Vertical Velocity Dynamics and Mixing in an Anticyclone near the Canary Islands (original) (raw)

Geostrophic and ageostrophic circulation of a shallow anticyclonic eddy off Cape Bojador


A shallow mesoscale anticyclonic eddy, observed south of the Canary Islands with satellite altimetry, has been intensively studied with multiparametric sampling. Hydrographic data from a CTD installed on an undulating Nu-shuttle platform reveal the presence of a mesoscale anticyclonic eddy of 125kmdiameter.Thedifferenceinsealevelanomaly(SLA)betweentheinteriorandtheedgeoftheeddy,asdeterminedfromaltimetry,is125 km diameter. The difference in sea level anomaly (SLA) between the interior and the edge of the eddy, as determined from altimetry, is 125kmdiameter.Thedifferenceinsealevelanomaly(SLA)betweentheinteriorandtheedgeoftheeddy,asdeterminedfromaltimetry,is15 cm, which compares well with the maximum dynamic height differences as inferred using a very shallow reference level (130 m). Further, the associated surface geostrophic velocities, of about 35 cm s 21 in the northeast and southwest edges of the eddy, are in good agreement with direct velocity measurements from the ship. Deep rosette-CTD casts confirm that the structure is a shallow eddy extending no deeper than 250 m before the fusion with another anticyclone. The SLA-tendency (temporal rate of change of sea surface height) indicates a clear northwestward migration during the two first weeks of November 2008. Applying an eddy SSH-based tracker, the eddy's velocity propagation is estimated as 4 km d 21 . Use of the QG-Omega equation diagnoses maximum downward/upward velocities of about 62 m d 21 . The instability of the Canary coastal jet appears to be the mechanism responsible for the generation of the shallow anticyclonic eddy.

Vertical structure and temporal evolution of an anticyclonic eddy in the Balearic Sea (western Mediterranean)


1] An anticyclonic eddy in the Balearic Sea (western Mediterranean) was described using data from a mooring line deployed at the northern slope of Mallorca Island at about 900 m deep. Its surface signature was investigated using sea surface height and sea surface temperature images. The eddy, which lasted around 1 month, modified the thermohaline characteristics and the currents of the entire water column. Levantine Intermediate Waters, usually resident in the region, were displaced by colder and fresher Western Mediterranean Intermediate Waters associated with the eddy. Along-slope main currents (toward NE) were completely reversed at 500 m and significantly deviated at 900 m. Interestingly, near-bottom velocities were found to be systematically larger than those at intermediate depths. Furthermore, during the eddy, velocities reached values up to 26 cm/s at the bottom, 5 times larger than the bottom average speed. The recurrence of the phenomenon was explored with an eddy detection tool applied to satellite observations. Results indicated that anticyclonic eddies are common structures in the Balearic Current.

Interactions of surface and deep anticyclonic eddies in the Bay of Biscay

Journal of Marine Systems, 2013

In 1990, satellite observations revealed that an anticyclonic surface eddy (a SWODDY, for Slope Water Oceanic eDDY) followed a cycloidal trajectory north of the Iberian coast in the Bay of Biscay. To understand the mechanisms underlying such a trajectory, we study the evolution of an idealized surface eddy in a two-layer flat-bottom quasi-geostrophic model. The effect of several processes is studied, notably the presence of deep anticyclonic vorticity. This deep vorticity may result either from the tilting of the swoddy itself, or from the presence of an anticyclonic eddy of different origins, such as a meddy (Mediterranean Water EDDY). We also study the influence of a zonal coast south of the swoddy, via the "mirror effect".

