The development of a learning media using motion paths in the circle learning material (original) (raw)
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Rangkiang Mathematics Journal
The research is a research and development that purpose to produce Powtoon animation video learning media on circle material. In addition, this study purpose to determine the validity and practicality of Powtoon animation video learning media on circle material. The development model used is the Plomp model. This learning media was created using the Powtoon application. The instruments used are validity sheets, practicality questionnaires, and interview guidelines to determine the validity and practicality of learning media. Based on the validation results on the development of Powtoon animation video learning media, the percentage is 86,31%. While the results of the practicality of teacher and students obtained a percentage of 93,2%. Thus, the Powtoon animation video learning media on the circle material is declared to be very valid dan very practical to use in learning.
Animation Media to Improve Student Learning Results
Jurnal Tadris Matematika, 2018
Learning methods in schools tend to use lecture and book models as learning media. Whereas at present, technology is growing rapidly. The use of technology as a learning medium is very important to attract students' interest in learning. At the Elementary School level, children still like learning while playing. This research proposes animation as a learning media for students in elementary schools. This media can be used by teachers as learning media. This animation media is expected to attract students' interest in learning, especially in mathematics subjects. In animation, visualization in the form of images moving on the subject of mathematics becomes one of the things that need to be optimized. The purpose of this study was to develop animation learning media as an alternative self-learning tool to help to master mathematics subjects for students and find out the feasibility of products for mathematics learning. The research and development methodology used in this study is Research and Development (R & D). This methodology covers all things related to development to produce quality interactive learning media software. Based on the trial, 81% of media experts, 88% of material experts, 70% of initial field tests, and 93% of field trials were obtained. Based on these results, the animation media for mathematics subjects has been feasible to be used as a medium of self-learning with an average value of 83% validation.
Motion Graphic Animation Video as Alternative Learning Media
Jambura Journal of Informatics, 2020
Lack of students’ attention and interest to learn influence the learning process within the class. Thus, their learning achievement decreased. This study aims at designing a motion graphic, video animation learning media in Indonesian history subject. This study uses research and development method based on the modified research model developed by Borg and Gall with five stages model namely, needs analysis, media design, product development, evaluation and product trial, and final product. This study reveals that the average pretest score before the implementation of the learning media is 57.60, whereas the average posttest score after the motion graphic, animation video learning media implementation is 79.20. The fitness of the media feedback from the media experts’ score is 88% with very appropriate criteria. In addition, the material expert gives a score of 89% for the media appropriateness with very appropriate criteria, and users’ (students) feedback on the media is 87.9% with ...
Development of Motion Graphic Animation Video in Elementary School
Proceedings of the International Conference of Communication Science Research (ICCSR 2018), 2018
This study aims to develop a learning media product in the form of a motion graphics animated video for elementary school students in Sukoharjo. This research uses the Research and Development (R&D) research type. The media development model used is the ASSURE development model. Research subjects involved in this research are teachers and 5th-grade elementary school students in Sukoharjo District. Data collection techniques used in this study are observation, documentation studies, and interviews. There are several research results that have been conducted. Firstly, based on preliminary study result, the teaching practice is done using the lecture method and simple props. Secondly, the current learning activities are still not effective and teacher-centred. Thirdly, student learning outcomes have not reached the Minimum Exhaustiveness Criteria (KKM). The last, a prototype of learning media in the form of a motion graphic animation video for elementary school students has been produced and been tested for media validation by media experts and subject matter experts, so is ready to be field-tested and implemented, with the aim of knowing the effectiveness of learning media that has been produced based on the preliminary study.
Development of triangular learning media based on adobe animate CC with ADDIE learning design
International Journal of Trends in Mathematics Education Research
This study aims to systematically develop technology-based interactive learning media to improve students' problem-solving and reasoning skills. This research is development research, namely the development of learning media based on Adobe Animate CC with ADDIE learning design on triangle material. The subjects of Adobe Animate CC learning media development are SMPN Bengkalis Regency students. The research instrument used is a validity assessment sheet for experts and practitioners. Data analysis uses descriptive statistics to see the percentage of answers from experts and practitioners and then compares them with standards of validity and practicality. The development results show that the created Adobe Animate CC has illustrations that can attract students' attention and interest (motivation) in learning mathematics. Experts and practitioners assess Adobe Animate CC learning media in the correct category with an average value of 81.55%. Experts and practitioners also estim...
