s response to reviews Title : Effects of Gelam and Acacia honey acute administration on some biochemical parameters of Sprague Dawley rats (original) (raw)

Authors’ Response to the Reviewer Comments


We sincerely thanks to the reviewers for their comments on the manuscript and offering their suggestions and critical input that has helped improve the manuscript. We provide here our replies to the reviewers’ comments and highlight the changes made in the revised manuscript based on the comments. These have been incorporated in the manuscript as follows. The point wise replies of the comments of the Reviewer#3 are given below.

Effects of Gelam and Acacia honey acute administration on some biochemical parameters of Sprague Dawley rats

Abstract Background: Since ancient times, honey has been used for medicinal purposes in many cultures; it is one of the oldest and most enduring substances used in wound management. Scientific evidence for its efficacy is widely studied, but systemic safety studies are still lacking. It is essential to study the impact of consumption of honey on the health and proper development of the consumer. Therefore, the present study was designed to observe the effects of acute administration (14 days) of Gelam honey (GH), a wild harvesting honey and Acacia honey (AH), a beekeeping honey, on male and female Sprague Dawley (SD) rats. Methods: An acute oral study was performed following OECD test guideline 423, with minor modifications. In the study, GH, AH and sucrose (S) were administered at 2000 mg/kg body weight. Animals were observed for the next 14 days. Gross pathology was performed at the end of the study. Animals were observed for mortality, morbidity, body weight changes, feed and water intake. Clinical biochemistry, gross pathology, relative organ weight and histopathological examination were performed. Results: Rats fed with honey did not exhibit any abnormal signs or deaths. Results showed a decrease in weight gain and energy efficiency, but significantly increased in total food intake and total calories in female rats fed with GH, compared to control (p < 0.05). Nevertheless, a significant increase in body weight was observed in male rats in all honey-treated groups. Male rats fed with AH significantly decreased in total food intake, total calories and energy efficiency. Both male and female rats fed with GH displayed a significant decrease in triglycerides compared to control group. Hepatic and renal function levels were within acceptable range. The gross necropsy analysis did not reveal changes in any of the organs examined. Conclusions: Our results suggest that acute consumption of GH and AH at 2000 mg/kg body weight of male and female SD rats has some discrepancy effects on biochemical parameters but in line with OECD regulation. Gelam honey may have potential in controlling weight gain and triglyceride levels in female rats compared to Acacia honey. SD rats

Literature Review and a Study in Rats


Os objetivos deste estudo foram: (a) estabelecer, através de revisão da literatura, o estado da arte na aplicabilidade da terapia fotodinâmica para a desinfecção do sistema de canais radiculares bem como as perspectivas futuras; (b) avaliar a resposta dos tecidos periapicais de dentes de ratos, portadores de periodontite apical, à terapia fotodinâmica como coadjuvante ao tratamento endodôntico, através de análise histológica, microbiológica e radiográfica. Para tanto, 32 molares inferiores esquerdos de ratos foram expostos ao meio bucal por 21 dias, para indução da periodontite apical. Após, foram divididos aleatoriamente em quatro grupos conforme o tratamento proposto: tratamento endodôntico em sessão única (G1); tratamento endodôntico em duas sessões com medicação intracanal à base de hidróxido de cálcio [Ca(OH) 2 ] por 14 dias (G2); tratamento endodôntico em sessão única, associado à terapia fotodinâmica (PDT) (G3) e tratamento endodôntico em duas sessões com Ca(OH) 2 por 14 dias, associado à PDT (G4). Após 28 dias, os animais foram mortos e as mandíbulas preparadas para avaliação. Para avaliação microbiológica foram realizadas coletas antes e após cada etapa de tratamento. As quantificações de UFC/mL foram analisadas através de modelos mistos lineares, mostrando significativa redução microbiana após todos os tratamentos propostos, quando comparados à coleta inicial, não havendo porém diferença significativa entre os grupos. Os resultados radiográficos foram submetidos a ANOVA, não havendo diferença estatisticamente significativas entre os grupos. Para os dados histológicos, foi utilizado o teste de Kruskall-Wallis seguido por Mann-Whitney U para aqueles casos onde diferenças foram detectadas. Estas diferenças foram encontradas nas populações de neutrófilos e eosinófilos nos grupos onde a PDT foi utilizada e para macrófagos e células gigantes quando o Ca(OH) 2 foi utilizado, independentemente da PDT. Os dados parecem apontar para uma melhor condição de reparo quando da utilização da PDT, pelo efeito biomodulador do laser nos tecidos periapicais. A associação da PDT com MIC com Ca(OH) 2 parece propiciar os melhores resultados, sendo necessários mais estudos para determinar esta relação.

Acknowledgement to reviewers 2008

Toxicology in Vitro, 2009

Consistent high-quality of papers published in Toxicology In Vitro can only be maintained with the co-operation and dedication of a number of expert referees. The Editors would like to thank all those who have donated the hours necessary to review, evaluate and comment on manuscripts; their conscientious efforts have enabled the journal to maintain its tradition of excellence. We are grateful to the following reviewers for their contributions during 2008.

Authors reply to Reviewer 2


We appreciate the reviewers' constructive comments. We addressed the comments and suggestions in this reply and have accordingly implemented changes in the manuscript, which have surely improved its quality. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have further questions.

Response to Reviewer 2


We sincerely thank anonymous reviewer 2 for insightful comments and valuable suggestions on how to improve the manuscript. Below we respond to each of the comments. Also the corrected figures and manuscript with markups are attached as a single PDF file.

Acknowledgement of Reviewers 2011


Consistent high-quality of papers published in “Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology” can only be maintained with the co-operation and dedication of a number of expert referees. The Editorswould like to thank all those who have donated the hours necessary to review, evaluate and comment on manuscripts; their conscientious efforts have enabled the journal to maintain its tradition of excellence. We are grateful to the following reviewers for their contributions during 2011.

Reviewers Summary

Veterinary Pathology, 2015

The continued success of Veterinary Pathology is due to the generous volunteer efforts of many individuals. Foremost, we appreciate the contributions of all authors who have chosen to submit their work to Veterinary Pathology and thereby advance knowledge in the discipline. We sincerely thank the editorial staff, including the section editors and photo editors, who work tirelessly and offer much wisdom and expertise on behalf of the journal. We kindly acknowledge the efforts of Wendy Coe, the staff at the Rees Group, and SAGE Publications. Finally, the contributions of peer reviewers are key to ensuring the quality of articles published in the journal.