Studies of Used to Forest Product by Dayak Meratus Tribe in the Forest Area of Meratus Mountain, Hulu Sungai Tengah Regency (original) (raw)

Pemanfaatan Sumberdaya Hutan Oleh Suku Dayak Meratus Kalimantan Selatan

Jurnal Hutan Tropis, 2021

Dayak Meratus in Loklahung Village, Loksado District, South Hulu Sungai Regency, South Kalimantan is one of the tribes living around the forest. They use forest resources to meet their daily needs. This research aims to analized the utilization of types and the forms of forest resources by indigenous peoples. Data collecting that used in this research are in-depth interviews and field observations. The analysis of data used tabulation matrix and qualitative description. The results showed that the utilization of forest resources is inherited from ancestors. The utilization of forest resources is mostly carried out in the forest in the form of activities: (1) Finding fuel and firewood; (2) Hunting; (3) Looking for handicraft materials; (4) Looking for nontimber forest products and (5). Looking for medicinal ingredients. The perception of dayak meratus people to the impact of forest resource utilization both flora and fauna belongs to the moderate category.

Pemanfaatan Tumbuhan Hutan sebagai Bahan Pengobatan Tradisional oleh Masyarakat Suku Dayak Meratus Kalimantan Selatan

Proceedings Series on Physical & Formal Sciences

The use of forest plants as medicinal materials is an essential part of the life of indigenous peoples, one of which is the Dayak tribe of the Meratus Mountains. This study aimed to analyze the use of plants as medicinal ingredients for the indigenous Cabai community in Patikalain Village, Hantakan District, Hulu Sungai Tengah Regency, which is part of the Meratus Mountains Dayak tribe. The method of data collection was done by semi-structured interviews. Selected respondents were determined by purposive sampling and snowball sampling techniques. Data were analyzed by tabulation matrix. There were 18 types of forest plants that were used as medicine by the indigenous people of Cabai. The most widely used plant habitats for medicinal purposes were shrubs/shrubs and trees. Roots and leaves were the most widely used plant parts in medicine. There were at least 23 diseases that could be treated with various types of plants. Forest plants were widely used for internal medicine compared t...

Etnobotani Tumbuhan Obat Oleh Masyarakat Dayak Meratus Desa Haruyan Dayak Kecamatan Hantakan Kabupaten Hulu Sungai Tengah Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan

Jurnal Sylva Scienteae

This study aims to identify medicinal plants by the Dayak community, and how to process and use them based on indicated symptoms or diseases. Haruyan village inhabited by indigenous Dayak Dayak Meratus are believed to have knowledge in the use of medicinal plants. Dayak community-owned greatness variety such as belief in ancestral spirits History and ethnobotany study they did in traditional medicine. This study used a descriptive method with in-depth interviews with selected informants, namely traditional leaders and traditional healers. A questionnaire was used to help focus the interview. The results obtained show that there are 30 species of medicinal plants used for disorders of supernatural beings, stomatch aches, broken bones or knots, toothaches, wounds, chills, ulcers, paralysis (stroke), and diarrhea. Leaves are the most widely used part of the plant at 63.3%. Processing of plant parts and their use as medicine can be done in 5 ways, respectively.Keywords: Ethnobotany; M...

Fungsi Mantra Belian pada Masyarakat Dayak Meratus di Hulu Sungai Tengah

STILISTIKA: Jurnal Bahasa, Sastra, dan Pengajarannya, 2019

Dayak Meratus adalah istilah baru untuk menggantikan penyebutan Dayak Bukit bagi penduduk asli Kalimantan yang mendiami wilayah Pegunungan Meratus. Pegunungan ini membentang arah utara ke selatan, seolah membelah daratan Kalimantan Selatan menjadi dua sisi, barat dan timur. Suku Dayak tinggal di antara lembah-lembah pegunungan pada sisi barat dan timur. Pada sisi barat termasuk dalam wilayah Kabupaten Balangan, Hulu Sungai Selatan, Hulu Sungai Tengah, dan Kabupaten Banjar. Sisi timur meliputi wilayah Kabupaten Kotabaru dan Tanah Bumbu. Tulisan ini akan mengkaji tentang fungsi mantra upacara belian ditinjau dari antropologi sastra. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsikan fungsimantra belian pada masyarakat Dayak Meratus di Hulu Sungai Tengah. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif. Hasil penelitian ini adalah tentang Fungsimantra yang ditemukan dalam penelitian ini adalah Fungsi pengobatan/belian adalah untukmenyembuhkan, menghilangkan, atau mengobati rasa sakit yang ...

Turning-back Farming System on Dayak Meratus Community in Haratai Village, Loksado Sub-district, Hulu Sungai Selatan Regency, Indonesia


The failure of green revolution has encouraged people to return to a locally based sustainable agriculture. The Dayak community has implemented this farming system, which is called turn-back cultivation, since their ancestor. However, after many years, this system has suspectedly changed. Thus, this study aims are: (1) to describe turn-back cultivation activities from pre-planting until post-harvesting, (2) to study Dayak community local wisdom on turn-back cultivation, (3) to analize ecology level which revelant to sustainable agriculture, and (4) to determine turn-back cultivation economic feasibility. The process of turn-back cultivation always through the regularly stages, which are some of them were preceded by the traditional rituals. Those stages have nature conservation/preservation values. Beside, turn-back cultivation have local wisdoms in terms of conservation/ecology, food security and sociocultural. The ecological level was catagorized as intermediate because some activities and inputs were not suitable to sustainable agriculture requirements. Based on economic feasibily by using Revenue-Cost Ratio (RCR) criteria, turn-back cultivation was not feasible.

