Ateliers primaires de l’Égypte gréco-romaine : le site de Beni Salama dans le Wadi Natrun (original) (raw)

Aïn Jawal (cuvette d’El Kowm, Syrie centrale). Un niveau d’occupation néolithique précéramique autour d’un puits artésien : résultats préliminaires

Syria, 2015

Resume – Le site archeologique de ʿAin Jawal, localise dans la region d’El-Kowm en Syrie centrale, s’organise autour d’un puits artesien situe au fond d’une doline. Depuis l’abandon de son exploitation, la doline a ete comblee par des apports eoliens. En 2010 et 2011, des fouilles archeologiques ont ete menees sur ce site. Des occupations du Paleolithique inferieur au Neolithique, ainsi que des vestiges appartenant aux periodes romaine et islamique ont ete mis au jour. Des occupations neolithiques PPNB ont ete identifiees dans les trois secteurs A, B et D du site. Une structure de combustion temoigne d’activites domestiques a cette periode, soit entre 8500-5500 av. J.-C. Les industries lithiques du PPNB sont composees en majorite de produits laminaires. Les fouilles ont egalement livre un bouchon en travertin et des restes fauniques domines par les equides dont un amas d’ossements identifie dans le secteur D. L’etude du site de ʿAin Jawal s’integre pleinement aux problematiques actu...

Kom El-Khamasin. Histoire accidentée d’un site archéologique égyptien

Collombert, Ph.; Lefèvre, D.; Polis, S.; Winand, J. (eds.) Aere perennius. Mélanges égyptologiques en l’honneur de Pascal Vernus. Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 242. Louvain. P. 17-41, 2016

Kom el-Khamasin is a little necropolis dated to the end of the Old Kingdom and the beginning of the First Intermediate Period and located in South Saqqara, approximately 3 km. west from the pyramid of Djedkara Izezi. The site is isolated and far away from any other building or burial area in the Memphite necropolis and this makes it particularly vulnerable. In 1999 it has been the object of a violent sacking which has destroyed it to a large extent. Ten years after this fact, in 2009, some inscribed limestone block fragments undoubtedly coming from Kom el-Khamasin appeared in some galleries of antiquities in Madrid and Barcelona. The palaeography and the contents of the inscriptions make it clear that they come from the tomb of the “greatest of the directors of craftsmen” Imephor-Impy, the most important known character buried in this cemetery. These inscriptions allow us to know better the peculiar career of this mysterious high official.

Des ateliers de bronziers romains à Berytus (iie-iiie s. apr. J.-C.) : les vestiges du site SFI654 (Beyrouth, Liban)

archéosciences, 2017

The remains of the bronze workshops discovered at parcel SFI654 in Beirut offer a rare opportunity to investigate large bronze casting during the roman period. These consist mainly of three casting pits sated to the 2nd - 3rd Century AD and located in an architectural complex that probably had a religious character and to which a bath was associated. The careful examination of all technical ceramics and copper base alloy remains and the analyses of a representative sample group helped understanding how these pits worked. the casting activity took place during the construction of the complex to furnish it with large vessels and monumental doorframe fittings. Furthermore, the evidence revealed crucial steps of the manufacturing process of large bronzes. These show that the melting of the leaded bronze alloys was done in large stationnary crucibles connected to the molds by a duct used for pouring of the molten metal. The results from this investigation initiated a comparison between w...