Aspects of Social Sustainability in Cases of Building Rehabilitations in Central Europe (original) (raw)

Sustainable Regeneration of Urban Built Heritage in Post-Socialist Cultural Context

Acta Tehnica Napocensis: Civil Engineering & Architecture, 2018

Built heritage conservation and sustainable urban regeneration of historic towns are influenced by the specific cultural context affecting built urban environment. For historical cities in Central and Eastern Europe, consequences of the totalitarian regime's urban interventions on the collective mentality and built environment are part of the urban cultural context in which the built heritage evolved and must be preserved. Modern technology, specifically related to reinforced concrete structures and architectural form, has reshaped urban space since the beginning of the century. In Central and Eastern Europe, the influence of the totalitarian regime over the built environment is an important element of the identity of space and urban post-socialist society and a defining component of the specific cultural context that surrounds and influences evolution of built cultural heritage. In these countries, the use of reinforced concrete and modernist architecture during a difficult political period affected the society's perception of modern architecture. Is it possible to redeem the meaning of modernist architecture? How can post-socialist society redesign urban space considering the values and the flaws of the modernist architecture to meet the requirements of sustainable design specific to the preservation of built heritage? Based on the specific post-socialist cultural context, this paper proposes a different approach to the regeneration of the central area of various historic towns in Romania based on the integrated rehabilitation and recovery of the two kernels/cores of the central area-civic centre area and historic centre-through culture-led regeneration. Rezumat Conservarea patrimoniului construit și regenerarea urbană sustenabilă a orașelor istorice sunt influențate de modul in care contextul cultural specific afectează mediul urban construit. In orașele istorice din Europa Centrală și de Est efectele intervențiilor regimului totalitar asupra mediului construit și asupra mentalității colective constituie o componentă a contextului cultural în care s-a dezvoltat și în care trebuie conservat patrimoniul construit.Tehnologia modernă, structuri și forme arhitecturale din beton armat, a modelat spațiul urban încă de la începutul secolului 20. În Europa Centrală și de Est, influența regimului totalitar asupra mediului construit este un element important al identității spațiului și societății post-socialiste și reprezintă o componentă definitorie a contextului cultural specific ce înconjoară și afectează evoluția patrimoniului cultural construit. În aceste țări, folosirea betonului armat și a arhitecturii moderniste în timpul unei perioade politice

Rehabilitation of Built Heritage Potential for Sustainable Development

HERU2015 - Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference Cultural Heritage - Possibilities for Spatial and Economic Development, 2015

The aims of this paper are to focus on ar- chitectural/urban intervention as an initi- ator for the sustainable development of a built environment and to consider the de- gree of intervention that a historical site ought to withstand throughout the rehab- ilitation process. The goal of this paper is to highlight the potential that the interaction of herita- ge protection, architectural planning and strategic economic development have for regions rich in cultural tradition. The theoretical consideration presented in this paper analyses challenges, prin- ciples, achievements and possibilities, and is based on experience in developing four projects which rehabilitated histor- ical sites for new roles. The focus is on both architectural inter- vention as an initiator for a built environ- ment’s sustainable development and the degree of interventions a historical site should undergo during the rehabilitation process.

Interpretations of the Architectural and Cultural Values of Heritage in the Revitalization Process

