Specified Certainty Classification, with Application to Read Classification for Reference-Guided Metagenomic Assembly (original) (raw)
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Bayesian genome assembly and assessment by markov chain monte carlo sampling
PloS one, 2014
Most genome assemblers construct point estimates, choosing only a single genome sequence from among many alternative hypotheses that are supported by the data. We present a Markov chain Monte Carlo approach to sequence assembly that instead generates distributions of assembly hypotheses with posterior probabilities, providing an explicit statistical framework for evaluating alternative hypotheses and assessing assembly uncertainty. We implement this approach in a prototype assembler, called Genome Assembly by Bayesian Inference (GABI), and illustrate its application to the bacteriophage [Formula: see text]X174. Our sampling strategy achieves both good mixing and convergence on Illumina test data for [Formula: see text]X174, demonstrating the feasibility of our approach. We summarize the posterior distribution of assembly hypotheses generated by GABI as a majority-rule consensus assembly. Then we compare the posterior distribution to external assemblies of the same test data, and ann...
A machine-learning approach to combined evidence validation of genome assemblies
Bioinformatics, 2008
Motivation: While it is common to refer to ‘the genome sequence’ as if it were a single, complete and contiguous DNA string, it is in fact an assembly of millions of small, partially overlapping DNA fragments. Sophisticated computer algorithms (assemblers and scaffolders) merge these DNA fragments into contigs, and place these contigs into sequence scaffolds using the paired-end sequences derived from large-insert DNA libraries. Each step in this automated process is susceptible to producing errors; hence, the resulting draft assembly represents (in practice) only a likely assembly that requires further validation. Knowing which parts of the draft assembly are likely free of errors is critical if researchers are to draw reliable conclusions from the assembled sequence data. Results: We develop a machine-learning method to detect assembly errors in sequence assemblies. Several in silico measures for assembly validation have been proposed by various researchers. Using three benchmarki...
Bioinformatics, 2013
Motivation: Researchers need general purpose methods for objectively evaluating the accuracy of single and metagenome assemblies and for automatically detecting any errors they may contain. Current methods do not fully meet this need because they require a reference, only consider one of the many aspects of assembly quality or lack statistical justification, and none are designed to evaluate metagenome assemblies. Results: In this article, we present an Assembly Likelihood Evaluation (ALE) framework that overcomes these limitations, systematically evaluating the accuracy of an assembly in a reference-independent manner using rigorous statistical methods. This framework is comprehensive, and integrates read quality, mate pair orientation and insert length (for paired-end reads), sequencing coverage, read alignment and k-mer frequency. ALE pinpoints synthetic errors in both single and metagenomic assemblies, including single-base errors, insertions/deletions, genome rearrangements and chimeric assemblies presented in metagenomes. At the genome level with real-world data, ALE identifies three large misassemblies from the Spirochaeta smaragdinae finished genome, which were all independently validated by Pacific Biosciences sequencing. At the single-base level with Illumina data, ALE recovers 215 of 222 (97%) single nucleotide variants in a training set from a GC-rich Rhodobacter sphaeroides genome. Using real Pacific Biosciences data, ALE identifies 12 of 12 synthetic errors in a Lambda Phage genome, surpassing even Pacific Biosciences' own variant caller, EviCons. In summary, the ALE framework provides a comprehensive, reference-independent and statistically rigorous measure of single genome and metagenome assembly accuracy, which can be used to identify misassemblies or to optimize the assembly process.
Machine learning meets genome assembly
Briefings in bioinformatics, 2018
With the recent advances in DNA sequencing technologies, the study of the genetic composition of living organisms has become more accessible for researchers. Several advances have been achieved because of it, especially in the health sciences. However, many challenges which emerge from the complexity of sequencing projects remain unsolved. Among them is the task of assembling DNA fragments from previously unsequenced organisms, which is classified as an NP-hard (nondeterministic polynomial time hard) problem, for which no efficient computational solution with reasonable execution time exists. However, several tools that produce approximate solutions have been used with results that have facilitated scientific discoveries, although there is ample room for improvement. As with other NP-hard problems, machine learning algorithms have been one of the approaches used in recent years in an attempt to find better solutions to the DNA fragment assembly problem, although still at a low scale...
Heterozygous genome assembly via binary classification of homologous sequence
BMC Bioinformatics, 2015
Background: Genome assemblers to date have predominantly targeted haploid reference reconstruction from homozygous data. When applied to diploid genome assembly, these assemblers perform poorly, owing to the violation of assumptions during both the contigging and scaffolding phases. Effective tools to overcome these problems are in growing demand. Increasing parameter stringency during contigging is an effective solution to obtaining haplotype-specific contigs; however, effective algorithms for scaffolding such contigs are lacking. Methods: We present a stand-alone scaffolding algorithm, ScaffoldScaffolder, designed specifically for scaffolding diploid genomes. The algorithm identifies homologous sequences as found in "bubble" structures in scaffold graphs. Machine learning classification is used to then classify sequences in partial bubbles as homologous or nonhomologous sequences prior to reconstructing haplotype-specific scaffolds. We define four new metrics for assessing diploid scaffolding accuracy: contig sequencing depth, contig homogeneity, phase group homogeneity, and heterogeneity between phase groups. Results: We demonstrate the viability of using bubbles to identify heterozygous homologous contigs, which we term homolotigs. We show that machine learning classification trained on these homolotig pairs can be used effectively for identifying homologous sequences elsewhere in the data with high precision (assuming error-free reads). Conclusion: More work is required to comparatively analyze this approach on real data with various parameters and classifiers against other diploid genome assembly methods. However, the initial results of ScaffoldScaffolder supply validity to the idea of employing machine learning in the difficult task of diploid genome assembly. Software is available at http://bioresearch.byu.edu/scaffoldscaffolder.
