Morphological processes found in lexicon of Tajen (original) (raw)


This research-based paper presented the investigation on Morphological process of tabale language in Palu Central-Sulawesi. Therefore, the aims of this study were to describe the use of Tabale language in PaluPerumnasBalaroa and to introduce the uniqueness of the jargon (Tabale language) to the public. This study used descriptive qualitative method. This research also used Remembering method to collect the data, because the researcher himself was the native of this jargon language, the other method which was used was agih method to analyze the data. This research result showed the public about the uniqueness of morphological process in Bahasatabale such as

A Morphological and Lexical Studyon Papuan Indonesian Dialect

Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa Fib, 2013

Dialect is a variety of language that has uniqueness in phonology, morphology, syntax and vocabulary. One of the examples of dialect spoken in Indonesia is Papuan dialect. The uniqueness of Papuan Indonesian dialect can be seen in its morphology and vocabulary. Thus, this study was conducted to analyze the word formation process and the lexical variation in Papuan Indonesian dialect. This study was a qualitative research. The data of this study were the utterances which contained linguistics items that mark the characteristics or uniqueness of Papuan Indonesian dialect. In doing the observation, the writer took notes on the relevant data from the subjects that contain morphological and lexical variation of PID utterances that are different from Standard BI. In data analysis, the writer classified the data in form of table and gave further explanation according to the word formation processes. The results of this study showed that there are seven word formation processes in the lexical variation of Papuan Indonesian dialect. They are borrowing, blending, coinage, compounding, clipping, conversion, and derivation. Coinage is the most dominant with twenty six words, followed by clipping with 7 words, 6 compounding words, 4 conversion words, 3 blending word, 2 derivation, and the last is borrowing with 1 word. In conclusion, Papuan Indonesian dialect is a Bahasa Indonesia that is spoken by Papuan. It has uniqueness in the word formation process of some of the words. There are words that are formed differently with standard BI. Based on Yule's theory of word formation process, the writer found seven of them in PID. For further research on PID, the writer suggests to the next writer who is interested in Papuan Indonesian dialect to analyze it from the syntax and sociolingusitics point of view. Second, great gratefulness is also dedicated to Isti Purwaningtyas, M.Pd. and Yana Shanti Manipuspika, M.App.Ling. as his advisors, and Emy Sudarwati, M.Pd. and Syariful Muttaqin, M.A. as examiners who have given very great patience, guidance, correction, explanation and worth suggestions during this thesis writing process. Next, the researcher would like to dedicate this thesis to his parents, Yunus Ap and Purwanti Ap, and his brother, Henry Ap who always give support, prayer, encouragement, patience and love even more in this thesis writing process. A special thanks goes to Wahyu Dwi Novianingsih who has given great support, and encouragement during this thesis writing process. Finally, the researcher would like to give deepest thank to all the friends

Insights on Balinese Linguistic Analysis

Exploring the different linguistics characteristics of a foreign language enables one to gain more insight on the significance of the language in a sociolinguistic environment. Some of the interesting features I describe include the bilingual community, language interference, and language maintenance in relation to a language that is becoming less common. There appears to be a close connection to the phonetics and semantics of this language. The Balinese language is unique since it is an accusative ergative language that is rich in suffixes.

The Use of the Makassar Dialect of Indonesian in the Native Speakers in the Gowa District

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, 2021

Makassarese speakers are bilingual. They are generally domiciled in the southern part of South Sulawesi Province, especially in Gowa Regency. The alternation of Makassarese and Indonesian languages has the consequence of mutual influence at various levels, including the morphological level. This study aims to describe the form of words and the meaning carried by each word due to the morphological influence of the Makassar language on the Indonesian language. This research is a type of descriptive research. Sources of data are the speeches of respondents who live in Gowa Regency as twenty people who were selected purposively based on occupation (employees, teachers, traders, and students); age (between 18-47 years); and education (junior till high school). The data were analyzed according to the properties of the morphemes and then transcribed according to their basic forms. The results showed that the morphological influence of the Makassar language into Indonesian has certain characteristics, namely the presence of a bound element in the form of clitics. There are clitics in the form of personal pronouns; some are in the form of particles. Clitics derived from personal pronouns consist of neutral or familiar pronouns and honorific or polite pronouns. There are clitics in the form of particles that function as affirmations while others act as markers of time or time. These clitics can be attached to the class of nouns, verbs, adjectives, numerals by carrying different meanings according to the context of the speech.

Javanese Language Varieties lA Sociolinguistic Studyr

Proceedings of the 2nd Social Sciences, Humanities and Education Conference: Establishing Identities through Language, Culture, and Education (SOSHEC 2018)

The aim of this study is to describe the form, the socio-cultural context, and the social meaning of the Javanese language varieties. In this research, the researchers used descriptive qualitative research with case study design. The data of this research were obtained from the people utterances. Observation, interview, and documentation were used to collect the data. There were 30 participants involved in this research. The instruments of this research were an audio recording, a questionnaire, and note. Triangulation was applied to measure the validity of data. The researchers used content analysis for peeling utterances in text form. For analyzing the data, the researchers used An Interactive Model of Analysis. The results of this study revealed that 40 words differ from the basic vocabulary. The context of the Javanese language varieties is particular context and general context based on the participant, setting, topic, and the function. There are four social meaning such as group identity, solidarity, politeness, and pride. The participants in this study were relatively small. Conducting similar studies with more participants involved would be helpful. Moreover, it would be insightful to examine the use of Javanese language varieties among people around Java.

