A Study On The Ability Of The Second Year Students Of MAN 2 Model Pekanbaru In Comprehending Hortatory Exposition Text (original) (raw)
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JIIP - Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Pendidikan
This study deals with an analysis of second semester students ability in comprehending reading text. The objective of the study is to investigate the influences of students ability in comprehending text. It used qualitative research. The population of this research is the 2021/2022 second semester students of Indonesia Prima University, Medan. The sample is 32 students. The data of this study are collected by using a test. The test is consisted of 30 questions. The type of the test is an objective test. After collecting the data, then the writer analyzed students’ score. It is found that most of the students unable to comprehend reading text. There are 19 students (59.3%) get score under 65. It makes they really need more attention from the teacher to help them increasing their ability in comprehending the text.
Journal of English Language Teaching
This research is aimed to know the students’ ability and their perceptions toward the difficulties in comprehending analytical exposition text in different levels of questions which based on Barret’s taxonomy of reading comprehension. This research was conducted at SMA Negeri 2 Batusangkar. The population of this research are all second year students in academic year 2019/2020 with the total number 244 students. Based on the population, the sample of this research is 37 students selected using simple random sampling. This research is descriptive quantitative research and used test and questionnaire as the instruments. This research found that the students’ ability in comprehending different level of questions in analytical exposition text was fair because the average score of students was 51,24. The students have good ability in comprehending analytical exposition questions in form of evaluation level. This research also found that students tend to have difficulties in comprehending...
The main focus of the study was to describe how students’ reading ability in comprehending English text based on the four levels comprehension skill and what levels do most students’ get comprehending the texts at the second year students of senior high school. The population of this research was all of students of the second year of SMAN 10 Bengkulu in academic year 2014/2015. Random sampling was used to take the sample which consisted of 30 students of the second year students. It was used descriptive quantitative method. In collecting the data, the researcher used reading test based on the four level comprehension skills. The result of this study showed that, only small number of students were successful in answering the questions in interpretive and critical level. It is because students were difficult to find the main ideas and drawing conclusion that also expressed indirectly. However, mostly of students could answer the questions in literal and creative level. It is because t...
A Study on the Ability of the Second Year Students of Sman 1 Kubu in Reading Comprehension
: The purpose of this study is to find out the ability of the second year students of SMAN 1 Kubu in reading comprehension. This research focuses on students’ reading comprehension in terms of finding main ideas, factual information, the meaning of vocabulary, identifying references and making inferences,.The data were collected using reading comprehension test with multiple choice type. The test contained 25 items. The try out was conducted to check the validity and reliability of the test. Based on the research, it was found out that first: the ability of the second year students in reading comprehension is in the mediocre level with the mean score of 54.9. Second, the students’ mean score in finding the main idea is in good level with the mean score of 61.47, finding the factual information is in mediocre level with the mean score of 51.76, in finding the meaning of vocabulary is in good level with the mean score of 61.17, in finding references is in mediocre level with the mean ...
Jurnal Ilmiah Bahasa Dan Sastra, 2014
especially Second Semesters that had a problem to comprehend English Text. The data collected from the reading test were analyzed to find the answer of problem. The steps in process were as follows: firstly, the writer corrected the VWXGHQW ¶V DQVZHU VKHHWV VHFRQGO\ JLYH VFRUH IRU HDFK DQVZHU VKHHW WKLUGO\ LGHQWLILed WKH VWXGHQW ¶V VFRUH 7KLV VWXG\ XVHV descriptive method by collecting data in order to answer the question concerning status of subject of study. The subjectis second semesters that consist of 200 of students. The instrument uses to collect the data is reading test that are to know their ability in English text.The result of the analyzing of available can be interpreted that the students of English Department have mastered the English texts, and many students get problem namely 32 the students getting high score, 8 students getting lower score and the mean of value reliability items are 12,425. It PHDQV WKDW WKH VWXGHQW ¶V DELOLW\ LQ FRPSUHKHQGLQJ WH[WV LV JRRG ,W LV KRSHG WKDW WHDFKHU will make to use of this findings by giving more attention to comprehend English text in WHDFKLQJ DQG OHDUQLQJ RI (QJOLVK VR WKDW WKH VWXGHQW ¶V DELOLW\ LQ FRPSUHKHQGLQJ WH[WV FDQ be improve.
