Development of Early Grade Indonesian E-Modules Using the Kvisoft Flipbook Maker Application (original) (raw)
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Ta'dib, 2022
This study aims to develop an interactive e-module for English Structure course to support digital learning in the English Study Program, Universitas Riau, Indonesia. The research used a Research and Development (R&D) approach and applied the ADDIE model consisting of five stages; analyse, design, development, implement and evaluate. The products developed were animated videos and interactive quizzes integrated into an electronic module using the Flipbook maker application. The emodule consists of three chapters with several sections in each chapter: video based explanation, text based description, example, interactive quizzes, and chapter summary. The results of the validations of media expert and material expert of the animated videos are 3.55 (very valid) while the interactive quizzes got an average score of 3.85 (very valid). Then, for the validations of the e-module, it go an average score of 3.96 (very valid) and 3.23 (valid) from the material expert and the media expert, respectively. On the whole, the average score of the validations is 3.60 (very valid). The e-module has been implemented to a group of students (n=20). The students' responses show that the e-module has a very good category (3.75 for the attractiveness aspect and 3.61 for the convenience aspect). Therefore, it can be concluded that the emodule has a very good quality, both in terms of its materials and media, and is eligible to be utilized as a digital learning resource for Pre-Intermediate Structure course in the English department of Universitas Riau, Indonesia.
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This study aims to develop e-modules through the Problem Based Learning (PBL) model. The type of this research was development research with the ADDIE model. The trial subjects were students of SMAN 1 Seberida. The research instruments were observation, interview, media expert validation questionnaire, material expert, biology teacher validation, student and student response questionnaire. Qualitative data analysis techniques in the form of qualitative descriptive observations and interviews and presented at the analysis stage, suggestions from media expert validators, materials, biology teachers, student and student responses were carried out descriptively and qualitatively and presented in the development stage. While the score of the biology teacher validation questionnaire was carried out using Descriptive statistics by presenting data through tables. The validation results of media experts, material experts and biology teachers on the e-module were 3.63, 3.62 and 3.71, respecti...
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Need analysis of integrated natural science e-module development using Kvisoft Flipbook Maker
AIP Conference Proceedings
The research objective was to analyze the need for an integrated natural science e-module developed with the Kvisoft Flipbook Maker Pro at SMP N 2 Mojolaban. This study employed a qualitative method with the research subjects of two natural science teachers and 15 seventh-grade students. The data collection techniques were executed through class and media observation, questionnaires, with interviews, in which the data were then analyzed descriptively, and the percentage of the number of answers given divided by the number of respondents multiplied by 100 %. The results revealed that (1) natural science learning had not used the integration expected in the curriculum 13. (2) 73.33% of students stated the need for e-modules to support online learning. (3) Students and teachers need effective, flexible, interesting, and not boring teaching materials, equipped with pictures, animation, video, and audio. It indicates that developing teaching materials as an integrated natural science e-module utilizing the Kvisoft flipbook maker pro is necessary.
E-Module Flipbook Model for Designing E-Learning Materials in Higher Education
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research
Learning in higher education must continue amid the Covid-19 pandemic. Face-to-face learning method is no longer applied to decrease the spreading of the corona virus. The government is suggesting that the system be transformed into emergency distance learning. That includes e-learning methods in addition to face-to-face learning. E-learning is known as a common learning support facility in universities. To increase student interest in learning through e learning, there is an influence to be more innovative. The flipbook model e-module is designed to make learning more interactive. This study adopts a research & development approach, with the aim of producing e-modules as a substitute for e-learning teaching materials in higher education. The results showed that an e-module has been produced which is designed to answer problems related to the presentation of e-learning teaching materials in higher education. This e-module is in accordance with the characteristics of e-learning and students are interested to learn e learning materials which are presented in the form of e-modules.