Agglutinative language in bahasa Indonesia

LADU: Journal of Languages and Education

Background: Morphology, defined as the internal structure of words, has always played an important role in linguistic typology, and it is with the morphological classification of languages into fusional, agglutinative, and isolation This paper will take one language as an example or object that is Indonesian language, and analysis the morphological typology characteristics in the Indonesian language. Purpose: This research is to find out the all characteristic of the morphology typology and analysis Indonesian language based on the agglutinative language because Indonesian language has same type with agglutinative language. Design and methods: This paper using descriptive qualitative method. The author analysis all of morphology typology branch especially agglutinative. To support analysis, the author using theory from other journal to strength the result of analysis. Results: The result show the Indonesian language is included to agglutinative language based on the analysis.


This mini-research is conducted to analyze the differentiation of the variety of language in East Java and Central Java. The team research emphasize on the difference of accent and dialect that was owned by speaker of each region. Where accent refers to the sound a speaker makes, and ‘dialect’ covers the word choices, syntactic ordering and all other grammatical choices a speaker could make. The method that is used in this mini-research was ‘Qualitative Data Collection’ in the form of interview. The team research have interviewed 20 informants, 10 of them are from Central Java and the rest are from East Java. The informants were given a written dialogue in Indonesian Language and they are requested to translate the text into their local language. Those written dialogue was given by using email, Facebook and direct meeting, some of the informants were being recorded while practicing the dialogue so that the team research could analyze their pronunciation. Besides the interview, the team research also search some references through the internet and books. The result showed that there were many differences in both region, such as the choice of words that the speaker of each region have, the difference in vocabulary, word formation, and also they were different in accent. The conclusion is that accent and dialect are strongly associated with geographical distribution and any other factors, because there are similarities found a certain dialect with other dialect morphologically if both are from Central Java if compared with any dialect from East Java. Key words: Dialect, Central Java, East Java.

Morphology And Syntax Of Tae’ Language


Tae’ language as a communication tool of Luwu society has several linguistic devices that have different functions. Linguistics devices are phonology, morphology, syntax, and semantics. On this occasion, the author focuses on two linguistic devices, i.e. morphology and syntactic of Tae’ language. That linguistics device is being the main focus in this research because the two linguistics devices have an important role in understanding of structure of Tae' language. Using descriptive-qualitative method is aimed at finding detailed and complete data. The collecting data was using library study and field techniques. It means that the writer has collected the data by reading some books, journals, and other sources that are related with this research, particularly theories and researches of morphology and syntax. Then, the field data was collected by giving an instrument that contains of words, phrases, and sentences to native speakers of Tae’ language. Data analysis is done by class...

Dynamics of the Sentences System in Balinese-Malay Language

Jurnal Melayu, 2017

Balinese-Malay language found today; called as base karang ni is a legacy of the previous Malay called base lame 'old Balinese-Malay'. It is spoken by the Malay community of West and East Loloan Village, Jembrana, Negara, Bali. Since 17 th century this language has developed and has gone through various dynamics of retention and innovation. The problems of the research were about how the basic sentence system; dynamics of morphological and syntantic elements of productive prefixes and relatively labile sentences; and dynamics of phonological elements in Balinese-Malay language sentences were. Generative theories and explanatory descriptive method through the speech analyzer program were applied in the research. The results of this study showed that the use of some lexicons such as tanak 'to cook', can be attached by prefix me-, as in metanak in Balinese-Malay. The construction appears to be similar in bahasa Indonesia, aside from the /t/ which is apparently not dropped. In terms of its system, prefix me-is equal to prefix ber-in Indonesian, and prefix ŋ-is equal to me-. Historically, the difference between old Balinese-Malay with the modern ones can be seen from the softening of /h/ in the final position of seh. The duration of old Balinese-Malay was also found longer than the modern one and the East dialect was longer than the West. It was proved that the East Loloan is the area of the origin Balinese-Malay in Bali; meanwhile West Loloan is the development area.

Javanese Language Phonemic and Lexicon Variations in Pekalongan City: A Dialectological Study

Surakarta English and Literature Journal, 2024

This study aims to investigate the phonemic and lexicon variations of the Pekalongan Javanese dialect appearing in Pekalongan City, Central Java, Indonesia. It utilizes a qualitative descriptive study adopted by Creswell and Creswell as the research design. The data were collected through literature review, auditory perception, and data recording techniques. The interactive data analysis model proposed by Miles and Huberman consists of data collection, data reduction, data display, and conclusion. The results reveal that lexicon variants present in the Pekalongan Western and southern regions have resemblances in phonemic variants of the Javanese language with the linguistic dialects employed by the inhabitants of Pemalang and Banjarnegara. The Arabic vocabulary that Middles Eastern immigrants adopted has a major influence on the linguistic variances in the Northern area. Conversely, no noteworthy linguistic variants were detected in the Eastern portion of Pekalongan City. An implication arising from this research is the necessity for more examination and classification of the morphology and phonology of existing Javanese dialects in Central Java. These results serve as material for further studies related to linguistic studies/ socio-dialectology of the Javanese language and contribute to preserving the cultural richness and diversity of the local language in Pekalongan City.