Implementation Of Corporate Social Responsibility In Indonesia In The Perspective Of Legal Theory (original) (raw)

Permasalahan HUkum Tanggung Jawab Sosial Perusahaan (Corporate Social Responsibility) di Indonesia

University Of Bengkulu Law Journal

Legal issues regarding inconsistencies in laws and regulations regarding corporate social responsibility in Indonesia, not to regulate the mechanism of corporate social responsibility's implementation, and did not set clear sanctions. The purpose of this study is to analyze why in Indonesia the regulation of corporate social responsibility (corporate social responsibility) is inconsistent, how is the certainty of law the mechanism of implementation of corporate social responsibility (Corporate Social Responsibility), and what sanctions are regulated in legislation concerning corporate social responsibility (Corporate Social Responsibility). This research method using a kind of normative juridical research with the approach of legislation (statute approach), the approach legal arguments (legal reasoning) and compare various legislation (comparative approach). The results showed that: first, the reason for regulation of corporate social responsibility inconsistencies: Indonesia is a free sovereign country, including to make regulations in the field of corporate social responsibility; environmental conditions are increasingly alarming; the company also becomes part of the community; not all companies carry out their responsibilities. Second, Legal Certainty in the Implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility. Third, sanctions which should be regulated is criminal sanctions so that corporate social responsibility will be adhered to as a legal obligation.

Corporate Social Responsibility in Indonesia Law and Legal Validity

Russian Law Journal

The study, a continuation of earlier studies, examines in-depth the primary principles governing the operation of Indonesia's CSR through corporate law as well as the CSR law's credibility from a different angle that has not received much attention. This paper attempts to assess Indonesia's corporate social responsibility statute. It is utilized to develop an analysis as demonstrated in this work through the study of different research documents and literature. To fully explain the company's CSR from a legal standpoint, the data is gathered and then examined. The findings of this investigation show unequivocally that businesses in Indonesia develop their own CSR strategies based on a knowledge of CSR guidelines.

Law Enforcement of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in Indonesia

Journal of Legal, Ethical and Regulatory Issues, 2021

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in European countries that are morally ethical and voluntary. This is different from Indonesia, companies have an obligation to provide CSR as a form of social responsibility to the surrounding environment. The hope is that it can make a major contribution to improving the quality of the welfare of the people so that it is regulated by law. This means that if the company does not provide CSR then it should be subject to legal sanctions but these sanctions are not clearly stated. This lack of clarity will make it difficult for law enforcement. This study analyzes the law enforcement of CSR against companies. This research is a library research which is analyzed by juridical normative with qualitative approach method. law enforcement, in substance, must be constructed with other laws, meaning that not only the UUPT but also the UUPPLH so that there is clarity on sanctions. Law enforcement besides being influenced by legal structure of legal structure and legal culture. All three are interrelated so that law enforcement can be carried out in accordance with the provisions.

The Problems of Corporate Social Responsibility Regulation in Indonesian Local Regulations


This research examines the regulation of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in dealing with the Regional Regulation in Indonesia. This study becomes an important issue because CSR arrangements by the central government do not provide clear implementation guidelines, there are many local governments manage CSR based on their interests and perceptions. This research is conducted through legal approach (normative legal research), both of concept and theory of law, as well as legislation related to regulation of CSR in Region. An empirical approach was used to explore the facts, and field research was conducted in the Provinces of Special Region of Yogyakarta and Central Java. The results of the research show that there is a wide variety of contents of local regulations on CSR because each region refers to the national law on CSR in different contexts. However, the various policy by local government is a form of deviation from the legal system. The local government organizes CSR with...

The Implementation Model of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR): An Indonesian Perspective

International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

This study aims to build the implementation model of CSR from the existing companies in Manado and Minahasa, North Sulawesi-Indonesia. The research used qualitative method. After data are collected, the analysis process begins. There are three phases to data analysis such as data reduction, data presentation and model building. The collected data are reduced according to the implementation of CSR and bring up many themes. Based on these themes, the data are presented and the process to draw conclusion is begun and finally the model is built. To implement their CSR, companies build the concept themes of CSR implementation, provide the CSR funds, and prepare the programs and reports. Business ethics, good corporate governance, compliance in regulation and benefit to society and environment become the concept of CSR implementation. The programs such as charity, philanthropy and community development activities which are done as routine and non routine activities in the short term or long term programs. The funding of these activities needs to be budgeted from their internal policy. The reports include CSR activity reports, financial and annual reports. Therefore, the model is built from the element of concept, funds, programs and reports on their CSR implementation.