The survey of design , implementation process and evaluation of educational animation
Animation is one of the most interesting visual phenomena educating scientific realities as descriptive and in the form of imaginary stories to the learner. Providing the scenario and selecting effective characters in an educational animation can facilitate the education of complex and abstract concepts. Today, there is some software to provide 2-D, 3-D and probe-based animations facilitating the complex operation of providing animation. Animation affects sight and hearing senses for better and rapid learning of the concepts. The researchers by being inspired of learning theories can present suitable theoretical basics to increase the abilities of animations in learning and teaching process. To provide and produce effective animation in education, we should consider design, execution and evaluation of educational animations. Thus, the main purpose of this study is to determine a good structure to provide an effective educational animation. This study was done by quality method and D...
Design and development of multimedia learning module on circular motion
Science and technology has improved a great impact in all aspects of life particularly in education. Various latest multimedia technology was introduced to the world. Multimedia technology is a perfect platform used in teaching and learning (T&L). The study was focused on developing a multimedia learning module of Circular Motion to assist student’s understandings of correct physics concepts. This module was developed based on the ADDIE model by using I-Spring Presenter as a delivery platform. The evaluation process is to get the students’ feedback on their understanding of the subject matter and their perception towards the multimedia learning module that has been developed. A total of sixty students in the Bachelor of Science program at the University Putra Malaysia who took Physics I and General Physics courses were selected as respondents. A set of questionnaire was used as the instrument for this study. The data findings were analyzed using mean scores for quantitative data and...
In the midst of this COVID-19 pandemic season, learning activities are carried out online and a lecturer is required to be more creative in terms of delivering material and information to students. One solution is learning animation videos. Therefore, the purpose of the research on "Creating Motion Graphic Animation in Accounting Learning Standard Chart of Accounts for the Sriwijaya State Polytechnic Accounting Department" is to find out how effective this standard account chart learning animation video can convey standard account chart material to students in the online learning process. In this learning animation video, the material to be delivered is packaged with a fictional story played by 2D characters so that it becomes more interesting to know. Keywords: learning animation videos, accounting, standard chart of accounts
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2020
This research aims to determine student learning outcomes and produce animated learning based on hybrid learning. In this case, the type of research is research and development (R&D) with 4D models with stages namely potential or problems, data collection, product design, design validation, design revisions, product testing, product revision, practical utility testing and revision of the final product. The sample data were recorded in the Faculty of Economics, Universitas Negeri Medan. The result of the development of learning media based on interactive multimedia indicated that valid criteria with the percentage of the post-test 73.33%, did not pass 26.66%. The learning with Hybrid Learning-based animation media in Multimedia Learning subjects is better. The hypothesis testing is obtained tcount < ttable namely -3.74 < 2.00 which means that. there is a difference in learning outcomes between pre-test and post-test time.
Motion Graphic Animation Videos to Improve the Learning Outcomes of Elementary School Students
European Journal of Educational Research, 2019
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of the development of motion graphic animation video media in Natural Sciences subjects in Elementary Schools. This study uses a type of Research and Development research with quantitative tests. This study employed the experimental research method involving 27 students in the control group and 27 students in the experimental group. This research was conducted on 5th-grade students in elementary school in 2 different schools. Data collection uses interview methods for preliminary studies, observations and tests to test the effectiveness of animated video media motion graphics. The results of the study showed that there were significant differences between the results of the learning achievement of the experimental group and the control group. As well as motion graphic animation video media, its effectiveness has been tested in improving student achievement, especially the experimental group. Hence, the interactive motion graphic media is effective to be used to improve the students' knowledge in the science subject of the fifth graders.