Miliaria congénita: informe de un caso en recién nacido prematuro (original) (raw)

Presentación de un caso de un recién nacido prematuro con COVID-19

Educación y Salud Boletín Científico Instituto de Ciencias de la Salud Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo, 2020

En diciembre de 2019, la enfermedad coronavirus (COVID-19) causada por el nuevo coronavirus del síndrome agudo respiratorio severo-coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) surgió en China y ahora se ha extendido en muchos países. Las mujeres embarazadas son una población susceptible de COVID-19 y son más propensas a tener complicaciones e incluso progresan hasta convertirse en una enfermedad. grave. El objetivo de este estudio es presentar el manejo del personal de enfermería de un paciente neonatal (prematuro de 34 SDG) con COVID19. Metodología, se trata de un estudio descriptivo, en el que informamos de un caso de COVID-19 neonatal (neonato 34 SDG) en el hospital regional de tercer nivel del Estado de México. Resultados: Se presenta el caso de un recién nacido de 34 SDG positivo a SARS Cov-2, en el que se describe los cuidados e intervenciones de enfermería para la evolución favorable. Discusión-. Las manifestaciones clínicas, sobre todo en pacientes pretérmino, son inespecíficas; por lo tan...


Objective: To present the case of a female adolescent admitted with findings of pulmonary illness due to miliar pulmonary metastases of thyroid cancer. Clinical Case: A girl of 13 years old with non productive cough, dyspnea, palpitations, precordial pain and decrease of weigh, since fifteen days before she consulted at the pediatric emergency. She presented with a goiter, predominantly growing of the left lobe, with a cervical adenopathy, acrocyanosis and cyanosis of her lips. Complete haematology, thyroid function and electrocardiogram were normal. The arterial gasometry showed severe hypoxia. Chest radiography showed diffuse micro and macronodular lesions. Neck ecography showed definitive regional adenopaties. Neck tomography demonstrated an image suggestive of malignancy in left thyroid lobe and the thoracic tomography showed micronodular bilateral lesions, suggestive of me-

Paquioniquia Congenita. Reporte De Un Caso

Dermatologia Venezolana, 1967

La paquioniquia congénita, es una rara genodermatosis descrita por Jadassohn y Lewandawsky en 1906, caracterizada por deformidad de uñas, pudiendo existir alteraciones en la piel, mucosa oral, ojos, pelos y dientes. Es transmitida como carácter dominante, teniendo cierta predilección por el sexo masculino. Se describen tres tipos principales: 1. Queratosis simétrica de manos y pies con queratosis folicular del cuerpo.

El recién nacido prematuro

El recién nacido prematuro, 2008

El parto prematuro es el mayor desafió clínico actual de la Medicina Perinatal.

Presentación de un caso de púrpura necrótica en recién nacido


Necrotic purple is not commonly seen in the neonatal period although cases have been described in breast-fed babies. Clinical manifestations are well delimitated, located in pressure zones that develop forming blisters and necrotic eschards quickly resulting in spread intravascular clotting, with high risk of thrombosis, neurological and ophthalmological complications and gangrene. The diagnosis is based on the clinical suspicion and determination of C and S levels of proteins. These proteins have low and variable levels in newborn babies, making the diagnosis difficult. The case shown in this paper is a typical example of the disease, which presented disseminated intravascular clotting, with a quick evolution of the hemorrhage.

Patología neonatal en los menores de 1.500 gramos con relación al antecedente de corioamnionitis

Anales de Pediatría, 2002

the cases presented sepsis in the first 72 h of life compared with 10 % of the controls (p < 0.0001). No significant differences in morbidity or mortality were found between the groups, although chronic lung disease (20 % vs 13 %) and intraventricular hemorrhage (24 % vs 17 %) were more frequent in infants exposed to CA. Resuscitation (77.8 % vs 45.6 %; p ‫؍‬ 0.001) and mechanical ventilation (73 % vs 50 %; p ‫؍‬ 0.016) were required by a great number of cases than controls. Conclusions The presence of CA was associated with a higher risk of early onset infection and the need for neonatal resuscitation and mechanical ventilation. No significant differences were found in morbidity or mortality.

Un caso de intususcepción en un recién nacido prematuro

The intussusception is the prolapse or invagination of a portion of intestine, its age of presentation is in infants, being rare in neonates. Here is presented a case premature neonate of thirteen days of life who initiates with data of abdominal pathology with bilious losses for orogastric tube, distension abdominal with enlargement of gastric chamber as well as dilated loops with presence of a mass in a right lower quadrant added changes of color in wall abdominal; enters to surgery with diagnosis of necrotizing enterocolitis IIIB degree. In the surgery it was found ileo-ileal intussusception and intestinal perforation as well as the presence of Meckel’s diverticulum. Conclusion: The intussusception is an abdominal disease that should be considered as differential diagnosis in a newborn with data of necrotizing enterocolitis.


Nombres: Isabel Contreras Polanco. Yanina Lobos Arancibia. Curso: Salud y Calidad de vida infantil. Fecha de entrega: 02 de Abril del 2015. Profesora Catedra: Claudia Díaz García.