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Key Determinants of Intention to Visit Halal Tourism in Madura
al-Uqud : Journal of Islamic Economics
The launch of halal tourism is based on the consideration that Indonesia is the largest Muslim majority country in the world, namely 207 million people. This study aims to analyse the potential of halal tourism in Madura with digital technology, access, value-added, and facilities mediated by e-marketing to see the intention to visit halal tourism. The research method used is Structural Equation Modeling with Smart Partial Least Square (PLS). The sample of this study was collected through a questionnaire from 187 tourists who were travelling in Madura halal tourism destination as respondents. The study results indicate that either directly or mediated by e-marketing, access significantly affects the intention to visit halal tourism. On the other hand, technology innovation and value-added have no significant effect. Meanwhile, facilities and e-marketing also directly affect the intention to visit halal tourism. Overall, to increase the potential for halal tourism visits in Madura, i...
Indonesia is a country with the largest Muslim population, with a number reaching 87.18% of the population of 232.4 million in 2018. In 2015, Indonesia occupied the first warning about interactions with halal lifestyle, this has a good potential to increase the development of halal tourism in Indonesia. The digital age has become an important part in the development of halal tourism because it has now entered the era of the industrial revolution 4.0. In 2018, internet users in Indonesia are around 64.8% and the main reason for using the internet is to communicate. Social Media as the most chosen platform for communication. This study aims to determine the effect of social media marketing on Muslim tourist interest in halal tourist destinations. This research uses a quantitative approach with SEM analysis which is processed through Lisrel. The survey was conducted on 304 respondents. The exogenous variables used are Social Media Marketing, Sharia Compliance in Social Media Marketing, and Sharia Compliance in Destination, while the endogenous variables used are attitude towards destination and intention to visit. The results obtained, social media marketing and sharia compliance in the destination have a positive relationship on attitude, and attitude has a significant effect on intention, while sharia compliance in social media marketing has no significant effect on attitude.
Halal Tourism in Theory of Planned Behavior: Intention to Recommend Variable Analysis
Journal of Social Research
The purpose of this research is to examine hypotheses based on the theory of planned behavior (TPB) regarding the relationship between consumer behavior and behavioral factors of recommendation intention in halal tourism. Indonesia, with the world's largest Muslim population, stands as a significant market for halal tourism. However, despite being a prominent halal tourist destination, Indonesia lags behind Malaysia, which raises questions about the dynamics of consumer behavior in promoting halal tourism in Indonesia. Consumer satisfaction has been identified as a crucial determinant of behavioral intentions influenced by behavioral factors. To investigate this phenomenon, cross-sectional data were collected from Muslim tourists using quantitative approaches through questionnaires. Structural equation model (SEM) analysis techniques were applied to draw meaningful insights from the data. The findings revealed that the coefficient of halal attitude significantly impacts the leve...
International Fellowship Journal of Interdisciplinary Research, 2021
Introduction: Today, the demand for halal tourism has increased dramatically and highlighted as one of the new horizons and fastest-growing sector in the world's tourism industry. Background Problem: Malaysia is indeed one of the countries with the most concerned halal segment in the tourism sector. Research Objective: The key purpose of this study is to examine the influence of affecting attributes on tourist's behavioral intention to visit Malaysia as a halal tourism destination. Research Methods: The development of the research framework is based on the theory of plan behavior (TPB) model. A total of 394 responses were received from the Klang Valley area of Malaysia. For the purpose of analyzing the data, SPSS and AMOS were hired. Findings: Findings from the study reveal that, affecting attributes like, "Halal Certification for Food and Beverage", "Destination Image" and "Emotional Incidents" have a significant positive influence on tourist's satisfaction towards behavioral intention to determine the destination. Research Contribution: The key significance of this study demonstrated that a large number of Muslim travelers are able to experience Islamic cultures while considering halal tourism products and services in visiting accessible Muslim destinations. Conclusion: The conclusions of this research provided insights into the behavioral intentions of Muslim tourists select Malaysia as a destination for tourism.
The Effect of Digital Technology on the Development of Halal Tourism in Southeast Asia
Edunity Kajian Ilmu Sosial dan Pendidikan, 2023
Tourism is experiencing very rapid development. The tourism that is now very popular with the world community is halal tourism which is starting to be in great demand for halal tourism by world Muslim tourists. Along with the entry of the era of technological digitalization in this millennial era, many tourism industries use digital media as a means of promotion. The presence of digital media influences the behavior of tourists and the public. This research intends to see how the influence of digitalization of technology on the development of halal tourism in Southeast Asia. Qualitative data analysis methods are used in this study so that it can produce descriptive data in the form of writing. Data is analyzed by content analysis and content description. Content analysis is a way to learn and understand the meaning of sources that have a correlation with assessment. The results of this study show that the existence of digital media information on tourism has a positive impact on the development of halal tourism in Southeast Asia. With the existence of digital technology platforms, it can promote tourist destinations to everyone easily and at low cost. However, the impact of digitalization media also has a negative influence, namely misuse of applications and misinformation that affects the development of halal tourism through digital technology.