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This writting entitled “ A STUDY ON READING COMPREHENSION OF THE EIGHTH CLASS STUDENTS OF SMP NEGERI 1 MALAKA BARAT IN THE SCHOOL YEAR OF 2021/2022” was conducted to answer the following question: 1. To what level can the reading comprehension of the eighth class students of SMP NEGERI 1 MALAKA BARAT be classified? 2. What kinds of Problem might be faced by the students? The main of Objective of this research is to find out the level of reading comprehension of the eighth class students in studying English to identify the reading problems faced by the students in learning English. The procedure in the study to describe the result quantitatively and to specify the significant effect of students. The population of this study covered eighth class students of SMP NEGERI 1 MALAKA BARAT in the school year of 2021/2022. There are twenty students by the eighth class students talking examination so the students were twenty in number (20) chosen the respondent have the writer divided into one class as sampling in gathering the data the writer gave a test of reading comprehension. The test comprises 20 items consists of multiple choice (MC) and essay test. The result of the test was conducted and presented in the form of statistic table from the data shows that there the eighth class students have a good ability in reading.
This study is aimed (1) to describe students’ ability in (a) finding the main idea, (b) identifying technique of the paragraph development, and (c) inferring the message of each short story on “A Man Who Never Gives Up” written by Nasreddin, retold by Sugeng Haryanto in the students of Muhammadiyah University the Academic Years 2006/2007, (2) to describe the difficulties of students in comprehending English narration of the short story on A Man Who Never Gives Up. This is the qualitative research. In this research, the writer gathers the data by using a test. The writer finds that: (a) the students who can answer correctly the questions related with the main idea are only 61,4 % So, there are 38,6 % of students still can not find the main idea of the paragraph, (b) the students who can answer the questions related paragraph development are only 53,9%, so there are 46,1 % students still answers incorrectly and (c) the students who can answer the questions related to infer the message...
A Study on the Variables Predicting Reading Comprehension
Ulakbilge Dergisi
The correlational survey design was used in this study in order to determine whether the attitude towards reading, text type and text subject, reading speed, correct reading, lack of prior knowledge and the amount of change in the surface structure of the text predict students' literal and deep reading comprehension skills. The study group of the research study is 180 students selected from amongst grade 4 students attending public primary schools in Esenler and Zeytinburnu districts of Istanbul province in the fall semester of the 2019-2020 academic year. According to the results of the regression analysis conducted in the study, the relative importance order of the variables that predict not being able to make deep meaning (meaning in depth of text) are the inability to make literal meaning, attitude towards reading, change in the superficial structure, attitude towards the subject, correct reading, attitude towards the narrative text, reading speed and pre-learning. Together,...
The Journal of Teaching and Learning, 2013
Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan pendekatan kualitatif terkait dengan kemampuan membaca teks ekspository mahasiswa Program Studi Tadris Bahasa Inggris semester IV STAIN Padangsidimpuan. Dari hasil penelitian ditemukan bahwa kemampuan mahasiswa yang dijadikan sebagai sample pada penelitian ini dalam memahami teks eksipotori tergolong cukup rendah yakni 58.6 %. Kemudian peneliti juga menemukan bahwa mahasiswa mengalami kesulitan dalam memahami kata-kata yang sulit karena rendahnya kemampuan pemahaman kosa kata bahasa Inggris mahasiswa, dalam mengenali jenis teks, dan menganalisa isi teks. Selain itu peneliti juga melakukan wawancara keapda dosen reading comprehension , dan mendapatkan bahwa tidak ada pembahasan khusus terkait dengan ekspositori tersebut, namun terdapat satu topic pembahasan tentang genre . Namun penelititetap menyimpulkan bahwa mahasiswa masih memiliki kemampuan yang rendah dalam memahami teks, sehingga disarankan agar dosen reading comprehension memperhatikan dan dapa...
An Analysis of Students’ Difficulties in Reading Comprehension at Sma Negeri 4 Pematangsiantar
There are four English skills that must be mastered by every student, reading is one of the most important skills to learn and master because through reading activities students can absorb the information the author wants to convey through reading texts. Reading is not just the ability to say words or sentences, but must be able to interpret the essence of the text. But in reality, students are less able to process, understand, and absorb information from what they have read. This research used qualitative data. This research was conducted on students of X PMIA 7 Students of SMA Negeri 4 Pematangsiantar in January 2022. The reason the researcher chose this class as the research subject was because they were detected as having difficulty in reading comprehension. The technique of collecting the data were interviews. The result of the research showed that some difficulties that studet’s faced in reading comprehension were difficult to understand the meaning of word, difficult to unde...