The sinus venosus contributes to coronary vasculature through VEGFC-stimulated angiogenesis (original) (raw)
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Coronary arteries form by developmental reprogramming of venous cells
Nature, 2010
Coronary artery disease is the leading cause of death worldwide. Determining the coronary artery developmental program could aid understanding of the disease and lead to new treatments, but many aspects of the process, including their developmental origin, remain obscure. Here we show, using histological and clonal analysis in mice and cardiac organ culture, that coronary vessels arise from angiogenic sprouts of the sinus venosus-the vein that returns blood to the embryonic heart. Sprouting venous endothelial cells dedifferentiate as they migrate over and invade the myocardium. Invading cells differentiate into arteries and capillaries; cells on the surface redifferentiate into veins. These results show that some differentiated venous cells retain developmental plasticity, and indicate that position-specific cardiac signals trigger their dedifferentiation and conversion into coronary arteries, capillaries and veins. Understanding this new reprogramming process and identifying the endogenous signals should suggest more natural ways of engineering coronary bypass grafts and revascularizing the heart.
F1000 - Post-publication peer review of the biomedical literature
The postnatal coronary vessels have been viewed as developing through expansion of vessels formed during the fetal period. Using genetic lineage tracing, we found that a substantial portion of postnatal coronary vessels arise de novo in the neonatal mouse heart, rather than expanding from pre-existing embryonic vasculature. Our data show that lineage conversion of neonatal endocardial cells during trabecular compaction generates a distinct compartment of the coronary circulation located within the inner half of the ventricular wall. This lineage conversion occurs within a brief period after birth and provides an efficient means of rapidly augmenting the coronary vasculature. This mechanism of postnatal coronary vascular growth provides avenues for understanding and stimulating cardiovascular regeneration following injury and disease. Coronary artery disease causes myocardial infarction, the leading cause of death worldwide. How coronary arteries develop is a fundamental biological question with important ramifications for human health and disease (1). Defining the developmental programs that give rise to the coronary arteries will provide critical information for regenerative approaches to congenital and adult heart disease (2-4). Most previous studies of coronary developmental origins have focused on mid-gestation stage when coronary vessels initially †
Vessel formation. De novo formation of a distinct coronary vascular population in neonatal heart
Science (New York, N.Y.), 2014
The postnatal coronary vessels have been viewed as developing through expansion of vessels formed during the fetal period. Using genetic lineage tracing, we found that a substantial portion of postnatal coronary vessels arise de novo in the neonatal mouse heart, rather than expanding from preexisting embryonic vasculature. Our data show that lineage conversion of neonatal endocardial cells during trabecular compaction generates a distinct compartment of the coronary circulation located within the inner half of the ventricular wall. This lineage conversion occurs within a brief period after birth and provides an efficient means of rapidly augmenting the coronary vasculature. This mechanism of postnatal coronary vascular growth provides avenues for understanding and stimulating cardiovascular regeneration following injury and disease.
Novel approaches to study coronary vasculature development in mice
Developmental Dynamics
Background: Coronary artery development is an intensely studied field. Mice are a popular genetic model for developmental studies, but there is no widely accepted protocol for high-throughput, high-resolution imaging of their developmental and adult coronary artery anatomy. Results: Using tissue-clearing protocols and confocal microscopy, we have analyzed embryonic and juvenile mouse hearts in Cx40:GFP knock-in models with a special focus on septal artery development. We found that the septal artery, which supplies the interventricular septum, was initially formed as an arterial plexus that connected to both the left and right coronary arteries. During development, the plexus was remodeled into a single tube, which then remained connected only to the right coronary artery. Since optical imaging became limited at postnatal stages, it was supplemented with injection techniques using India ink and Microfil; the latter was subsequently analyzed with micro-CT to visualize the anatomy of coronary vessels in 3D. Conclusions: The techniques described here enable us to study the finer details of coronary artery development in mice and can, therefore, be implemented to study the pathogenesis of coronary malformations in various mouse models.
F1000 - Post-publication peer review of the biomedical literature
Coronary arteries bring blood flow to the heart muscle. Understanding the developmental program of the coronary arteries provides insights into the treatment of coronary artery diseases. Multiple sources have been described as contributing to coronary arteries including the proepicardium, sinus venosus (SV), and endocardium. However, the developmental origins of coronary vessels are still under intense study. We have produced a new genetic tool for studying coronary development, an AplnCreER mouse line, which expresses an inducible Cre recombinase specifically in developing coronary vessels. Quantitative analysis of coronary development and timed induction of AplnCreER fate tracing showed that the progenies of subepicardial endothelial cells (ECs) both invade the compact myocardium to form coronary arteries and remain on the surface to produce veins. We found that these subepicardial ECs are the major sources of intramyocardial coronary vessels in the developing heart. In vitro explant assays indicate that the majority of these subepicardial ECs arise from endocardium of the SV and atrium, but not from ventricular endocardium. Clonal analysis of Apln-positive cells indicates that a single subepicardial EC contributes equally to both coronary arteries and veins. Collectively, these data suggested that subepicardial ECs are the major source of intramyocardial coronary arteries in the ventricle wall, and that coronary arteries and veins have a common origin in the developing heart.