Proceedings of the The 3rd International Conference Community Research and Service Engagements, IC2RSE 2019, 4th December 2019, North Sumatra, Indonesia, 2020
This research is a research development that aims to produce products, in the form of: the development of E-Learning based learning design in Indonesian language skills courses in the Elementary School Teacher Education Study Program, Universitas Negeri Medan. This development is based on the 4D model (Define, Design, Development, and Disseminate) which emphasizes the needs of users according to the context (lecturers and students). Through theoretical studies and field studies, in the first phase produced a draft of an E-Learning based learning design on Indonesian language skills courses in the Elementary School Teacher Education Study Program covering syllabus, teaching materials, and authentic assessment. In the second stage, the development of products that have been produced is carried out through tests of validity, practicality, and effectiveness. At this stage the developed learning design is reflected and revised according to user needs based on the trials conducted. The results showed that the developed learning design was declared valid, practical, and effective in the use of learning Indonesian language skills in the Elementary School Teacher Education Study Program, Medan State University.
Infinity Journal
This study aims to determine the feasibility of learning media electronic module (e-module) based on Kvisoft Flipbook Maker Pro on derivative material with Scientific approach using Research and Development research methodology. The study was conducted in two schools by taking 4 students as a student response in small classes and 20 students in a large class. The research instrument used in the form of evaluation formative form of teaching materials for material experts, media experts, and student responses. From the result of the assessment of expert material instrument obtained an average score of 101.25 with very good criteria, the assessment of expert media instruments obtained an average score of 116 with good criteria as well as on student response instruments obtained 86.44 with very good criteria. These results indicate that the e-module of mathematics with the scientific approach of the derived material for the XI class of the even semester high school is worthy of use in t...
Indonesia Berdaya, 2022
Education is one of the pillars of the progress of a nation. Education is still a serious concern in each region in order to increase. The quality of education at the Integrated Early Childhood Post (PPT) Kuncup Melati Surabaya is quite good but still needs to be improved. One of them is in technology-based English learning. Learning English at PPT Kuncup Melati Surabaya will be much more interesting if it is packaged with a blend of technology and presented to Early Childhood Education students in the form of visual learning. In addition, online learning is currently being promoted again along with the increasing number of Covid-19 victims during this pandemic. Mastery of technology-based English learning at PPT Kuncup Melati Surabaya is still minimal. This is evident from the learning that is still carried out faceto-face, even though it is carried out in alternating schedules. Even though there are clear rules from the government that suggest that learning is done online. As a solution, assistance is needed in technology-based online English learning with a variety of methods and is carried out in a sustainable manner so that learning can be done online but still interesting. By applying the flipbook application in learning English, it is hoped that it will stimulate Early Childhood Education students in learning technology-based English. Flipbook is a powerful software application designed to convert PDF files to pageturning digital publications. With the flipbook application, a digital bookshelf can be created from several E-Modules that have been produced so that teachers and students can choose which E-Module to read by simply pressing the click button to select it. This Community Service (PKM) activity plan is focused on implementing an interactive English E-Module with a flipbook application for Early Childhood Education students at PPT Kuncup Melati Surabaya. The target of this PKM activity is the students in the school. The expected output is to apply a flipbook application to students at the school and to create a digital literacy corner and e-learning regeneration which is expected to be able to increase the knowledge, skills, interests and motivation of Early Childhood Education students in learning English. With the digital literacy corner, it is hoped that it can increase student interest in literacy.
This Study aims to produce the product in the form of the teaching materials in the form of Project Based Learning (PjBL) based E-Modules using the Flibook application on the cognitve learning outcomes of tThis Study aims to produce the product in the form of the teaching materials in the form of Project Based Learning (PjBL) based E-Modules using the Flibook application on the cognitve learning outcomes of the students in grade XI at SMA Negeri 1 Tanjung Morawa. This Research and Development (R&D) method. The development model used is a 4-D model (Define, Design, Development, and Disseminate). The data analysis technique used is the validity and the effectiveness. Based on the results of the research that has been done, it can be concluded that the E-Module is included in the valid and effective criteria. This is shown from the results of the expert validation that giving an aevrage percentage of 3,67% in the valid and good category and the results of students’ daily test scores ob...