HiMMe: using genetic patterns as a proxy for genome assembly reliability assessment
Background: The information content of genomes plays a crucial role in the existence and proper development of living organisms. Thus, tremendous effort has been dedicated to developing DNA sequencing technologies that provide a better understanding of the underlying mechanisms of cellular processes. Advances in the development of sequencing technology have made it possible to sequence genomes in a relatively fast and inexpensive way. However, as with any measurement technology, there is noise involved and this needs to be addressed to reach conclusions based on the resulting data. In addition, there are multiple intermediate steps and degrees of freedom when constructing genome assemblies that lead to ambiguous and inconsistent results among assemblers. Methods: Here we introduce HiMMe, an HMM-based tool that relies on genetic patterns to score genome assemblies. Through a Markov chain, the model is able to detect characteristic genetic patterns, while, by introducing emission probabilities, the noise involved in the process is taken into account. Prior knowledge can be used by training the model to fit a given organism or sequencing technology. Results: Our results show that the method presented is able to recognize patterns even with relatively small k-mer size choices and limited computational resources. Conclusions: Our methodology provides an individual quality metric per contig in addition to an overall genome assembly score, with a time complexity well below that of an aligner. Ultimately, HiMMe provides meaningful statistical insights that can be leveraged by researchers to better select contigs and genome assemblies for downstream analysis.
Bioinformatics skills required for genome sequencing often represent a significant hurdle for many researchers working in computational biology. This dissertation highlights the significance of genome assembly as a research area, focuses on its need to remain accurate, provides details about the characteristics of the raw data, examines some key metrics, emphasizes some tools and outlines the whole pipeline for next-generation sequencing. Currently, a major effort is being put towards the assembly of the genomes of all living organisms. Given the importance of comparative genome assembly, herein dissertation, the principle of Minimum Description Length (MDL) and its two variants, the Two-Part MDL and Sophisticated MDL, are explored in identifying the optimal reference sequence for genome assembly. Thereafter, a Modular Approach to Reference Assisted Genome Assembly Pipeline, referred to as MARAGAP, is developed. MARAGAP uses the principle of Minimum Description Length (MDL) to determine the optimal reference sequence for the assembly. The optimal reference sequence is used as a template to infer inversions, insertions, deletions and Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) in the target genome. MARA-GAP uses an algorithmic approach to detect and correct inversions and deletions, a De-Bruijn graph based approach to infer insertions, an affine-match affine-gap local alignment tool to estimate the locations of insertions and a Bayesian estimation framework for detecting SNPs (called BECA). BECA effectively capitalizes on the 'alignment-layout-consensus' paradigm and Quality (Q-) values for detecting and correcting SNPs by evaluating a number of probabilistic measures. However, the entire process is conducted once. BECA's framework is further extended by using Gibbs Sampling for further iterations of
BMC Bioinformatics
Background To select the most complete, continuous, and accurate assembly for an organism of interest, comprehensive quality assessment of assemblies is necessary. We present a novel tool, called Evaluation of De Novo Assemblies (EvalDNA), which uses supervised machine learning for the quality scoring of genome assemblies and does not require an existing reference genome for accuracy assessment. Results EvalDNA calculates a list of quality metrics from an assembled sequence and applies a model created from supervised machine learning methods to integrate various metrics into a comprehensive quality score. A well-tested, accurate model for scoring mammalian genome sequences is provided as part of EvalDNA. This random forest regression model evaluates an assembled sequence based on continuity, completeness, and accuracy, and was able to explain 86% of the variation in reference-based quality scores within the testing data. EvalDNA was applied to human chromosome 14 assemblies from the...
Improving Metagenomic Classification using Discriminative k-mers from Sequencing Data
The major problem when analyzing a metagenomic sample is to taxonomically annotate its reads in order to identify the species they contain. Most of the methods currently available focus on the classification of reads using a set of reference genomes and their k-mers. While in terms of precision these methods have reached percentages of correctness close to perfection, in terms of recall (the actual number of classified reads) the performances fall at around 50%. One of the reasons is the fact that the sequences in a sample can be very different from the corresponding reference genome, e.g. viral genomes are highly mutated. To address this issue, in this paper we study the problem of metagenomic reads classification by improving the reference k-mers library with novel discriminative k-mers from the input sequencing reads. We evaluated the performance in different conditions against several other tools and the results showed an improved F-measure, especially when close reference genom...
PLOS Computational Biology, 2011
Protein-protein interactions (PPIs) are essential to most fundamental cellular processes. There has been increasing interest in reconstructing PPIs networks. However, several critical difficulties exist in obtaining reliable predictions. Noticeably, false positive rates can be as high as .80%. Error correction from each generating source can be both time-consuming and inefficient due to the difficulty of covering the errors from multiple levels of data processing procedures within a single test. We propose a novel Bayesian integration method, deemed nonparametric Bayes ensemble learning (NBEL), to lower the misclassification rate (both false positives and negatives) through automatically up-weighting data sources that are most informative, while down-weighting less informative and biased sources. Extensive studies indicate that NBEL is significantly more robust than the classic naïve Bayes to unreliable, error-prone and contaminated data. On a large human data set our NBEL approach predicts many more PPIs than naïve Bayes. This suggests that previous studies may have large numbers of not only false positives but also false negatives. The validation on two human PPIs datasets having high quality supports our observations. Our experiments demonstrate that it is feasible to predict high-throughput PPIs computationally with substantially reduced false positives and false negatives. The ability of predicting large numbers of PPIs both reliably and automatically may inspire people to use computational approaches to correct data errors in general, and may speed up PPIs prediction with high quality. Such a reliable prediction may provide a solid platform to other studies such as protein functions prediction and roles of PPIs in disease susceptibility.