The Legend of Aku Sika: A Transposition of Folk Narrative to a Stage Play (original) (raw)

International Journal on Studies in English Language and Literature

The Legend of Aku Sika is a stage play transposed from a folktale Aku Sika. Folktale is a story from a folkloric background, a community or societal based story, passed on orally from a generation to the other. Folktale, according to Soanes (1995) in the Oxford Dictionary of Current English, "is a traditional story originally passed on by word of mouth" Folktales are kind of stories that are passed on from generation to generation. Folktales do not have a single sources and authors. Most of them are community bound. They develop as different people tell them over time. Folktales are the creations of "the folk," or the community people and are mostly oral. The playwright serves as a force for social reconstruction by sensitizing the public or society on occurring issues. Playwrights have variety of sources for their dramatic works. Ancient playwrights wrote based on myths, fables and on biblical events. To serve the purpose of education, sensitization and entertainment, the playwrights must be good observers of the society in which they find themselves. This will aid them in writing gripping stories, which will make the readers tick. 2. THE TREATMENT The idea of transposing folk narrative i.e. Myths, Legends, Fables, Folktales into stage plays have always been part of the origins and development of drama and theatre in many cultures in the world. For example, during the classical Greek period, dramatists like Aeschylus, Sophocles, Euripides and Aristophanes among many others transposed ancient Greek myths into their modern stage drama as part of the Dionysian Festivals. Again, during the medieval period in Europe, biblical narratives such as the Parables were transposed into stage performances, and this formed the basis of Mystery, Miracle and Morality plays. These efforts certainly enhanced not only the availability of greater literature but also a greater understanding of the content and message of the plays, as the priests enacted them before the congregation. For example, Quem Queritis Cohen (2000) which means whom do you seek was performed in the sanctuary as part of the feast of Corpus Christi (The Body of Christ) and Everymana morality play.