Observed and simulated submesoscale vertical pump of an anticyclonic eddy in the South China Sea

Scientific reports, 2017

Oceanic mesoscale eddies with typical sizes of 30-200 km contain more than half of the kinetic energy of the ocean. With an average lifespan of several months, they are major contributors to the transport of heat, nutrients, plankton, dissolved oxygen and carbon in the ocean. Mesoscale eddies have been observed and studied over the past 50 years, nonetheless our understanding of the details of their structure remains incomplete due to lack of systematic high-resolution measurements. To bridge this gap, a survey of a mesoscale anticyclone was conducted in early 2014 in the South China Sea capturing its structure at submesoscale resolution. By modeling an anticyclone of comparable size and position at three horizontal resolutions the authors verify the resolution requirements for capturing the observed variability in dynamical quantities, and quantify the role of ageostrophic motions on the vertical transport associated with the anticyclone. Results indicate that different submesoscal...

A Lagrangian SF6 tracer study of an anticyclonic eddy in the North Atlantic: patch evolution, vertical mixing and nutrient supply to the mixed layer

Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 2001

Biological and biogeochemical change in the surface mixed layer of an anticyclonic eddy at 603N in the North Atlantic were monitored within a Lagrangian time-series study using the tracer sulphur hexa#uoride (SF). Four ARGOS buoys initially released at the patch centre remained closely associated with the SF patch over a 10-day period, with the near-circular eddy streamlines contributing to the stability and coherence of the patch. Progressive deepening of the surface mixed layer was temporarily interrupted by a storm, which increased mixed-layer nitrate and accelerated the transfer of SF to the atmosphere. Diapycnal exchange of SF was relatively rapid due to the shallow pycnocline gradient, and a vertical eddy di!usivity (K X) of 1.95 cm s\ at the base of the mixed layer was estimated from vertical SF pro"les at the patch centre. Application of K X to the nutrient gradients inferred vertical nitrate and phosphate #uxes of 1.8 and 1.25 mmol m\ d\, respectively, for the pre-storm period, which accounted for 33% and 20% of the reported in vivo uptake rates. Integration of the vertical nitrate #ux and decline in surface layer nitrate suggest a total loss of 0.54 mmol N m\ d\ during the 5-day pre-storm period, of which in vivo nitrate consumption only accounted for 49%. Vertical transport of ammonium regenerated in the pycnocline accounted for up to 25% of in vivo phytoplankton uptake. The results suggest that the contribution of vertical turbulence to the mixed-layer nutrient pool was less important than that recorded in other regions of the open ocean, inferring that advective processes are more signi"cant in an eddy. This study also emphasises the potential of SF for oceanic Lagrangian time series studies, particularly in dynamic regions, and in constraining estimates of new production.

Life history of an anticyclonic eddy

Journal of Geophysical Research, 2005

1] We use the trajectory of three buoys dragged below the surface mixed layer, together with sea surface temperature imagery, to examine the evolution of an anticyclonic warm-core eddy since its generation by the Canary Islands. Two buoys remain within the eddy during some 100 days, and the third one remains almost 200 days, while drifting southwestward up to 500 km with the mean Canary Current. The eddy merges with several younger anticyclonic and cyclonic eddies, in each occasion, suffering substantial changes. The eddy core, defined as a region with near-solid-body-type rotation and radial convergence, initially occupies the whole eddy. After interacting with another vortex the inner core markedly slows down, although it continues displaying radial convergence and relatively small radial oscillations, and an uncoupled outer ring is formed or enhanced, which revolves even more slowly and displays large radial fluctuations. The vortex extensive life is consistent with its inertially stable character and observations of radial convergence. A very simple model of vortex merging, where cylinders fuse conserving mass and angular momentum, gives fair results. The observations suggest that the eddy changes, as the result of its own slow evolution and sporadic mixing events, from a young stage, where the core retains its vorticity and occupies most of the eddy, through a mature stage, where the eddy has a reduced inner core and a slowly revolving outer ring, to a decay stage, where the vorticity maximum is substantially reduced.

