Effectiveness of Islamic Religion Education Learning With Principal of Different Religion (Case Study in Elementary School Burengan 2 Kediri) (original) (raw)

Efforts Of Islamic Religious Education Teachers In Improving The Quality Of Learning In Elementary Schools

IJGIE (International Journal of Graduate of Islamic Education)

The purpose of this study was to find out and analyze Islamic religious education instructors who have improved the quality of education in elementary schools. The research method is qualitative with the type of literature review research. Primary data sources consist of; educational and scientific literature books as well as books that are closely related to research using qualitative research methods involving literature studies. The results of research on Islamic religious education conducted at SDIT Multazam do not place cognitive aspects as the only goal, because Islamic knowledge must ultimately be applied in everyday life. The emphasis is on affective and psychomotor aspects, such as students' ability to practice Islamic religious teachings in everyday life, such as Duha prayers, memorizing the Koran, and congregational midday prayers.

Children's Response to Islamic Religious Learning at Erwita School Educare Center Medan


This study aims to analyze children's responses to Islamic religious learning at the ErwitaEducare Center Kindergarten School in Medan, and Islamic learning at the ErwitaEducare Center Kindergarten School Medan.This research uses descriptive narrative qualitative method. To obtain data, researchers conducted observations, interviews and documentation. In analyzing the data, this research was carried out in stages, namely, data collection, data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions in obtaining data.The results in this study indicate that the Islamic Religious Learning of this school emphasizes the Learning of Faith, Learning of Worship, and Learning of Morals. the response to Islamic learning shown by the child is to have a positive response or attitude. This can be seen from some of the responses or attitudes of children in learning, namely (a) Responses / attitudes towards the subject matter of Islamic Religion (b) Responses / attitudes of children towards teach...

Implementation of Islamic Religious Education Learning and Character in the New Normal Era

Al-Hayat: Journal of Islamic Education

This article aims to describe the planning, implementation, and evaluation of IRE (Islamic Religious Education) and Character learning at SMK Thoriqul Ulum Pacet. This article uses qualitative research with a case study approach. For data collection, researchers used observation, interviews, and documentation techniques. Data analysis techniques were carried out by data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. This study obtained the following results: 1) General learning planning, a) determination of health protocols, b) preparation of lesson plans, c) face to face assessment during the new standard period d) evaluation. 2) Implementing Islamic Education and Character Learning in the New Normal Era at Thoriqul Ulum Pacet Vocational School using face to face but reducing learning hours. 3) Evaluation of Islamic Education and Character Learning in the New Normal Era at Thoriqul Ulum Pacet Vocational School with the teacher giving exams, oral tests, assignments, and homew...

The Necessity and Reality of Islamic Religious Education in Schools

Jurnal Ilmiah Islam Futura, 2023

Currently, Islamic religious education (PAI) is experiencing various obstacles due to various factors, and is considered unable to achieve the expected goals of PAI itself, so many criticisms are directed at PAI, this study aims to reveal what is criticized by PAI itself, and what steps should be taken to improve existing constraints, using a qualitative approach and literature study methods the researcher collects from various reliable sources about the problems that occur concerning PAI, the results of this study indicate that the spotlight and criticism of PAI include several aspects, namely PAI learning process is less than optimal, incompetent educators, students who are not pro-active, monotonous learning methods, less varied learning media, and incomplete learning evaluations. These aspects cannot be implemented optimally so that PAI experiences obstacles and setbacks, therefore the improvement and strengthening of these aspects need to be studied to solve problems that occur in PAI.

The Role of Islamic Education Teachers in the Middle of Society in Religious Activities

International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research of Higher Education

Islamic Education is a compulsory subject in education in Indonesia on the basis of the Qur'an and Hadith, to achieve its learning objectives, namely faith and character, various instruments are needed, one of which is teaching staff. This study aims to find out what the role of a religious teacher is in religious activities in the community. This study uses a qualitative method with a case study approach. Sources of data were taken from five informants through interviews, all informants are active educators from several educational institutions. The results of the study show that the social role of a teacher in religious activities in the community, namely being an imam or lecturer at tarawih prayers and IED prayers, preachers and priests for Friday prayers, teaching at the Qur'an educational parks, committees for commemorating Islamic holidays, and participate in religious social services. This role is also supported by different motives for each informant. The results of ...

