Environmental Concerns, Green Consumption Value and Green Buying Intentions (original) (raw)
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Modeling Green Purchase Intention in Nigeria: A Conceptual Proposition
Management, 2013
Even though the green agenda has been launched since 1990, Nigeria still lagged behind its counterparts on green growth as indicated by the low percentage (5%) of green product purchase. This shows that there is a low level of green awareness among Nigerian consumers. Furthermore, there seems to be an absence of environmental consciousness among her citizens such as lack of green awareness, lack of trust towards green product claims, expensive green product prices, poor waste management and worsening pollution scenario. The main objective of this study is to propose a research model for determining green purchase intention in Nigeria. The literature also identifies five probable factors (trust, corporate social responsibility (CSR), environmental concern, perceived value and governmental regulations) that could be the causal factors for poor green purchase intention. The proposed methodology is the quantitative approach by collecting primary data from consumers represented by government staff at five selected government ministries. The data collected will be analyzed using structural equation modeling. The expected findings will illustrate the real factors that could affect green purchase intention which could benefit the policy makers, consumers and the marketers of green products in Nigeria.
Consumers Attitude on Purchase Behavior of Green Products
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This study aims to investigate the influence of consumers' attitudes on their purchasing behavior toward green products in Nepal. Using a cross-sectional research design, quantitative data were gathered from 240 consumers in the Chitwan district, aged 20 to 40, through a purposive sampling method. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) analysis reveals that the value consumers place on green consumption has a significant positive impact on their attitude toward green products, as well as their reasons for and against purchasing them. However, an insignificant negative relationship was observed between the reasons for and against purchasing green products and attitudes toward green products. Additionally, attitudes toward green products were found to have a substantial impact on purchasing behavior. The findings emphasize the potential for aligning consumer preferences with environmental sustainability, creating a win-win situation that not only meets their desires but also contributes to a sustainable environment.
Sustainability, MDPI, 2020
Consumers are paying close attention to green products to reduce the environmental impact on health issues. As the scope of this research, this current study focuses on determining consumers' purchase decisions regarding green products using a survey conducted in a fast-growing developing country. This research was descriptive and considered a conceptual framework for extending the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB), which was selected as the primary theoretical model. The significant contributions and main objectives of this study are as follows-to explore the present scenario of green marketing in Bangladesh with previous studies, and to fill a research gap regarding green purchase decisions by applying the TPB model with adding additional constructs, such as environmental concerns, green perceived quality, and future green estimates. A range of qualitative and quantitative techniques were adopted to collect data from the target groups, where a sample of young educated Bangladeshi consumers (n = 638) was used to consider the measurement and structural models by applying a partial least squares-structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM) method. The empirical findings show that consumers' environmental concern (EC), green perceived benefits (GPB), green awareness of price (GAP), green willingness to purchase (GWP), and future estimation of green marketing (GFE) have a strong positive influence on consumer' green purchase decision (GPD). Still, the green perceived quality (GPQ) has a negative influence on green purchase decisions (GPD). To inform consumers about green or eco-friendly products, this study provides valuable suggestions to companies, marketers, and policymakers for designing green marketing tools such as green advertising, green branding, and eco-labels. Based on these findings, it gives some managerial insights for the promotion of green products and green marketing.
An Empirical Study about Green Purchase Intentions
Journal of Sociological Research, 2014
The aim of this paper is to find if marketing and branding methods can help set up green brands and initiate green intention of utilization into modern lifestyles in the latest context where eco products are more and more available. The definite aim of this study is to analyze the impact of Green perceived risk, Green perceived trust, value, brand image, Green advertisement and awareness on green purchase intention of customer. Design/methodology/approach: This paper explains the theory of green marketing to see how customers are convinced to purchase greener products. It also shows the empirical consequences of a consumer survey on green marketing strategies by the questionnaire method. The survey questionnaires were conducted to 150 respondents visiting different supermarkets. The questionnaires were processed and analyzed with the statistical software SPSS, using different techniques like descriptive, correlation and factor analysis. Findings: The findings give some exciting clues regarding customers" perceptions on
Even though many people show high concern for the environment, the existing literature suggests a disjuncture between peoples' environmental concern and their shopping behaviours. Based on a survey of 200 shoppers around the precincts of two shopping malls in Lesotho, the objective of this paper is to examine the relationships among consumers' environmental concern, attitude towards green products, and green purchase intentions. Factor and regression analyses are mainly used to analyse data. The results show that environmental concern is strongly related to attitude towards green products and weakly related to green purchase intentions respectively. When environmental concern and attitude towards green products are entered simultaneously to predict green purchase intentions, the influence of environmental concern becomes insignificant. The mediated relationship suggests that environmental concern affects green purchase intentions indirectly through attitude towards green products, which in turn directly affects green purchase intentions. Based on the results of the study, we provide policy implications and prospects for future research.
Analysis of the Influence of Consumer Purchase Intentions on Green Product Purchase
Jurnal Ekonomi Trisakti
Dalam beberapa waktu terakhir, terjadi peningkatan jumlah produk ramah lingkungan yang beredar di Indonesia. Perusahaan-perusahaan yang menyediakan produk semacam itu melihat adanya peluang untuk memperoleh pangsa pasar di Indonesia. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis pengaruh niat pembelian konsumen terhadap produk ramah lingkungan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian kuantitatif dengan melibatkan 144 responden sebagai sampel penelitian yang dipilih melalui metode purposive sampling. Hasil analisis data menunjukkan bahwa pemasaran melalui media sosial berpengaruh positif terhadap sikap konsumen (Attitude) dan norma subjektif (Subjective Norms). Selain itu, sikap konsumen (Attitude) juga berpengaruh positif terhadap niat pembelian produk ramah lingkungan (Intention to Buy green product), begitu pula dengan norma subjektif (Subjective Norms) yang berpengaruh positif terhadap niat pembelian produk ramah lingkungan (Intention to Buy green product).