International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology
This study aims to discuss the effect of travel intention in Indonesia halal tourism destination. The object research is halal tourism destination in Indonesia. The independent variables obtained from the preliminary survey results are destination image, electronic word of mouth, and muslim-friendly amenities. This study uses SEM data analysis techniques and data processing using SmartPLS. Data has collected from regional residents live in DKI Jakarta with a sample 162 respondents via survey questionnaire developed from related literature. Research has found that destination image, electronic word of mouth, and muslim-friendly amenities have positive significant impact on travel intention to halal tourism destination in Indonesia.
Journal of Islamic Economics and Social Science (JIESS), 2021
Previously, the Indonesian government targeted a 16.4 % annual growth during 2014 - 2019. However, with only 10.4 % growth in 2015, undoubtedly it requires extra work to meet inbound tourist target. By 2016, inbound data shows Malaysia as the main contributor of Muslim visitor to Indonesia and Mastercard-HalalTrip 2017 report reveals Malaysia as one of the top 10 Muslim Millennial Outbound Markets from OIC countries. It makes Malaysia Muslim millennials as biggest opportunity for Indonesia tourism industry and Millennial traveler already displays as one of the fastest growing consumer segments globally. Hence, this study attempts to investigate behavioral intention of Malaysian Muslim millennials to visit Indonesia’s halal tourism destinantion. By adapting marketing promotion (MP) into TPB framework, attitude (ATT) play a role as mediating variable to assessed intention to visit (ITV). Through a quantitative research methodology, this study will collect questionnaires distributed am...
The Influence of Attitudes and Halal Perceptions on Intention to Visit Halal Tourism Destinations
JESI (Jurnal Ekonomi Syariah Indonesia)
Tourism is a sector that is influenced by halal lifestyle trends. This study aims to analyze the effect of religiosity, subjective norms, halal perceptions, and attitudes on the intention to visit halal tourist destinations. The grand theory in this study is the Theory of Planned Behavior with Halal Perception as a novelty that describes consumer views on the application of sharia principles applied to tourist sites, as well as the availability of halal products and services in halal tourist destinations. The gap in this study is the attitude where there are differences in results in previous studies. This research utilizes a quantitative approach by distributing questionnaires to 221 respondents who are Muslims from the Islamic community and live in East Java. The research testing process is assisted by using the SEM-AMOS 24.0 program. This study shows that religiosity positively and significantly influences subjective norms, halal perceptions, and attitudes. Halal perceptions posi...
Predicting the Intention of Millennial Moslems to Visit Halal Tourism
Equilibrium: Jurnal Ekonomi Syariah, 2020
The purpose of this paper is to investigate the factors that influence the intention to choose halal tourism in Indonesia using the Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA) model. Data samples used in this study were 265 respondents and processed with Statistical Package for the Social Sciences to test the significance of the regression model. The independent variables are attitude, subjective norm, and halal certification and its impact on behavioral intention. The results show that attitude, subjective norm, and halal certification have a positive and significant effect on behavioral intention to visit halal tourism. Halal tourism practitioners can estimate the behavior of prospective millennial visitors through this paper. As for academics, this paper is used for further research by integrating halal certification in TRA as a predictor of behavioral intention in millennial Moslems. Empirically this research is useful to increase understanding of halal tourism and visitor behavior. Halal tourism is a relatively new phenomenon for practitioners and academics. This study is an initial study investigating the determinants of millennial Moslems' visits through the TRA model. Therefore, this paper will be useful as an academics contributions about millennial Moslems to visit halal tourism in Indonesia and the world.
Halal Tourism Promotion in Indonesia: An Analysis on Official Destination Websites
Journal of Indonesian Tourism and Development Studies
Nowadays, Halal tourism has become a popular form of tourism which attracting many countries to capitalize on the Muslim market. However, because of the Islamic law, targeting this market segment may not be the same as targeting the mundane tourism segment. Hence, a cohort of studies suggests that the internet could be a solution to reach this specific tourism market. Furthermore, some studies also suggest that to influence Muslim tourism destination choice, tourism destination organizations should use Islamic Attributes of Destination in their promotion campaigns. This is also the case of Indonesia as the world's biggest Muslim country, which is trying to attract Muslim tourists visit. Nevertheless, the existing studies on halal tourism promotion in Indonesia are still scarce. Adopting the qualitative form of content analysis, this research tries to add to the scant studies on halal tourism destination promotion in Indonesia by examining the content in official websites of DMOs according to the Indonesia's national plan on Halal tourism.