The Implementation Model ofCorporate Social Responsibility(CSR): An IndonesianPerspective (Similarity Check)


This study aims to build the implementation model of CSR from the existing companies in Manado and Minahasa, North Sulawesi-Indonesia. The research used qualitative method. After data are collected, the analysis process begins. There are three phases to data analysis such as data reduction, data presentation and model building. The collected data are reduced according to the implementation of CSR and bring up many themes. Based on these themes, the data are presented and the process to draw conclusion is begun and finally the model is built. To implement their CSR, companies build the concept themes of CSR implementation, provide the CSR funds, and prepare the programs and reports. Business ethics, good corporate governance, compliance in regulation and benefit to society and environment become the concept of CSR implementation. The programs such as charity, philanthropy and community development activities which are done as routine and non routine activities in the short term or long term programs. The funding of these activities needs to be budgeted from their internal policy. The reports include CSR activity reports, financial and annual reports. Therefore, the model is built from the element of concept, funds, programs and reports on their CSR implementation.

Analysis of CSR Legislation in Indonesia: Mandate to Business

Business and Economic Research

Indonesia was one of the first countries in the world to implement legislation mandating businesses to undertake Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Different with other countries with their voluntary approach of CSR, the legislation makes CSR as a mandate to business in Indonesia. Through document analysis method, this study analyses six laws related to CSR in Indonesia to define the mandate of CSR legislation in order to understand the form of CSR should be practiced by companies operating in Indonesia. Indonesia as one of the developing countries may require sufficient fund for their local development. CSR may be seen as a source of fund for local development. Therefore, CSR legislation in the country provides mechanism for wealth or resource distribution of companies for local government to develop local communities.


International Journal of Law, Humanities & Social Science, 2020

The purpose of this research is to analyze and determine the meaning of corporate social responsibility as a legal obligation to the company according to Article 74 of Law No. 40 of 2007 concerning Limited Liability Companies (UUPT). This type of legal research is doctrinal research using the short term (statute and pro) and short concept (conceptual and pro). From the results of the research, it can be found that philosophically the existence of corporate social responsibility (CSR) as stipulated in Article 74 paragraph (1) of Law Number 40 Year 2007 concerning Limited Liability Companies is very closely related to the goals and functions of the Indonesian state in a form that is expressly stated in paragraph IV of the Preamble of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia, one of which is to advance public welfare. To achieve that, all the Indonesian Nation is guided by Pancasila as the Nation's Life View. The Indonesian people will not be able to achieve the goals they have dreamed of without the noble values that they uphold as a way of life, namely Pancasila. In this case, the implementation of CSR obligations is carried out to realize the objectives and functions of the state under Pancasila. Socially, the existence of CSR is a legal responsibility that is based on the values of benefits that will be accepted by the community. CSR can be used as a means to empower the poor. Even the implementation of CSR to the community through the utilization of potential social capital can be used as an alternative to empowering the poor in Indonesia.

Good Governance and Pro -Active Implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility in Indonesia

Proceedings of the International Conference on Ethics in Governance (ICONEG 2016), 2017

The measure of a Company's success should be determined by not only reporting a profit, but also by its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) implementation, such as good governance, social responsibility, ethical behavior, environmental initiatives, and ways of creating long term sustainable development. CSR is a concept that all entities themselves must conduct responsibly, with consideration for the communities they operate in. It encourages companies to transition from the mandatory usual business practice to corporate citizenship with the right to "do good and do no harm." As problems with economic inequality are unresolved, how does mandatory CSR allow more pro-active implementation by corporate to solve the inequality and economic gap? How can governance help in assembling CSR programs that could improve existing situation to achieve national development goals?

The Awareness of the Indonesian Market Toward the Corporate Social Responsibility of a Company

Jurnal REKSA: Rekayasa Keuangan, Syariah dan Audit

The existence of CSR institutions and associations coherent with several laws and regulations concerning CSR applied in Indonesia indicates that Indonesia gives more attention to the importance of CSR. The increasing number of parties who appreciate CSR performance also motivates companies to commit to implementing CSR. However, the next question is related to whether the public (market) responds to the efforts of the government, companies, and all parties involved in the progress of CSR in Indonesia or not. Specifically, the question lingers around whether the Indonesian market is aware of the importance of CSR or not. Departing from the two questions, the study aims to determine the response of the Indonesian market after the CSR-related information has been identified since market responses will show awareness of the importance of CSR. The data that have been used in the study are the secondary ones and include the stock prices that come from 5 days before and 5 days after the an...