Sastra dan Jihad di Nusantara (original) (raw)

Jihad Dalam Literatur Pesantren Salaf


Artikel ini menyoroti peran pesantren dalam memahami jihad, yang lebih diprioritaskan pada dunia pendidikan, karena pendidikan diang­gap lebih efektif dan menjanjikan dalam mem­per­siapkan generasi masa depan dalam menye­bar­kan agama Islam. Terbukti, sejak zaman penjajahan sampai sekarang, kiprah pesantren sangat besar dalam sejarah pen­didikan di Indonesia. Banyak alumni-alumni pesantren yang telah berhasil menyebarluaskan ajaran Islam melalui pendidikan, disamping juga berhasil mempertahankan eksistensi akidah Islam dari rongrongan para penjajah.

Sejarah Perkembangan Sastra Pada Awal Penyebaran Islam Di Nusantara

Widiya Apriliani, 2023

The purpose of this research was to add insight regarding the spread of Islam and its relation to literature. Since ancient times, satra has been a companion in the history of the spread of Islam in the archipelago, which we now know as Indonesia. The word literature is very familiar with the life of the nation. Literature plays an important role as a medium for exchanging information in conveying the values of moral education and overcoming culture from one generation to the next. Therefore, in this discussion the author focuses on the development of literature since the royal era until now. Literary works that are thick with culture are often assumed not to be associated with religion, in this discussion it will reveal the history of Islam and reverse it with literature. The author uses a quantitative research method. This research collects as much information as possible regarding the history of Islam and literature and summarizes it in this journal. Literature has long been loved by society as a means of driving moral messages by playing word for word so that it is beautiful to read and hear. The results of this study reveal literature before Islamic teachings and what elements of literature are contained in the Koran. At the time of the spread of Islam, someone who was good at playing words with aesthetics would be valued and considered intellectual, therefore many people when the Qur'an was revealed word for word contained in it. This research proves that it is true that the Koran contains literary values.

Tafsir Jihad dalam Perspektif Ke-Indonesiaan (2)

Pada hakikatnya, jihad memiliki banyak arti. Bukan hanya berperang angkat senjata. Namun seiring waktu, jihad banyak mengalami reduksi makna. Bagi yang memaknai jihad sebagai upaya bersungguh-sungguh dalam meniti jalan menuju Allah mungkin tidak akan menimbulkan masalah. Namun bagi yang memaknai jihad sebagai usaha sungguh-sungguh mengangkat senjata dan ditujukan kepada umat selain Islam, itulah yang fatal. Akibatnya, muncul golongan ekstrimis Islam yang menegaskan bahwa komitmen dari keimanan adalah berjihad dalam artian perang melawan orang musyrik. Dan masih merupakan dampak dari itu, hingga muncul generalisasi terhadap Islam sebagai agama kekerasan, teroris dan lain sebagainya. Itu semua berawal dari pendangkalan makna terhadap satu kata, jihad.

Representasi Terorisme dalam Karya Sastra Indonesia

Makalah ini mengkaji karya-karya sastra Indonesia yang mengangkat isu terorisme. Penulis menemukan enam buah novel yang bertemakan isu tersebut. Keenam novel ini menarasikan aksi-aksi terorisme berdasarkan sudut pandang pengarangnya sehingga berimplikasi kepada perbedaan cara mereka mendeskripsikan aksi-aksi terorisme di Indonesia. Tiga novel di antaranya, yaitu Novel Demi Allah Aku Jadi Teroris karya Damien Dematra, Pengantin Teroris karya Abu Ezza , dan Pengantin Bom karya Sidik Jatmika, menggambarkan aksi bom bunuh diri yang marak terjadi di Indonesia.

Dakwah Islam Melalui Karya Sastra

Hanifiya: Jurnal Studi Agama-Agama

The Da'wah through literary works is based on Al-Quran surah Ali Imran verse 110. Da'wah through literary works, in this case, the writer or creator of literary works is an element of da'i. Religious points, both religious themes or messages are elements of the message of preaching. While literary works are the media of his da'wah. Da'wah through literary works will be most successful depending on the way the presentation and packaging it uses. Da'i who are competent to become Islamic writers are needed. This was to meet the challenges when many writers (writers) often turned away from religious literature and preferred to pursue liberalism or genital literature (exploiting sex). Therefore, a cadre of the preachers should be needed for proselytizing professionals through literary works. Need to conduct training based on "Da'wah and Literature". The trainings study theoretically and practically about da'wah through media literary works. The m...