Cardiovascular Research, 2011
As the developing heart grows and the chamber walls thicken, passive diffusion of oxygen and nutrients is replaced by a vascular plexus which remodels and expands to form a mature coronary vascular system. The coronary arteries and veins ensure the continued development of the heart and facilitate cardiac output with progression towards birth. Many aspects of coronary vessel development are surprisingly not well understood and recently there has been much debate surrounding both the developmental origin and tissue contribution of cardiovascular cells alongside the specific signals that determine their fate and function. What is clear is that an understanding of the cellular and molecular cues to vascularize the heart of the embryo has significant implications for adult heart disease and regeneration, as we move towards targeted cell-based therapies for neovascularization and coronary bypass engraftment. This review will focus on the proposed cellular origins for the coronary endothelium with due consideration to the pro-epicardial organ/epicardium, sinus venosus and endocardium as potential sources, and we will explore the outstanding questions and technical limitations with respect to accurate labelling and lineage tracing of the developing coronaries. We will briefly document canonical vascular signalling that induces vessels in the heart alongside a focus on the potential for developmental reprogramming and putative mechanisms underpinning venous vs. arterial cell fate. Finally, we will extrapolate directly from development to address adult maintenance of the coronaries, vascular homeostasis and remodelling in response to pathology, aligned with the potential for revascularizing the injured adult heart.
VEGF-B Promotes Endocardium-Derived Coronary Vessel Development and Cardiac Regeneration
Circulation, 2021
Background: Recent discoveries have indicated that, in the developing heart, sinus venosus and endocardium provide major sources of endothelium for coronary vessel growth that supports the expanding myocardium. Here we set out to study the origin of the coronary vessels that develop in response to vascular endothelial growth factor B (VEGF-B) in the heart and the effect of VEGF-B on recovery from myocardial infarction. Methods: We used mice and rats expressing a VEGF-B transgene, VEGF-B-gene–deleted mice and rats, apelin-CreERT, and natriuretic peptide receptor 3–CreERT recombinase-mediated genetic cell lineage tracing and viral vector–mediated VEGF-B gene transfer in adult mice. Left anterior descending coronary vessel ligation was performed, and 5-ethynyl-2’-deoxyuridine–mediated proliferating cell cycle labeling; flow cytometry; histological, immunohistochemical, and biochemical methods; single-cell RNA sequencing and subsequent bioinformatic analysis; microcomputed tomography; a...
The origins and developmental mechanisms of coronary arteries are incompletely understood. We show here by fate mapping, clonal analysis, and immunohistochemistry that endocardial cells generate the endothelium of coronary arteries. Dye tracking, live imaging, and tissue transplantation also revealed that ventricular endocardial cells are not terminally differentiated; instead, they are angiogenic and form coronary endothelial networks. Myocardial Vegf-a or endocardial Vegfr-2 deletion inhibited coronary angiogenesis and arterial formation by ventricular endocardial cells. In contrast, lineage and knockout studies showed that endocardial cells make a small contribution to the coronary veins, the formation of which is independent of myocardialto-endocardial Vegf signaling. Thus, contrary to the current view of a common source for the coronary vessels, our findings indicate that the coronary arteries and veins have distinct origins and are formed by different mechanisms. This information may help develop better cell therapies for coronary artery disease.
Circulation Research, 2009
Ischemic heart disease is the most common cause of heart failure and is among the leading causes of mortality worldwide. Therapies used for the treatment of this disease aim to restore blood flow to severely narrowed or occluded coronary arteries by either catheter-based or surgical means. Although these strategies prove efficacious for many patients, a substantial number of individuals fail to improve following these procedures. Recently, a noninvasive strategy has been proposed, focusing on the use of endogenous growth factors that trigger the growth of new coronary arteries. Using the developing heart as a model, several groups have identified some of the key pathways that not only govern the development of the coronary vascular system but also promote the growth of the adult coronary vasculature. Here, we review the major morphological events and signaling cascades that mediate the formation of the coronary vasculature in the embryo. We further describe the mechanism by which ma...