Understanding the motivations that stimulate green consumption can promote environmental thinking to increase demand, especially because the current estimated market share for green products is less than 4% worldwide. In this scenario, emerging countries have contributed to the increasing levels of consumption and environmental effects. Culture and socio-economic status play a significant role in environmental impacts and influences the consumption of green products. The current body of literature lacks studies focused on the attitude of Brazilian consumers in relation to these products. This research evaluates the elements that motivate the consumption of green product. A survey targeting individuals who have consumed these products was performed in the largest city in Southern Brazil. Data were analyzed using a factorial analysis, and a causal structural equation model was created to evaluate the drivers that promote green consumption. The elements of Information and Knowledge, Environmental Attitude, Social Context and Environmental Consciousness were strongly correlated with green consumption. However, the Quality and Price of green products has shown a weaker relationship with consumption. These elements indicated that the individuals in the survey recognize and seek information covering environmental issues, are concerned with the health effects associated with the consumption of the goods, and reject a brand or company that might have demonstrated inappropriate environmental behaviours. Also indicate that the relation price versus quality does not play a central role in the decision of consuming green products. Finally, information about these products and their pointof-sale availability were highlighted as enhancing green consumption. This outcome suggests that education might increase green consumption. This research contributed to understand the main drivers that support the decision about the green products option made for the surveyed sample. From a managerial standpoint, improvements in ethical transactions, the promotion of socially responsible actions, the distribution of appropriate information about green products, and the structure of the green supply chain could create new businesses focused on sustainable production and consumption. The findings of this research could support future policies and actions focused on providing information and knowledge about environmental and health contribution of the green products to the consumers, producers, companies, and society.
Green Attitudes And Behavior Gap; Obstruction To Be Green
A b s tr a c t: U nderstanding green consum ption behavior is critical fo r an y m arketer and it is clear that there are m any d ifferent m otives drive fo r green consum er behavior. H ow ever, the higlier levels o f public awareness o f environm ental concerns do not d irectly translate into actual buying and consum ption in regard to environm ental fr ien d ly products and services. The em erging p ic tu re o f green consum ption behavior is a process that is s tro n g ly influenced by consumer attitudes, bu t demands fo r green products have been remained controversial, complex, and v a ry in different cu ltural contexts. This s tu d y examines the a ttitu des and obstacles o f being green fro m the Sri Lankan consum ers' perspective. The objective o f the s tu d y is to in vestiga tefrom the m otivational aspect o f how individual values, behavior specific beliefs and moral norm s affect a ttitudes and intention tow ards green consum ption behavior in a developing country ...
Effect of environmental factors on Green purchase behavior of Students
Consumers’ growing concern for the environment and environment related issues are driving businesses across the globe to offer a wide range of green products choices across a wide variety of product categories. Environmental issues are of importance to consumers who are environmentally conscious when making a purchase. Hence, a better understanding of consumer preferences in this instance should allow businesses to acquire more market-applicable approach to sustain in the competitive market. The environmental factors influencing green purchase behavior are numerous. This study investigates the effects of environmental factors (self image, social influence, environmental concern and man-nature orientation) on green purchase behavior among students of Ahmadu Bello University Zaria. The study utilizes a descriptive and cross-sectional research design. The population for study is 35,000 students enrolment in 2015 and stratified randomly sampling were utilized with the aid of probability sampling technique. Data collected using self administered questionnaire with help of research assistant. Descriptive statistics, correlation and regression analysis of the data collected was done with aid of software package of social science (SPSS) for inferential statistical test, construct measurement validation as well as to establish the relationship between the environmental factor and green purchase behaviour. The results indicated that environmental factors such as self image and man-nature orientation have significant effects on green purchase behavior at 1% and 5% significant levels respectively. But, social influence and environmental concern have insignificant effect on green purchase behavior. The outcome of this study provides important insights to both managers and researchers for further understanding on the effects of environmental factors on green purchase behavior of student. The necessary suggestions on new area of research were recommended for future researchers.
Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 2022
This study aims to investigate the influencing factors on consumers’ choice behavior for green products by applying the theory of consumption values in Pakistan. It also studied the mediating effects of consumers’ environmental concerns among the associations of multidimensional consumption values and choice behavior. The data was collected from the consumers of green products in four metropolitan cities of Punjab Province (e.g. Lahore, Islamabad, Multan, and Faisalabad) using a structured self-administered questionnaire. The random sampling technique was employed. Based on the 480 responses, the empirical findings revealed that functional value-quality, emotional value, conditional value, and epistemic value have a positive impact on consumers’ choice behavior and their environmental concerns. Contrary to this, the functional value-price, social value, and environmental concerns have a negative impact on consumers’ choice behavior. Relating to mediation, environmental concerns have partially mediated between the associations of functional value-quality, functional value-price, emotional value, epistemic value, and consumers’ choice behavior. Practitioners and managers can use the study findings to reach out to their target audiences to increase the consumption of green products in the mainstream market.