Architectura & Urbanismus, 2015

The interpretation of architectural work has a particular significance when the work itself is endangered and in the need for a protection and revitalization. Different theoretical premises for interpretation of architectural work are formulated in relation to different perceptions on the cultural character and identity of the society in determined historical and political moment. Therefore, a various cultural positions upon valorization of heritage’s significance transform into different approaches on architectural heritage revitalization. This way the cultural contextualization of architectural heritage ultimately influences the selection of adequate technical methods and constructive techniques for its revitalization which consequently can result in alteration of the character of revitalized heritage, or in the other hand, alteration of heritage’s role within the society. The first question approached in the paper investigates a development of theoretical positions on re-interpretation of heritage’s values and features in the process of its revitalization. Here, case studies on revitalization of several iconic buildings of architectural heritage in the second half of the twentieth century in Sarajevo and Barcelona enable to perceive how the practice on heritage revitalization operates upon three concepts: the conservational, the interventionist and the symbolist (negativist) approach. The acceptance of disparate values of heritage is the main substance that differentiates one approach from another. The conservational approach departs from the premise that heritage’s value and thus its architectural authenticity are inflexible categories, frozen in time, caught in space, and therefore non-subjected to cultural and architectural (re)interpretations, while the symbolic approach by completely relying on intangible values of heritage and endeavoring to merely preserve symbolical significance the property together with overall proficiencies of architecture as technique and profession is in stark contrast to the first approach. In the same time, the interventionist approach strives to give same importance to tangible and intangible values of the heritage, and thus it endorses creative interpretation of legacy in revitalization in order to enable appreciation the cultural perception of heritage as a dynamic category. The insight into different case studies of revitalized architectural heritage provides a tool to question the dynamics of change of property’s architectural and cultural character, its re-layering and restructuring. The investigation presented in this paper follows from a comprehensive master study which investigated the process of revitalization of the several iconic buildings in Sarajevo and Barcelona that due to damage or degradation in the course (second half) of the 20th century were revitalized. because it was evaluated that they are of importance in architectural and cultural terms for Bosnian and Catalan societies. The findings of the research however are summarized and for the purposes of this paper described by three sets of examples: The Sarajevo City Hall and the Barcelona Grand Theatre Liceu, the Barcelona Santa Catarina Market and the Parliament and Council of Ministers building in Sarajevo and the White Sherefudin’s Mosque (Visoko). The investigation of given case studies is presented through analysis of the process of revitalization in terms of interpretation of their architectural features, that is design, material, technological and structural singularities in relation to their social significance. The objective of the analysis is to enable to establish paradigms on semiotic understanding of cultural identity in correlation to architectural heritage. This how the investigation on revitalization of heritage in question reveals to be a possible tool for analysis of cultural, political, economic and social positions within the (two) societies which in the investigated period have passed through process of national and cultural self-redefinition and re-interpretation. In this way the insight in the processes of construction, interpretation, valorization and finally revitalization of selected case studies permits observing the changes of perspectives within Catalan and Bosnian-Herzegovinian cultural identities, since the presented examples in the course of the 20th century have been used as iconological representatives of their national characters. The various interpretations of architectural heritage in those two different cultural backgrounds thus has led to establishment of a general concept on cultural perception and subservience of architectural heritage in accordance with needs of ideological (national, cultural, ethnic) agendas. From this arises a second problem approached in the paper: In what way and how a different social viewpoints, movements and trends of internal cultural self-perception within the society are perceivable on revitalized material artifacts? Approaching this question could facilitate establishing common ground for the improvement of processes of heritage revitalization. Finally, the aim of the investigation was to anticipate the dangers of partial analysis of artistic features of architectural work and one-sided understanding of heritage’s cultural properties, and thus confirm the need for the complex and interdisciplinary approach to build heritage. At the moment when contemporary society balances between the urge to pursue further technological progress and the need for recovery of primeval spiritual connection with the world, the profession on protection and revitalization of architectural heritage faces the challenge to preserve the image of the world while allowing it to continue to change. Therefore, this paper advocates the comprehensive interpretation of a constructed imaginary as the only possible way for preservation of creative potential contained in architectural legacy of past generations.

"Rehabilitation and re-designing of the historic monuments. Issues of authenticity and cultural identity", 6th International Sinan Symposium, Trakya University, Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, Department of Architecture, Edirne/Turkey, 29-30/4/2010, Proceedings, p. 67-78

During the last decade heavy interventions on historic monuments are faced, that go beyond the level of the ordinary conservation and restoration or partial reconstruction, thus putting on the table the question of the preservation or rehabilitation within the contemporary society, through their total monumental reconstruction. There are cases that these methods instead of supporting the values of authenticity, on the contrary, they jeopardize them, disputing, by this way, the most essential criterion for the evaluation of the historic monument.

Value saving and community use regarding urban renewal - Protection of Hungarian industrial heritage and possibilities for its reutilization at the turn of the millennium

The dominant monuments of the built environment are those monumental works that are the mementos of the industrialization of a nation. The industrial activity of Hungary in the 20th century was determined by the rapid expansion of the capitalist industry, then by the communist planned economy that was enforced on the socialist block after the setbacks of the world wars. These two significant periods, both covering half a century, led to architectural historical creations that are significant in terms of the style of the age and history of structure as well. The turn of the century, the early modernity, the socialist realism, then the modern architecture again became the applied style of the industrial architecture. The industrial records go through a significant change in connection with the industrial technology and economic situation. The built monuments of the ceased or forcibly liquidated industries got into utilization again, so that their saving could – on different levels – realize their social responsibility: these industrial monuments are part of our national identity, whether they are buildings of the turn of the century or monuments of the recent past. The study evaluates typical strategies for reutilization through Hungarian examplex in the turn of the millenium. Beside the mainly cultural utilization realized by the state, the private approach aslo appears that regards the the special structural and spacial characterisctics of the built industrial heritage as a special value of the renovated property.