A field study of the behaviour of an anticyclonic eddy on the Catalan continental shelf (NW Mediterranean)

Progress in Oceanography, 2005

Through the analysis of satellite thermal images, mesoscale anticyclonic eddies have been observed to recurrently drift along the NW Mediterranean coasts. The presence of these eddies is known to cause transient ''inversions'' of the shelf-slope current. By means of an exhaustive analysis of sea surface temperature images a group of anticyclonic structures were monitored in September 2001. One of these eddy-like features was tracked and intensely surveyed by means of conductivity-temperature-depth (CTD) casts and repeated fast surveys with Nm-Shuttle (oscillating CTD) and Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) measurements during the ET2001 oceanographic cruise. A well developed anticyclonic eddy was surveyed over the Catalan continental shelf, 60 km north of Barcelona. In situ velocity data revealed that the anticyclonic motion was characterized by surface velocities of 50 cm/s and a diameter of about 45 km. The signal of the eddy was found down to 100 m depth, well below the seasonal thermocline. The passage of the eddy modified the local flow, involving advection and subduction of surrounding waters.

An observational study of oceanic eddy generation mechanisms by tall deep-water islands (Gran Canaria)

Geophysical Research Letters, 2009

Oceanic eddy generation by tall deep-water islands is common phenomenon. It is recognized that these eddies may have a significant impact on the marine system and related biogeochemical fluxes. Hence, it is important to establish favourable conditions for their generation. With this objective, we present an observational study on eddy generation mechanisms by tall deep-water islands, using as a case study the island of Gran Canaria. Observations show that the main generation mechanism is topographic forcing, which leads to eddy generation when the incident oceanic flow is sufficiently intense. Wind shear at the island wake may acts only as an additional eddy-generation trigger mechanism when the impinging oceanic flow is not sufficiently intense. For the case of the island of Gran Canaria we have observed a mean of ten generated cyclonic eddies per year. Eddies are more frequently generated in summer coinciding with intense Trade winds and Canary Current. Oceanic eddy generation by tall deep-water islands is common phenomenon. It is recognized that these eddies may have a significant impact on the marine system and related biogeochemical fluxes. Hence, it is important to establish favourable conditions for their generation. With this objective, we present an observational study on eddy generation mechanisms by tall deep-water islands, using as a case study the island of Gran Canaria. Observations show that the main generation mechanism is topographic forcing, which leads to eddy generation when the incident oceanic flow is sufficiently intense. Wind shear at the island wake may acts only as an additional eddy-generation trigger mechanism when the impinging oceanic flow is not sufficiently intense. For the case of the island of Gran Canaria we have observed a mean of ten generated cyclonic eddies per year. Eddies are more frequently generated in summer coinciding with intense Trade winds and Canary Current.

Advanced insights into sources of vertical velocity in the ocean

Ocean Dynamics, 2006

Estimating vertical velocity in the oceanic upper layers is a key issue for understanding ocean dynamics and the transport of biogeochemical elements. This paper aims to identify the physical sources of vertical velocity associated with sub-mesoscale dynamics (fronts, eddies) and mixed-layer depth (MLD) structures, using (a) an ocean adaptation of the generalized Q-vector form of the ωequation deduced from a primitive equation system which takes into account the turbulent buoyancy and momentum fluxes and (b) an application of this diagnostic method for an ocean simulation of the Programme Océan Multidisciplinaire Méso Echelle (POMME) field experiment in the North-Eastern Atlantic. The approach indicates that wsources can play a significant role in the ocean dynamics and strongly depend on the dynamical structure (anticyclonic eddy, front, MLD, etc.). Our results stress the important contribution of the ageostrophic forcing, even under quasigeostrophic conditions. The turbulent w-forcing was split into two components associated with the spatial variability of (a) the buoyancy and momentum (Ekman pumping) surface fluxes and (b) the MLD. Process (b) represents the trapping of the buoyancy and momentum surface energy into the MLD structure and is identified as an atmosphere/ oceanic mixed-layer coupling. The momentum-trapping process is 10 to 100 times stronger than the Ekman pumping and is at least 1,000 times stronger than the buoyancy w-sources. When this decomposition is applied to a filamentary mixed-layer structure simulated during the POMME experiment, we find that the associated vertical velocity is created by trapping the surface wind-stress energy into this structure and not by Ekman pumping.