Tipologi Kurikulum Pendidikan Agama Islam Pada Sekolah Islam Terpadu ( Sit ) Curriculum Typology of Islamic Religion Education in Integrated Islamic School ( Sit )


In the last ten fifteen years, the Integrated Islamic School (SIT) has grown rapidly. At first this school grew in urban areas, but now it has penetrated into the periphery. One of them is thriving in Tegal Regency. This study aims to determine the typology of the Islamic Education curriculum at the SMP IT in Tegal Regency. This research is a qualitative study with direct observation of three schools. The research findings indicate that the typology of Islamic education curriculum at the SMP IT in Tegal Regency are various. At least there are three variants of SIT, i.e. (1) SIT under the cope of Network of Integrated Islamic School (JSIT) as practiced by SMP IT Luqman Al-Hakim, (2) SIT which follow the course of aswaja as practiced by SMP IT Al-Azhar, and (3) SIT which is Islamic Nationalist, as in SMP IT Bimantara Al-Furqon. Those three viariants of SIT have differences in implementing the education curriculum of Islamic religion. SIT JSIT applies the combination curriculum of educ...

Efforts of Islamic Religious Education Teachers in Improving Learning Outcomes in Aqidah Subjects of Grade VII Morals in MTs Al Furqon Klari Karawang


This Akhlak Creed subject is a branch of Islamic religious education, the subject of moral faith in forming religious character emphasizes the aspect of habituation early on and not only the responsibility of the school but all participate in improving the learning outcomes of learners involving families, schools and community environments. The purpose of this study is to find out the efforts of PAI teachers in improving the learning outcomes of learners in moral faith subjects carried out in class VII at MTs Al-Furqon Klari Karawang. The subjects of the study were principals, PAI teachers and students. This research method is qualitatively descriptive i.e. written or oral of the research object. Data collection techniques use observations, interviews, and documentation. The result of PAI teacher efforts, learners in moral faith subjects there is an increase in terms of written value and skills.

Islamic Religious Education Learning Strategy to Realize Eight Student Characters in State Elementary School 107405 Sei Rotan

This study aims to determine the magnitude of the relationship of interest in learning and intellectual intelligence to the learning outcomes of Islamic Education in elementary school students in Bandar Setia Village, Percut Sei Tuan District. The sample in this study amounted to 34 people taken from 10% of the total student population of 333 people. This study uses data collection tools in the form of questionnaires. The questionnaire is compiled based on variable indicators and then conducted a trial to the respondents who entered the sample in this study. The data analysis process was carried out in three stages: (1) describing the data of the research variables, (2) testing the analytical requirements, (3) testing the hypothesis to determine the relationship between the variables of the study using correlation analysis techniques. Conclusions based on data analysis and testing process are described as follows: (1) learning interest has a positive and significant relationship with learning outcomes. (2). intellectual intelligence has a positive and significant relationship with learning outcomes. and (3). learning interest and intellectual intelligence together have a positive and significant relationship. On the basis of the results of these studies it can be stated that the interest in learning and intellectual intelligence has a positive and significant effect on learning outcomes both individually and together.


Didaktika Religia, 2013

The study describes the implementation of Islamic teaching at UNP Kediri. This is qualitative in nature. The findings are as follows. Firstly, the teaching materials of Islamic teaching at UNP consist of main topics and some others developed to meet the characteristics of the students. Secondly, the specific competences required are the unity of God, character, and problem solving. Thirdly, the strategies used by the teachers are the flexibility of classroom rules, providing models, and contextual teaching. And fourthly, the evaluation is mainly affective evaluation. Key words: System, Islamic teaching, UNP

The Modification of Islamic Religion Learning Through Sekolah Penggerak Curricullum

EDURELIGIA: Jurnal Pendidikan Agama Islam

PAI Learning Modification is an effort made to create and display something new, unique, and interesting. This study aims to reveal in depth about the modification of PAI learning in the curriculum of the driving school. This study uses qualitative research using a case study approach. The informants of this research were the principal, curriculum representative, PAI Motivator Teacher, and students. This data collection technique uses the method of observation, interviews, and documentation. The validity of the data was tested by using source triangulation and technique triangulation. and data analysis techniques using the Miles and Huberman model, namely data reduction, data presentation, verification (drawing conclusions). The results obtained are first, the curriculum used previously was the 2013 curriculum based on the competencies formulated from the SKL. Second, PAI learning has not changed the same as the previous curriculum in PAI learning, which focuses on exploring the bas...