Central Europe towards Sustainable Building CESB10 Prague Assessment Methods SOCIO-CULTURAL SUSTAINABILITY AND AN ASSESSING MODEL FOR REUSE ADAPTATION

Between the sustainable design and historic preservation is a natural bond and an adaptation action to re-use has the social, cultural, economic and ecological benefits. Reuse is a superior alternative to new construction in terms of sustainability. When re-use is being analyzed with the sustainability concept, it can be said that the contribution level especially to social and cultural sustainability of the new function would be high in sustainability of function and the continuity of the building's life. In this study, have been adapted for re-use of a cultural heritage or architectural heritage, social and cultural contributions to sustainability can be put forward what has been attempted. By the means of the study the components of social and cultural sustainability is defined under two main titles such as (i) social, cultural components and (ii) components related to adaptation to the building and the new function. To evaluate these components in order to reveal the answers to the questions, re-use of buildings, social and cultural sustainability will create a data for the assessment of contributions.

Sustainable Urban Development and Cultural Heritage: A Possible Symbiosis?

Acta Technica Napocensis: Civil Engineering & Architecture Volume 61, No. 3 , 2018

This article aims to determine whether a coherent urban development of Romanian cities is possible with the preservation of the built heritage and its integration in the urban regeneration strategies, by analysing the current situation of the Built Protected Areas (BPA) in Bucharest. A Built Protected Area includes a land area with a certain density of constructions within the administrative territory of a locality, in which the built frame, the natural environment and the human activities presents (historical) qualities whose protection is of public interest. These areas are defined and delimited following a number of historical, architectural, urban or landscape studies and through the urbanism documentation of those areas. The delimitation of the protected area is made by the Local Council through the General Urban Plan, in order to protect and preserve the cultural heritage, through specific detailed regulations and to improve the quality of the environment and the lives of the inhabitants. Currently, Bucharest has 98 Built Protected Areas, which are defining in determining the cultural identity of the city and the identity of its inhabitants.However, the contemporary interventions located in the Built Protected Areas of the City Capital of Romania seem to evade the urbanism regulations and the legislation regarding the protection of historical monuments. Over the last twenty years, Bucharest has lost a significant number of valuable buildings located in protected areas, many of them being abusively demolished; on the site of these historic buildings new structures emerged, often much taller, disrespecting the architectural specificity of the area and producing a negative visual impact on the area. Moreover, the impact of these new interventions is perceived by the community members, often with considerable negative effects. These aspects were derived from the author’s experience as a team member of “Catalog București” Project, launched in March 2017 by A.R.C.E.N., in an extensive effort to collect and inventory all the buildings located in the 98 Protected Built Areas of Bucharest. This paper tries to provide a series of answers regarding the situation of all Built Protected Areas of Bucharest, based on “Catalog București” Project conclusions. In this regard, a series of questions arise: What are the causes that led to this disastrous situation of the built heritage in Bucharest? What are the solutions that can put an end or solve, even partially, the continuous degradation of the urban landscape in the historic areas of Bucharest? The urban development of these areas, in a sustainable manner, by integrating these “islands of identities” - is it possible?

Building Rehabilitation – Tendencies of Functional Transformations in Spain

Over the last decades, instead of new constructions, building rehabilitations have become a focal point of international architecture. The extending approach of heritage protection opened up a broad spectrum of architectural instruments besides the solutions traditionally applied to protected monuments. These contemporary methods serve the sustainability of heritage through their further usage and adaptation for new functions. The paper concerns the problem of integrated monument restoration from the viewpoint of functional transformations and presents the tendencies of conversions featured in the examined period. Stability or gradual disappearance of certain functions is observable, and they can also be defined as flexible or bounded due to their adaptability to different buildings. Functional transformations are influenced by several social, economic and architectural aspects like environmental facilities, architectural values, local construction regulations, structural facilities, spacial arrangement and questions of ownership. The investigation is based on building rehabilitations in Spain where the number of projects allows the establishment of comprehensive conclusions; furthermore, the case studies of high architectural quality also introduce examples for Hungarian practice.