MISIR SARRAFI ARTİN (?-1790) (original) (raw)
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XVII. Yüzyılda Bir Osmanlı Paşasının Masraf Bilançosu
Ankara Üniversitesi Dil ve Tarih-Coğrafya Fakültesi Tarih Bölümü Tarih Araştırmaları Dergisi, 2003
Due to social changes in the Ottoman State, the structure of it also changed in various periods. Timar system , the foundation of state in the XVIth century, also called the classic era, was replaced by the İltizam system in the XVIIth century. Therefore the changed in the administrative structure caused also a change in the social structure. Because of this new order the importance of the states system is stressed, so the status of a general governor in the XVIIth century is taken to hand. The biograph of a general-governor promoted to a post in Erzurum in 1682, his servants and his social-economic condition was compared on the Pasha’s own balance sheet with that of the periods’. As a result information about the social order of the Ottoman State in the XVIIth century was gathered
Studies focusing on the history of the foundation era of the Ottoman Empire are ongoing. The challenge of the studies lays in the insufficiency of the documentation pertaining to this period. Researches on the 14th and 15th century of the State have still not reached to a satisfactory level. Due to the fact that the researches targeting to shed a light specifically on the foundation have focused primarily on Anatolia and ignored the Balkans for a long while, in a sense, a thorough analysis of the period was delayed. As the number of researches across the Balkans increased, new information on the Ottoman State system emerged. These studies cluster around the cadastral record books, foundation certificates and charters, architectural works and especially on imarets- zawiyas. This study offers an analysis concentrating on Didymoteicho (Dimetoka), a city laying km. south of Edirne, in Greece. Following a general outlook of the theses on the foundation of the Ottoman State, the study offers a collection of the data on the state structuring of the 14th and 15th centuries, with reference to official documents. The topographical structure of the city, situated at the delta connection of River Meric (Evros) to Kızıldeliçay (Erythropotamos), and its fertile lands enabling settlement outside the citadel turned Didymoteicho into an important center, which was used as a capital city for a while both by Byzantine and Ottoman thrones. The fact that Didymoteicho is the town where Seyyid Ali Sultan founded his dervish lodge and that the town eventually evolved into one of the top five Bektashi centers prompted me to focus on Didymoteicho in this dissertation. I have tried to infer on the establishment and formation dynamics of the State, with regard to and Seyyid Ali Sultan’s lodge and Celebi Sultan Mehmet (Mehmet I) Mosque, ordered by Sultan Bayezid I in Didymoteicho, a palatial town, which stood as a significant Bektashi center and a part of the imperial lands.