Kebun Hutan Sebagai Teknologi Praktis dalam Upaya Konservasi Air Dan Energi Masyarakat Dayak Pegunungan Meratus

Hubungan antara hutan dan masyarakat Dayak Pegunungan Meratus membentuk suatu hubungan yang tidak dapat dipisahkan. Secara turun temurun kehidupan masyarakat di sekitar hutan secara langsung maupun tidak langsung sangat bergantung pada hutan. Selain sebagai penyedia bahan pangan, hutan juga dapat memberi penghasilan tambahan yaitu dari hasil hutan non-kayu seperti ikan, damar, gaharu, rotan, madu dan lain-lain. Mengingat peran hutan yang sangat strategis tersebut maka dari waktu kewaktu masyarakat selalu mengelola dan mengembangkan hutan dengan baik. Salah satu upaya yang dilakukan masyarakat dalam pengelolaan hutan adalah dengan cara membangun kebun hutan (forest gardens).Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengkaji pengelolaan kebun hutan sebagai teknologi praktis dalam upaya konservasi air dan energi pada masyarakat Dayak Pegunungan Meratus. Metode utama yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah menggunakan mixed methodology atau metode model campuran dengan memadukan pendekatan kuantitatif dan kualitatif dalam perbedaan tahap-tahap proses penelitian. Dari hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa kebun hutan yang terdapat di Pegunungan Meratus memiliki keanekaragaman hayati yang tinggi seperti adanya kelompok kebun buah, kebun karet campuran, kebun kemiri, kebun rotan, kebun sintuk. Kelompok-kelompok kebun hutan tersebut memiliki peran ekologis yang nyata dalam mengkonservasi sumber-sumber mata air yang terdapat pada Sub Das Amandit. Begitu pula dengan kebutuhan energi rumah tangga masyarakat yang dapat terpenuhi dari kayu bakar dan damar yang berasal dari kebun hutan yang ada. Kata kunci: kebun hutan

Pengelolaan Kebun Hutan (Forest Garden) Oleh Masyarakat Suku Dayak Meratus DI Desa Hinas Kiri Kecamatan Batang Alai Timur

Jurnal Sylva Scienteae

Management of forest gardens (forest garden) by the Dayak Meratus people in Hinas Kiri Village, Batang Alai Timur District. The purpose of this study is to examine the system of forest garden management (forest garden) patters for Dayak Meratus community in the village of hinas kiri. The object of this research is the Dayak meratus community in Hinas Kiri Village, Batang Alai Timur District, Hulu Sungai Tengah Regency. This study uses a purposive sampling method, which is a deliberate sampling technique with parties who are considered capable and competent in providing descriptions and information to answer questions. The result of the data obtained were compiled, processed, and analyzed to be able to provide an overview of the exiting problems. Based on the result obtained from this study, the forest garden system in hinas kiri village is divided into 3 forest plantation systems, namely seasonal forest gardens, annual forest garden, mixed forest gardens (annual and seasonal).Pengel...

Ulayat Forest Management by Indigenous People and Its Effects on Deforestation in Dharmasraya Production Forest in West Sumatra Province

Jurnal Analisis Kebijakan Kehutanan

Satellite analysis in the forest on working area of Production Forest Management Unit (PFMU) Dharmasraya shows that there has been deforestation from 2000 to 2014. Generally, deforestation is due to the conversion of forests into plantations. Deforestation is supported by activities of trading communal land with outside community. This study aims to identify local forest management irregularities of forests claimed as ulayat lands and the impacts to deforestation. This research was conducted in the PFMU Dharmasraya, West Sumatra. Data collection was conducted from February to August 2017. The study implements qualitative research design with snowball sampling to determine the research informants. The results show that local communities contribute to deforestation in the working area of PFMU Dharmasraya through the process of trading the ulayat land. In the last 14 years, secondary forest has decreased from 28,278 to 6,118 hectares. Trading of the land is through two processes: "manaruko" and "non-manaruko". Traditionally, the manaruko sale of the customary land is in accordance with customary law while non-manaruko sale of ulayat land is not in accordance with customary rules. This process was initiated by the ulayat rulers without "adat diisi, limbago dituang" process.

Jenis Tumbuhan Hutan Yang Dimanfaatkan Sebagai Bahan Kerajinan Oleh Suku Dayak Tamambaloh Desa Labian Kecamatan Batang Lupar Kabupaten Kapuas Hulu


Plants as natural resources were very diverse and abundant for various purposes, among others as a raw material for crafts. Dayak Tamambaloh tribe is a tribe that lived from one generation to the next generation in their customary areas which inseparable with the utilization of the forest plants specially as a craft material. The purpose of this research was to get the data and document of the species of forest plants that used as a craft material also to get know how the process of product produced by the Dayak Tamambaloh in Labian Village, Batang Lupar District, Kapuas Hulu Regency. The data was collected by interviewing the respondent and field survey. The result of this research found that there were 22 species of forest plant that utilized and 47 handicraft product that produced by the people of Dayak Tamambaloh, Labian Village, Batang Lupar District, Kapuas Hulu Regency.Keywords: Craft Plants, Tamambaloh Tribe, Batang Lupar, Kapuas Hulu