2021, Universe International Journal of Interdisciplinary Research

Perception is a course of action that involves organizing, identifying, and interpreting sensory inputs for the purpose of representation and understanding of the environment and uses that information in order to interact with the environment. There are many parts of teacher training programme like Internship, sessional work, Project work, micro and macro teaching etc. In this paper the investigator wants to know the perception of pupil-teacher towards internship and sessional work as a part of Teacher Training Programme. Internship is a programme where student teacher are asking question and seeking traditions, and beliefs, developing new values and meanings, searching for roles and identity, and attempting to build a practice that is relevant and meaningful from them and their students (Ross, 2001). Sessional work is an essential task which is to be carried by the students under the guidance of their subject teacher. It is related to particular subject content which aims at providing field experience, writing reflective journals, case study, action research, presentation through AV-aids, working with community etc. Both Internship and Sessional work are new innovation in the field of education and the investigator has chosen this topic because both build a strong bridge between theory and practice. The objectives of the study are to study the perception of B.ED pupil-teacher towards internship and sessional work as a part of teacher training programme. In the present study, the researcher has used the descriptive method of research. The total sample is 120 B.Ed pupil-teachers from three B.Ed colleges of Samba District and Survey studies are conducted to collect detailed description of exiting phenomenon with the intent of employing data to justify the current conditions and practices or to make more intelligent plans for improving them. A Self made opinionnaire was prepared to collect the required data. After collecting the data, the frequencies are calculated to analyze the data. The frequencies have shown positive perception towards internship and sessional work as a part in developing teacher training programmes. After the interpretation, the educational implications and suggestions are given in the present study and this study is helpful for educationists, practitioners, students, stakeholders, policy-makers, teachers and parents.