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Discovery of Self-Sustained 235 U Fission Causing Sunlight by Padmanabha Rao Effec
For the first time in solar physics, this paper reports a comprehensive study how 235 Uranium fission causes Sunlight by the atomic phenomenon, Padmanabha Rao Effect against the theory of fusion. The first major breakthrough lies in identifying as many as 153 solar lines in the Bharat Radiation range from 12.87 to 31 nm reported by various researchers since 1960s. The Sunlight phenomenon is explained as follows. For example, the energy equivalence 72.48 eV of the most intense 17.107 nm emission in the middle of solar spectrum is the energy lost by β, γ, or X-ray energy of a fission product while passing through core-Coulomb space. This energy loss is the Bharat Radiation energy that cause EUV, UV, visible, and near infrared emissions on valence excitation. From vast data of emissions and energies of various fission products, 606.31 keV β (E βmax ) energy of 131 I was chosen as the source of 17.107 nm emission. For the first time a typical Bharat Radiation spectrum was observed when plotted energy loss against β, γ, or X-ray energies of fission products supposedly present in solar flare and atmosphere : 113 Xe, 131 I, 137 Cs, 95 Zr, 144 Cs, 134 I, 140 Ba, 133 I, 140 La, 133 In etc that caused solar lines. Consistent presence of a sharp line for four months in AIA spectral EUV band at 335A exemplifies self-sustained uranium fission from a small site appeared in SDO/AIA image at 304A. Sun's dark spot is explained as a large crater formed on Sun's core surface as a result of fission reaction that does not show any emission since fission products would be thrown away from the site during fission. Purely the same Sun's core material left over at the site after fission reaction devoid of fission products and any emission seems to be the familiar dark Matter. This could be the first report on the existence of Sun's Dark Matter.
The hard X-rays and gamma rays from solar flares
The Astrophysical Journal, 1990
Radiation of energies from 10 keV to greater than 10 MeV has been observed during solar flares, and is interpreted to be due to bremsstrahlung by relativistic electrons. A complete treatment of this problem requires solution of the kinetic equation for relativistic electrons and inclusion of synchrotron energy losses. Using the elctron distributions obtained from numerical solutions of this equation the bremsstrahlung spectra in the impulsive X-ray and y-ray regimes are calculated, and the variation of these spectral indices and directivities with energy and observation angle are described. The dependences of these characteristics of the radiation of changes in the solar atmospheric model, including the convergence of the magnetic field, the injected electron spectral index, and most importantly, in the anisotropy of the injected electrons and the of convergence of the magnetic field are also described. The model results are compared with stereoscopic observations of individual flares and the constraints that this data sets on the models are discussed.
Radio, Hard X-Ray, and Gamma-Ray Emissions Associated with a Far-Side Solar Event
Solar Physics
The SOL2014-09-01 far-side solar eruptive event produced hard electromagnetic and radio emissions observed with detectors at near-Earth vantage points. Especially challenging was a long-duration > 100 MeV γ-ray burst probably produced by accelerated protons exceeding 300 MeV. This observation raised a question of how high-energy protons could reach the Earth-facing solar surface. Some preceding studies discussed a scenario in which protons accelerated by a CME-driven shock high in the corona return to the solar surface. We continue with the analysis of this challenging event, involving radio images from the Nançay Radioheliograph and hard X-ray data from the High Energy Neutron Detector (HEND) of the Gamma-Ray Spectrometer onboard the Mars Odyssey space observatory located near Mars. HEND recorded unocculted flare emission. The results indicate that the emissions observed from the Earth's direction
Existence of Bharat Radiation emission has been first predicted in 1998 to explain the experimental discovery of UV dominant optical emission from radioisotopes and XRF (X-ray fluorescent) sources by a previously unknown atomic phenomenon. Presence of Bharat Radiation wavelengths has been shown for the first time in the wavelength gap in electromagnetic spectrum situated in between X-ray and the extreme ultraviolet (EUV) wavelengths in the revised Rb XRF spectrum. For evidence of Bharat Radiation, a comparison of the solar spectrum reported by various researchers since 1960 with the revised Rb XRF spectrum met with unexpected success. The three distinct solar spectral ranges remained unrecognized for the last half a century are now identified as of X-rays up to 12.87 nm, Bharat Radiation from 12.87 to 31 nm, and EUV from 31 nm onwards. Evidence of Sun's Bharat Radiation emission implies a fundamental change in our understanding the Sunlight phenomenon from the traditional belief that fusion powers Sun light. This new insight supports the previously reported author's view that γ-, X-, and β emissions from fission products (radioisotopes) of 235 U fission taking place on Sun's visible surface cause Bharat Radiation followed by EUV and UV dominant optical emission.