Sastra Al-Qur'An DI Tengah Aliran Sastra Indonesia

Throughout Indonesia's long history, the meaning of Indonesian art has been the subject of debate. Is just "art for arts sake", or is there a more obscure socio-political message behind the more obvious depictions. In socio-political context it would seem that Indonesian art expresses socio-political themes, but in examples depicting surrealism, absurdity, existentialsm, prophetic art and post-modernist etc. Indonesia's art is nor a modern phenomenon. Indonesia's art seems to continually focus on the more superficial; ideas without attempting to make even minor changes to past cultural influence. In this context therefore the emergence of a new paradigm is not surprising, and the emergence of a Koranic influence in Indonesian art is becoming the latest paradigm in interpreting the reality and meaning of contemporary indonesian art.

Sastra Lisan Menolak Mati: Cerita Dan Pantun Islami Sebagai Media Dakwah DI Punggur, Pontianak

Muẚṣarah: Jurnal Kajian Islam Kontemporer

Nowadays, television and gadget are so dominant in public and private places. The culture of watching TV and smart phones sidelines the tradition of listening to storytelling. But oral literature is not extinct with the advancement of communication and information technology. The case that this author found in Punggur Village, Pontianak, showed that oral literature, specifically, the religious genre, survived despite the bombardment of various entertainments broadcasted through electronic and digital media. Religious instructors in the village deliver moral messages to children learning al-Qur'an recitation through poems and stories. In fact, the method of storytelling has its own attraction in fostering children's interests to learn about religion.

Ramadan, Momen Jihad Literasi

PROFESOR Quraish Shihab dalam buku Wawasan Alquran: Tafsir Tematik Atas Pelbagai Persoalan Umat (2006) menarasikan dengan sangat baik perihal perintah membaca dalam momen turunnya ayat pertama Alquran, "… iqra berarti bacalah, telitilah, dalamilah, ketahuilah ciri-ciri sesuatu, bacalah alam, bacalah tanda-tanda zaman, sejarah, diri sendiri, yang tertulis dan tidak tertulis." Perintah Allah SWT dalam Surah Al-'Alaq ini menurut Prof Quraish adalah agar Nabi Muhammad SAW dan umatnya membaca apa saja, selama bacaan tersebut Bismi Rabbika, bermanfaat untuk kemanusiaan. Jika dikaitkan dengan turunnya Surah Al-'Alaq, momen Ramadan juga menjadi penting untuk aktif meningkatkan kualitas diri dalam membaca secara saksama. Tentu bukan sebatas membaca buku, melainkan juga soal membaca diri, membaca alam, maupun situasi sosial yang ada di sekitar kita. Namun, tulisan ini akan berfokus pada jihad literasi yang dilakukan komunitas pencinta buku yang belakangan masif dilakukan di tengah-tengah masyarakat. Di bulan Ramadan ini, komunitas baca yang aktif untuk menggerakkan literasi, misalnya, 'berdakwah' di media sosial dengan tagar #ngabuburead, pelesetan dari ngabuburit. Aktivitas yang mengajak netizen yang budiman untuk mengisi bulan Ramadan yang mulia dengan membaca buku. Gerakan sosial yang dilakukan agar segenap anak bangsa berkesempatan untuk menikmati bacaan-bacaan berkualitas. Keteguhan ini berasal dari keyakinan bahwa membaca adalah hak setiap anak bangsa dan ketangguhan membaca buku sangat berkorelasi dengan kemajuan suatu bangsa. Penghargaan terhadap buku sebagai sumber pengetahuan memang belum menjadi arus utama di negeri ini. Apalagi, sebelum anak-anak kukuh dengan kekuatan membacanya, derasnya arus informasi digital sudah kadung hadir. Media sosial dengan berbagai platformnya lebih menarik

Jejak Sejarah Dalam Sastra Lisan DI Nusantara


The oral literature had a close relation to history, where oral literature which is part of oral tradition become the main container in the delivery of historical facts. Therefore, tracking historical facts in oral literature in the archipelago. The purpose of this study is to reveal the historical traces that exist in oral traditions in Indonesia, especially those found in Bugis, Minangkabau, Sundanese, Banjar, Kerinci, and Sentani oral literature. The method used is the descriptive analysis utilizing the theory of Jan M. Vansina about oral tradition as history. The results of the research show that the historical content in oral literature tells about the origins of humans, the lives of the past kings, and their narrative tends to be personified.