SOARES, Ana Luísa, AZAMBUJA, Sónia Talhé; CASTEL-BRANCO, Cristina (2019) – “The role of the botanic garden of Ajuda in the affirmation of the new profession of landscape architecture in Portugal” (original) (raw)
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Revista Brasileira de Geografia Física, 2022
Knowing and understanding plants are essential factors for a successful landscape architecture project. Great landscape architects from the 20th and 21st centuries-such as Burle Marx, Fernando Chacel, Rosa Kliass, Caldeira Cabral, and Piet Oudolf-perceive vegetation as a link between nature and the city, in which the valuation and the respect for the landscape are the central points. Unfortunately, little focus has been given to the appropriate employment of plants in landscape architecture projects at architecture and urbanism schools, resulting in generic planting schemes. Should these schemes be called landscape architecture projects? Oppositely, Applied Botany to Landscape Architecture has as one of its objectives providing knowledge for the conception of plant palettes, which should consider not only aesthetic criteria but also biological and environmental ones from each species to establish a harmonious relationship with the existing environment. Thus, this article intends to present the experience and the results achieved in the discipline AQ553-Special Topics in Architecture, Urbanism and Landscape Architecture Theory III (Applied Botany to Landscape Architecture). For this discipline, it was adopted descriptive and bibliographical research as a methodology, which has made possible the understanding of aesthetical and environmental matters related to the plant element and how these attributes can be reflected in a landscape architecture project. By leading students to consider the architectural and biological aspects of the vegetation components in their proposals, the procedure adopted in this discipline had great outcomes; for instance, improvements in the areas of environmental perception, graphic representation and design of landscaping projects.
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Throughout the history of Western culture, landscape has been transformed according to the search for the representation of an image of paradise, and it has acquired and absorbed principles dictated by the mental, cultural, social and political framework in which it is involved. Suburban villas are contextualized interpretations of ways of using and occupying the landscape, organized and built by cultural and economic elites, creating places where landscape and architecture complement each other in a hasty manner. The research focused on the suburban Villa of Renaissance influence as a reference and on framing and contextualizing it in the historiography and culture of Architecture and Landscape in Portuguese historical areas. The evolution of the concepts of suburban Villa, garden, villegiattura and ideal Villa was addressed. The research was conducted on the relationship between the mind, the rational, and the emotions of those who inhabit/perceive space and those who design it. From the demonstration of the adequacy of the same structuring, compositional and programmatic principles resulting from a cultural and historical evolution to new times and regional cultures, and their framing in times of artistic and Cultural Revolution, the same conceptual principles, spatial orders and types of relationship with the landscape were adapted to avant-garde compositional grammars in other architectural types and urban structures. This study proves the existence of an important contribution to Modern and Contemporary Architecture and Landscape Architecture, of an architectural culture synthesized in the analysis of the cases treated. A contribution also to teaching and professional practice, from the identification of recent works that reveal the same principles, spatial orders, approach to place and relationship with the landscape.
Researcher and PhD Candidate TU Delft, Faculty of Architecture, Chair of Landscape Architecture Prof. Dr. Ing. C.M.Steenbergen Contemporary architecture has been strongly influenced by the concept of landscape in recent times. The landscape analogy that accompanied architecture for a long time in tectonics or ornament is now transforming the concepts of form and space. The landscape analogy has moved from marginal subjects to the core of the discipline. We are looking for principals of architectural theory, which can not be derived anymore from an big predominant ideology. What framework for architecture do we still need in the more or less lucky freedom of our time? We might want to use the proposed exercise of knowledge transfer to rediscover some basic principles. A study of landscape as a means of architecture could lead to such a basic theory, not derived from any ideology nor adopting philosophical terms to a practical field. We prefer looking in our own backyard, enjoying the freedom of thoughts about our own subject matter.
ECLAS 2018: BOOK OF PROCEEDINGS TABLE OF CONTENTS 006 1. IntroductIon Simon Bell 010 2. Welcome to unIverSIty college ghent Stefanie delarue 014 3. lAndScAPeS oF conFlIct organising committee eclAS 2018 022 4. Keynote lectureS 024 4.1. Piet chielens 'the men and Women who Planted trees' coordinator In Flanders Fields museum (ypres, Be) 026 4.2. Peter vanden Abeele: 'conflict driven development. Five tips and tricks' city government Architect ghent (Be) 028 4.3. elke rogge 'get your ducks In A row! the Potential of Systems thinking in the design of landscapes of conflict' research Institute for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food coordinator In Flanders (Be) 030 4.4. matthew Powers: 're-aligning the roots of thought' Associate Professor clemson university (uSA) 032 4.5. Peter Swyngedauw 'over de rand: A Plea for the landscape Architect as a chief Architect' Bureau omgevIng (Be) 034 4.6. Bas Smets 'Augmented landscapes in Search of the resilience of the territory' Bureau Bas Smets (Be) 036 5. Full PAPerS And PechA KuchA PAPerS 038 5.1. human and nature group A 070 5.1. human and nature group d 170 5.1. human and nature group I 204 5.1. human and nature group m 254 5.2. Planting design and ecology group B 298 5.2. Planting design and ecology group J 350 5.3. conservation and development group c 386 5.3. conservation and development group K 440 5.3. conservation and development group o 500 5.4. Participation and coproduction group F 550 5.5. teaching and learning group g 608 5.6. theory and Practice group h 652 5.6. theory and Practice group l 698 5.6. theory and Practice group P 752 5.7. experience and economy group n 806 6.