When the Expatriate Wife Returns Home: Swedish Women Navigating National Welfare Politics and Ideals of Gender Equality in Expatriate Family Migration. (original) (raw)
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Community, Work & Family
This study used qualitative interviews to explore perceptions of labour market participation in relation to gender norms and parenting ideals among employed Swedish men and women of migrant descent. Using an abductive thematic approach, we demonstrate how the respondents viewed labour market participation from different perspectives. The females saw it as a source of emancipation, whereas the men primarily viewed it as a means of providing for a current/future family. While our respondents depicted themselves as dedicated to social norms of gender equality, they expressed gender-biased views on work and family. The respondents' immigrant heritage also influenced their views on labour market participation, gender and family. Gender inequalities in the parental generation motivated them to arrange their work and family lives differently, and the Swedish social and political context offered them incentives and opportunities to be more gender-equal than their parents. We view and analyse these findings from a life course-perspective, showing how cultural and contextual influences affect respondents' perspectives on work and family arrangements. RÉSUMÉ Cette enquête s'appuie sur des entretiens qualitatifs afin d'explorer les liens entre la perception de la participation au marché du travail et les normes de genre et idéaux de parentalité chez les actifs et actives suédois issu.e.s de l'immigration. Mobilisant une approche abductive et thématique, nous démontrons quelles sont les représentations de nos répondant.e.s sur la participation au marché du travail selon différentes perspectives. Tandis que les femmes y voyaient une source d'émancipation, les hommes la considéraient avant tout comme un moyen de provenir à leur famille, présente ou à venir. Alors que nos enquêté.e.s se décrivaient comme engagé.e.s en faveur des normes d'égalité de genre, ils et elles ont exprimé des visions genré.e.s sur le travail et la famille. Leur héritage lié à l'immigration a aussi influencé leurs représentations de la participation au marché du travail, du genre et de la famille. Les ARTICLE HISTORY
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European Journal of Womens Studies, 2011
This article examines Swedish migrant women to the United States. It asks how racially privileged European migrants adapt to US racial and gender hierarchies that require them to relinquish their economic security and gender autonomy in a neoliberal state? Drawing upon interviews and focus group discussions with 33 Swedish women and three of their spouses, and participant observation between 2006 and 2008 in a network for Swedish speaking women living in the US, the article discusses how a group of 'white' migrant women who arrive in the US with an ideology of gender egalitarianism negotiate a more socially conservative and economically vulnerable lifestyle, as the wives (and potential ex-wives) of upper-middle-class men. The article argues that while Swedish women benefit from their racial and social privileges in the US they lose their sense of economic security, acquiring new anxieties that make them reluctant to renounce their Swedish citizenship which they conceive of as a 'flexible' resource.
Gender Dynamics across Reception and Integration in Sweden
This report is about gender dynamics in the governance of the reception and integration of asylum seekers and refugees in Sweden, with a particular focus on the region of Scania. It builds on work done in the previous GLIMER work packages about housing and accommodation (WP3), language training and education (WP4) and labour market integration (WP5) together with additional new empirical material about gender policy and third sector initiatives targeting gender dynamics. The additional material consists of policy documents applied on national and local levels, and interviews with personnel working in projects for female newcomers. The Swedish welfare state model is an important context for understanding issues of gender equality in the reception and integration of asylum seekers and refugees. The Swedish welfare state is based on an understanding of equality in terms of rights and contributions through labour market participation. This means that it relies on a dual-earner family mo...
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School of Law. Her research interests include the development of the welfare state, social policy and administration, rights, citizenship, and the importance of public identity. Her most recent books include Sjuk-Sverige [Sick Sweden] (2005) and Delaktighet under hot-Den nya forvaltningen?
Vocabularies of citizenship and gender: Sweden
Critical Social Policy, 1998
This article focuses on the gendered dimensions of the contradictions within the welfare state. It argues that there is an inherent dilemma between recognizing women's unpaid caring functions, on the one hand, and in providing for opportunities for women to influence and contribute in the economic and political spheres of life, on the other. The article focuses on the development and the framing of what we call 'the social service state' and 'the social insurance state' in Sweden from a gender perspective. The article asks whether women benefit from a neutral system of rules or whether there should also be formal attention paid to gender inequalities.