europejskiej. Są wśród nich badania dotyczące nierównowag makroekonomicznych, sektora bankowego i finansowego, konwergencji poziomu dochodu w krajach członkowskich, a także wymiany międzynarodowej i konkurencyjności UE w kontekście globalnym. Część artykułów podejmuje problematykę konkurencyjności Polski w UE, w aspekcie eksportu oraz absorpcji funduszy UE. Ostatnia część książki pt. „Perspektywy i wyzwania integracji europejskiej” skupia teksty, których autorzy stawiają i podejmują próbę odpowiedzi na ważne pytania o przyszłość Unii Europejskiej, w wielu wymiarach jej funkcjonowania, także pozaekonomicznych. Autorzy rozważają problemy demograficzne, różnorodności społecznej i kulturowej, zagadnienie konsumpcji, kwestie wolności gospodarczej oraz edukacji ekonomicznej. Również i w tej sekcji Czytelnik znajdzie kolejną porcję wiedzy z zakresu kryzysu finansowego oraz regulacji w UE i strefie euro w związku z kryzysem., 2015
In Kosovo, so far, there have been positive developments regarding environmental legislation framework, each passing day, this legislative framework has been developing in conformity with the situation and the possibility of human capacities of the country, but it is also worth stressing that a contribution during the composition of environmental legislation has been given by the EC, through technical assistance respectively TAIEX, the amendments made so far have been made conform governmental policies for environmental protection and based on the acquis communautaire and other demands of European Commission of the EU during the assessment of the institutions, through progress report. National legislation in power should guarantee the right on environmental information, public participation in decision making and the right to address the court for environmental issues, according to the international conventions on environment, especially based on the Aarhus Convention which is without doubt one of the most important environmental conventions for the fact that it defends the principal rights of the environment. Even though Kosovo is not a signing member of many international agreements, the responsible public institutions should work hard to ensure these rights in an efficient and effective way, because signing and ratification of these agreements in which these developments play key role and have a specific importance. However, in Kosovo there is a huge number of the laws approved by the Ministry, government and parliament, but we are too far from the implementation practice. Environmental right in Kosovo has its basis from the Constitution of the Republic of Kosovo, Law of Access on Public documents Nr. 03/L-215, Penal Code of the Republic of Kosovo Nr. 04/L-082, Law on Environmental Protection Nr. 03/L-025, Waste Law Nr. 03/L-160, Law for protection of Air from Pollution Nr. 03/L-160, VNM Law Nr. 03/L-214, Administrative Order Nr. 09/2011 Information for participation of the public and interested parties in procedures of evaluation on environment impact, Law for Chemicals Nr. 02/L-116, Law for Waters Nr. 04/L-147, Law for Nature Protection Nr. 03/L-233. The environmental right means access in all natural resources which enable survival of live organisms in biosphere, including earth, water, air, biodiversity, nature, food and habitats. Key words; Environmental right, acquis communautaire, EU, Environmental legislation, Aarhus Convention
The regional and global social-economical development insofar has indicated a development unseen before, whereas we have silently ascertained that during this advancement in parallel the level of damage and degradation of environment is so serious that very often the question is raised whether it is thought for the right of the future generations to live normally. The seventieth of XX Century indicate the intensification and mobilization of responsible governments for environment protection programs. Due to the risk this negative growth trend presents the issue has gradually moved to international institutions, which have issued several statements, directives and conventions by which they recommend and enforce governments of countries to approximate their national legislation with the principles, programs and the standards these important documents provide. The legislation is considered as a strong policy instrument which refers to the measures and activities for environment protection. In a wider aspect, the legal regulatory includes governmental specific actions in order to impact in the institutional plan in individual and legal subjects in that way that the stipulated standards to control the environment development and protection in a country or wider will entirely be executed. In the post modern perception of the economical growth, the policies for environment protection should be integrated in the national and regional aspects which means that legal instruments should be a guarantee for their own execution.