Discovery of Self-Sustained 235U Fission Causing Sunlight by Padmanabha Rao Effect
RESEARCH PAPER: LATEST DISCOVERIES IN SOLAR PHYSICS IN 2013. M.A.PADMANABHA RAO's 8th DISCOVRY: 235-Uranium fission causing Sunlight 2. M.A. Padmanabha Rao, Discovery of Self-Sustained 235-U Fission Causing Sunlight by Padmanabha Rao Effect, IOSR Journal of Applied Physics (IOSR-JAP), e-ISSN: 2278-4861, Volume 4, Issue 2 (Jul. – Aug. 2013), PP 06-24, DOI: 10.9790/4861-0420624 For the first time in solar physics, this paper reports a comprehensive study how 235-Uranium fission causes Sunlight by the atomic phenomenon, Padmanabha Rao Effect against the theory of fusion. The first major breakthrough lies in identifying as many as 153 solar lines in the Bharat Radiation range from 12.87 to 31 nm reported by various researchers since 1960s. The Sunlight phenomenon is explained as follows. For example, the energy equivalence 72.48 eV of the most intense 17.107 nm emission in the middle of solar spectrum is the energy lost by β, γ, or X-ray energy of a fission product while passing through core-Coulomb space. This energy loss is the Bharat Radiation energy that cause EUV, UV, visible, and near infrared emissions on valence excitation. From vast data of emissions and energies of various fission products, 606.31 keV β (Eβmax) energy of 131I was chosen as the source of 17.107 nm emission. For the first time a typical Bharat Radiation spectrum was observed when plotted energy loss against β, γ, or X-ray energies of fission products supposedly present in solar flare and atmosphere : 113Xe, 131I, 137Cs, 95Zr, 144Cs, 134I, 140Ba, 133I, 140La, 133In etc that caused solar lines. Consistent presence of a sharp line for four months in AIA spectral EUV band at 335A exemplifies self-sustained uranium fission from a small site appeared in SDO/AIA image at 304A. Sun’s dark spot is explained as a large crater formed on Sun’s core surface as a result of fission reaction that does not show any emission since fission products would be thrown away from the site during fission. Purely the same Sun’s core material left over at the site after fission reaction devoid of fission products and any emission seems to be the familiar dark Matter. This could be the first report on the existence of Sun’s Dark Matter.
Solar flares as harbinger of new physics
This work provides additional evidence on the involvement of exotic particles like axions and/or other WISPs, following recent measurements during the quietest Sun and flaring Sun. Thus, SPHINX mission observed a minimum basal soft X-rays emission in the extreme solar minimum in 2009. The same scenario (with ~17 meV axions) fits also the dynamical behaviour of white-light solar flares, like the measured spectral components in the visible and in soft X-rays, and, the timing between them. Solar chameleons remain a viable candidate, since they may preferentially convert to photons in outer space.
The Relationship between Long-Duration Gamma-Ray Flares and Solar Cosmic Rays
Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, 2017
A characteristic pattern of solar hard X-ray emission, first identified in SOL1969-03-30 by Frost & Dennis (1971), turns out to have a close association with the prolonged high-energy gamma-ray emission originally observed by Forrestet al.(1985). This identification has become clear via the observations of long-duration γ-ray flares by theFermi/LAT experiment, for example in the event SOL2014-09-01. The distinctive features of these events include flat hard X-ray spectra extending well above 100 keV, a characteristic pattern of time development, low-frequency gyrosynchrotron peaks, CME association, and gamma-rays identifiable with pion decay originating in GeV ions. The identification of these events with otherwise known solar structures nevertheless remains elusive, in spite of the wealth of EUV imagery available from SDO/AIA. The quandary is that these events have a clear association with SEPs in the high corona, and yet the gamma-ray production implicates the photosphere itself, ...