El psicoanálisis, ¿una figura de la Fenomenología del espíritu? (original) (raw)

The Hegel’s Phenomenology of Spirit is offered as an attempt to genetically expose all possible figures of consciousness. Does this totalization project imply that the possibility of a lack of consciousness and even an unconscious has been foreseen or prefigured? Is the existence of margins of consciousness or the fact that certain things happen «behind» consciousness sufficient to confirm the reality of a Hegelian concept of the unconscious? Hegel was often summoned in the 1960s and 1970s and confronted with psychoanalysis. But is there not a fundamental difference between the unconscious processes that Phenomenology acknowledges and the psychic unconscious as Freud began to define it? To raise the problem of the status of the unconscious in the System, we will begin by considering psychoanalytical readings of certain Hegelian passages or themes but also the motives common to both thoughts or possible theoretical analogies. KeywoRds: Phenomenology of Spirit, Hegel, Sigmund Freud, H...