Escultura arquitectónica y litúrgica en San Miguel de Escalada: recursos y canteras para su construcción (original) (raw)
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A partir del análisis de las fases constructivas de las iglesias de San Miguel de Escalada (León) y San Cebrián de Mazote (Valladolid) mediante metodologías propias de la arqueología de la arquitectura y de la caracterización petrográfica de los materiales identificados en ellas, se han localizado, por medio del análisis geológico, las áreas de explotación y canteras de donde se extrajeron los materiales pétreos empleados para su construcción. La prospección geológica en busca de los espacios de cantera históricos aporta una información inédita para el mejor conocimiento de estos conjuntos edificados del Altomedievo, y una mayor comprensión de su sistema constructivo y planificación de obra.
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The excavations at the site of El Tolmo de Minateda (Hellín, Albacete, Spain), especially the work carried out in the area of the religious complex from the Visigothic period, have provided an interesting set of liturgical and ornamental sculpture from the early medieval period. Most of the items recovered come from the levels of dismantling and destruction of the architectural complex. This process begins in the second half of the 8th century and increases at the beginning of the 9th offering support to the Islamic buildings, in which they were reused as a construction material. Despite this circumstance, in this paper, we will see how, thanks to a chrono-stratigraphic sequence that has been verified in several areas of the site in the last 30 years, we can clarify some chronological and functional aspects of these materials. These circumstances allow us to partially restore the elevation of the religious buildings, of which only part of its plant remains, and address, from a regional perspective, aspects of the production and distribution of this kind of ornamental architecture.
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The excavations at the site of El Tolmo de Minateda (Hellín, Albacete, Spain), especially the work carried out in the area of the religious complex from the Visigothic period, have provided an interesting set of liturgical and ornamental sculpture from the early medieval period. Most of the items recovered come from the levels of dismantling and destruction of the architectural complex. This process begins in the second half of the 8th century and increases at the beginning of the 9th offering support to the Islamic buildings, in which they were reused as a construction material. Despite this circumstance, in this paper, we will see how, thanks to a chrono-stratigraphic sequence that has been verified in several areas of the site in the last 30 years, we can clarify some chronological and functional aspects of these materials. These circumstances allow us to partially restore the elevation of the religious buildings, of which only part of its plant remains, and address, from a regional perspective, aspects of the production and distribution of this kind of ornamental architecture.
Aspectos visigodos de San Miguel de Escalada (León)
Antigüedad y Cristianismo, 1986
Desde que el P. Manuel Risco publicara en el volumen XXXV de la "España Sagrada", en 1786, la desaparecida inscripción fundacional del Monasterio de San Miguel de Escalada, muchos son los estudiosos que, siguiendo distintos intereses en su investigación —epigráfica, histórica, artística...— han puesto de relieve ese momento premozárabe al que se hace corresponder "un pequeño templo", "un santuario", "una modesta iglesia" o "un monasterio" de cronología visigoda. (...)