Çankaya University Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences (original) (raw)
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Çankaya University Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 2018
Çankaya University Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences has reached its 12th volume this year with the contributions of the colleagues who shared their valuable studies with us, the reviewers who devoted their valuable time and energy to evaluating and commenting on the papers, and the colleagues and friends at Çankaya University who put their efforts to realize this project. The issue covers a wide variety of interdisciplinary studies at the intersection of language and translation studies, linguistics, foreign language education, translator education, literary studies and translation, comparative literature, and theory and cultural studies that fall within the scope of the Journal. We, as the editorial board, would like to thank wholeheartedly all the authors for their scholarly contributions and the team of referees for their reviews. We owe special thanks to Dr Onorina Botezat for her tremendous work as the guest editor for this volume. We also like to thank the Presidency of Çankaya University and the Dean’s Office of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences for their continuous support. Çankaya University Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences is an open-access, double-blind peer-reviewed academic journal which publishes national and international works in humanities and social sciences. Sharing and expanding the new perspectives in humanities and social sciences is of primary focus for the Journal, which aims to reach wider audience through its fully open-access policy. We aim to facilitate a more expanded and participatory academic discussion on the theoretical and/or applied scholarly work and to inform scholars and public about recent developments in the fields that fall within the scope of the Journal. We, as of December 2018, are proud to revive, after a few years of interruption, a journal that has years of publishing experience behind it. Mustafa Kırca Editor-in-Chief Çankaya University, Turkey
Çankaya University Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences 18/2 Dec 2024
CUJHSS, 2024
We are honored to present the current issue of the Çankaya University Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences. In this issue, we continue to cover interdisciplinary studies at the intersection of different areas of the human sciences that fall within the scope of the Journal and to share new perspectives in the humanities. As in our earlier volumes, we have received valuable submissions at the intersection of literary studies, comparative literature, linguistics, translation and cultural studies for the current issue. The editors would like to thank all the authors wholeheartedly for their scholarly contributions and for their collaboration throughout and our referees for their reviews and valuable comments. We would like to extend our sincere gratitude to the Board of Trustees and the Presidency of Çankaya University, and the Dean’s Office of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences for their continuous support.
Çankaya University Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences 18/1 June 2024
CUJHSS, 2024
We are honored to present the 18/1 issue of the Çankaya University Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences. As in our earlier volumes, we have received valuable submissions at the intersection of literary studies, comparative literature, linguistics, translation and cultural studies for the current issue, and we are certain that the issue will emphasize opportunities for future research into the topics it encompasses.
Çankaya University Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences 17/2 CUJHSS DEC 2023 ISSUE
Çankaya University Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 2023
We are honored to present the 17/2 issue of the Çankaya University Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences. As in our earlier volumes, we have received valuable submissions at the intersection of literary studies, comparative literature, linguistics, translation and cultural studies for the current issue, and we are certain that the issue will emphasize opportunities for future research into the topics it encompasses like emotional language processing in bilingualism, underground topography in Wright and Ellison, empire and exception in Kaplan’s work, ecocritical analysis of Majundar’s poems, emotion in Medieval Anglo-Norman tradition, gendered robotic bodies in McEwan and Newitz, hegemonic subject’s revolt against authority in Ravenhill, Hare’s memoir of Coronavirus, Collins’ framed narrative and its anti-mimetic function, linguistic obscurity in Conrad, and challenging ableism in Belluso. We would like to thank all the authors wholeheartedly for their scholarly contributions and for their collaboration throughout. We would like to extend our sincere gratitude to our referees who have volunteered to help with the process of blind reviewing and devoted their valuable time to evaluating submissions, for their insightful comments and efforts towards improving our manuscripts.
Çankaya Üniversitesi ad› na Sahibi| Owner on behalf of Çankaya University
sakl›d›r. Bu yay›n›n hiçbir bölümü Çankaya Üniversitesi'nin yaz›l› izni olmadan fotokopi yoluyla veya elektronik, mekanik ve sair suretle k›smen veya tamamen ço¤alt›lamaz, da¤›t›lamaz, kayda al›namaz. Dergide yay›nlanan makaleler kaynak gösterilmeden kullan›lamaz. Bu dergide yay›nlanan yaz›larda ileri sürülen görüfller yazarlara aittir. Her ne kadar yaz›larda olabilecek olgusal hatalar konusunda dergi yönetimi gereken ilgiyi gösterse de bas›lan makaleler Çankaya Üniversitesi'nin düflünce ve politikas›n› yans›tan metinler olarak de¤erlendirilemez ve üniversite söz konusu olgusal hata ve/veya görüfllerden dolay› sorumluluk kabul etmez.
Tishkov V.A. Humanities Research in Russia: Status of the Art // Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences. September 2018. Volume 88. Issue 5. Pp. 423–430., 2018
Achievements, trends, and problems in the development of social sciences after 1991 are considered , with a focus on the humanities-history, philology, and other areas. The author determines the distinctive features of this sphere of basic science and emphasizes the growing priority of domestic topics without compromising study of global subject matter and the structure of scientific institutions. A list of innovative interdisciplinary topics for future plans and projects is proposed. Special attention is paid to the RFH-RFBR grant policy, which has made it possible to overcome crisis phenomena that emerged after 1991 and to correct the scientific agenda in favor of interdisciplinary, practice-oriented studies and institutionally, in favor of university science. The author fixes crisis and negative phenomena in modern social science and the humanities, especially those related to their institutional support, norms of scientific ethics, and responsibility. Measures to improve the situation are proposed, including with regard to the unjustified decrease in the share of grant support for scientists within the Russian Academy of Sciences, the center of basic humanities research in Russia.
Journal of Humanities, Culture and Social Sciences, Vol. 1, No. 2
Journal of Humanities, Culture and Social Sciences (J.H.C.S.S.), (ISSN 2393-5960 & E-ISSN 2393-5960), is a peer reviewed interdisciplinary international journal publishing original and high-quality articles covering a wide range of topics in scientific research, dedicated to promoting high standards and excellence in the creation and dissemination of scientific knowledge. J.H.C.S.S. is a open access journal that publishes papers submitted in English language. Journal of Humanities, Culture and Social Sciences is published by the “Alexandru and Aristia Aman Foundation”.
This issue of Laboratorium presents a selection of papers that grew out of a conference titled Russian Field: Views from Abroad, which took place in Saint Petersburg in May 2009. The idea behind the conference was to invite foreign ethnographers who have undertaken fieldwork in Russia to present their research to an audience of Russian colleagues—in most cases in Russian. The disciplinary background of participants was less important than their use of ethnographic methods in the broadest sense, and thus the conference program featured contributions from anthropologists, sociologists, political scientists, oral historians, and even an art historian. The one condition for participation was that the scholars invited should have been trained outside of Russia.